The Autobiography of Nobody N. Particular
"Wow! U should write/publish those stories!" they said. "What for? What's the point?" I was observant, but didn't know it was a BFD to integrate a Levittown. I'm tasked to kick butts in life somehow, as my daughter is meant to kick mine. It's a blog/social experiment ..interrupted, unedited and mostly written half asleep. Xanadu Grid is finally in work and I hope to get funded and employ some talented nerds Gamifying the metaverse for education. It's important! (/me points to PayPal Button)
OneBigSoup cashtag
recovery fundraiser for A. Blackwell
Sunday, January 9, 2022
How to Impress a Scot
Thursday, January 6, 2022
original post asked about the SS Elizabeth Blackwell
Thank you for posting your request on History Hub!
We searched the National Archives Catalog and located the Armed Guard Logs, 1943 - 1945 in the Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel (Record Group 24) that includes logs of the SS Elizabeth Blackwell for 4-13-1943 to 3-28-46 (Box 243); SS Carl Schurz for 7-3-43 to 1-2-46 (Box 145); and SS Aleutian for 7-24-43 to 9-17-45 (Box 26). We also located the Armed Guard Files, 1934 - 1946 in the Records of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (Record Group 38) that include file units titled Elizabeth Blackwell 04/13/43 - 04/22/46 (Box195); Carl Schurz 12/13/42 - 02/01/46 (Box 104); and Aleutian 06/06/42 - 09/25/45 (Box 16). For access and/or copies of these logs and file units, please contact the National Archives at College Park - Textual Reference (RDT2) via email at
Since Merchant Marine log books were required for vessels that traveled between Pacific and Atlantic ports, the logs must be submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard at the final port of the voyage. Therefore, we searched the Catalog for these logs and located the following series in the Records of the U.S. Coast Guard (Record Group 26):
- Official Merchant Vessel Logbooks, 1942 - 1974 for the port of Jacksonville that include logs of the SS Elizabeth Blackwell for 1-10-43(?) to 1-1-59. For access, please contact the National Archives at Atlanta (RE-AT) at
- Official Logbooks of Merchant Vessels, 1942 - 1989 for the port of New York that includes logs of the SS Elizabeth Blackwell for 1-7-44 to 8-28-46. For access, please contact the National Archives at New York (RE-NY) at
- Official Logbooks of Merchant Vessels, 1942 - 1978 for the port of San Francisco that include the logs of the SS Elizabeth Blackwell for 11-23-43 to 3-10-45; the SS Carl Schurz for 9-11-44 to 10-11-44; and SS Aleutian for 1-13-46 to 2-10-46. For access, please contact the National Archives at San Francisco (RE-SB) at
- Official Logbooks of Merchant Vessels, 1910 - 1978 for the port of Seattle that include the logs of the SS Carl Schurz for 2-4-43 to 5-1-46 and SS Aleutian for 3-27-42 to 10-21-49. For access, please contact the National Archives at Seattle (RE-SE) at
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to guidance received from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), NARA has adjusted its normal operations to balance the need of completing its mission-critical work while also adhering to the recommended social distancing for the safety of NARA staff. As a result of this re-prioritization of activities, you may experience a delay in receiving an initial acknowledgement as well as a substantive response to your reference request from RDT2, RE-AT, RW-SB, and RW-SE. We apologize for this inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and patience.
We hope this is helpful. Best of luck with your research!
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Sunday, September 26, 2021
The Iconic Scene That Ended Bewitched Forever
I felt weird as the only one in the family who's hair got lighter in the sun. He didn't get much, but on his hands and face. The 30-yr pin did not include 8 years active duty. *ahem*
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Billy Connolly HBO about 1989
When we FINALLY got M-TV after living in Chicago.
Ferris ping on the "fuck off and go home" gag.
Some Sailors used F-bombs just like that, and Chicago had that ATT cable cut (and we wondered if he was bribed to do it) Board of Trade trading was routed to New York Stock Exchange and Coming to America rocked morons who didn't know there were actual Kings and Queens in Africa.
and why Hillary thought the 24/7 coverage was normal-ish.
I'd met squids who were so ignorant, they hardly qualified as "House Broken".
I was stationed at NAS Jax when this aired about 1989 after the MALE prostitution ring hit the news. My Dad was just about to retire from DoD's DARPAnet project trying to figure out how he and Uncle Charlie could explain the logistical advantage of tablet technology.
And here we are, The South African, Levittown social experiment failed.
I'd showed this to a friend and explained that when it comes to discipline, they were as Black as US!
It would have been cool to have seen THIS guy back then. The only other FEMALE AX, who worked the P-3 Orion was a CAMPBELL!
She was a Cracker Jack level Petty Officer.
I rather had a different perspective on National Security and intellectual property.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Pirates of the Caribbean - Accidentally Genius
NOW I'm getting somewhere. I just had to zoom out A LOT!
(I'm still typing blind, but I guess that was the idea all long)
notes from decoding HMS Pinafore, Buckaroo Bonsai, Buffy and my family's actual genealogy of the era.
I miss Prince and Michael...
and had just discovered John Blackwell Jr was in New Power Generation while catching up on TIDAL
I'm also apparently a DeHolland and they are about to setup dragging Lake Michigan with outsourced help. WHAT ABOUT THE WORKERS IN CHICAGOLAND?
Somebody's in DEEP CA CA for nullifying the Marian years and the calls for #Jubilee
I should have been returned to UK when Congress SNORTED up our survival benefits.
penis envy is a joke and we only learned Keynes to know WTF men got the idea we'd tolerate such libelous, slanderous bloodthirsty bullshit.
imposter in chief is guilty af for high mutiny for stealing lands every time we were called for duty.
what story do you have without some kind of "GOD"?
So Catholicism was to merge the three philosophies, but the ILLITERATI was never to have been allowed to go this far.
So we've been mostly Navy, unless the college degrees didn't cover it.
Microsuck certs broke THE CHARTER that rules the waves.
Hidden Figures project predated computers, it seems and gold is a conductor that would magnify and signal only when the frequency of her distress resonated an actual biological SOS.
Oh yeah, I'm checking, but Blackwells and Morgans were tight after coming in from Scotia thru the Panama Canal, Jamaica and wherever we washed up from Cuba. Scotts and UK refused were sold out of Barbados, and all over there where melanin happened and all those songs about Brown Sally's.... and such. I don't mess with people named "Brown", especially not in A-School, 1988 after Grandad passed? Not sure, but I was throwing chairs at a MARINE across the room until he quit laughing. Do nothing during a break just to make "Blackwell go apeshit". and nobody wins a war against women, especially a suffragette named BLACKWELL, dammit.
The whole thing. Why? "Cause Imma Grant-BLACKWELL DAMMIT!"
and we are verbose
Jack was a Mulatto Jacobite from Wales? (Sparrow) who became skilled and then dangerous to the supremacist power structure. And the rant of lost meritocracy and slave mentalities.
And of course, everybody expected the Spanglish Inquisition.
Blackwell has it's own Rum now. Mr. Blackwell of Versace, was NOT a bloodline Blackwell and NYC took our island in a tax scam, during another fake depression.
Cowboys / Angus farmers were the first medics, before the official MD certification.
The Medici family was found INNOCENT of all crimes, thanks to THIS Pope. and no, I don't know who was in the Vatican at this time, don't make me look shit up, nobody's paying me a dime....the DIVERGENT rant.
We have family wheels that look like tipi covers, but now we are full circle.... or nearly.
The Space Race turned into the Net with fear of the commies driving the rest of the money.
But the Privateers/Dixiecrats/libertarians are getting their tax bill for cheating more than the width of the thumb. (Rule of thumb)
The ship called "Black Pearl" was sold in the 70s. But there were other "Black Pearls"
Do you remember how we couldn't do this before Obama was in office?
1988 Max Headroom hack, Chicagoland. I'd been in the Navy for about a year, wondering if the P-3 Orion was named after my Great Grandad Orison Grant (Civil War UNION) followed by a Naval Steam Ship, then the P-3 Orion. So we're in the Prove Me Wrong stage.
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