"Wow! U should write/publish those stories!" they said. "What for? What's the point?" I was observant, but didn't know it was a BFD to integrate a Levittown. I'm tasked to kick butts in life somehow, as my daughter is meant to kick mine. It's a blog/social experiment ..interrupted, unedited and mostly written half asleep. Xanadu Grid is finally in work and I hope to get funded and employ some talented nerds Gamifying the metaverse for education. It's important! (/me points to PayPal Button)
OneBigSoup cashtag
recovery fundraiser for A. Blackwell
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Eartha Kitt, Timbuktu, In the Beginning Woman, 1978 MD Telethon
crap... I just pulled this off Youtube because I meant it for here and it lost it's formatting...grumble, biotch, moan...
I'm trying to get this in chronological order and it's been a mess.
I think that was the point of "blog"...anyway, I've got a splitting headache due to eyestrain and like my peers,.... just out of fuqs to give.,.. for now.
these are called REASONS,, to reasonable people.
bullies keep stealing my glasses or giving me whatever the guys leftover...
Kennedy Center - I was never the same. It was as if my own mother sent her to me. Suffice it to say, my reaction was noted. sparkly eyes? No, she woke a sleeper that had only passed Schroeder's Beethoven.
We were patrons of The Arts, so the years around 1976 were fuzzy logic applied. Dad's "kiddo" saw Mufasa without my glasses. Something evil took my eyes when the voice of Darth Vader did Othello. Or did Othello do Darth (Sir James Earl Jones).
By 78, I'd blown through The Pink Panther and The Entertainer (normal version) and Maple Leaf Rag by age ... oh right... I started learning it at the Music and Arts Center at 15/16 doing rental contracts and learning Maple Leaf, Dragon's Lair and Galaga...Galaxian So, they wanted to feed MY track team to the 1976 West Point Cheaters? By then I'd attempted to read Paulette's roof-blowing book, was still culturally illiterate and needed more info before wondering which auntie made HER want to consider suicide. /me points to my stepmother, a special ed teacher from HACKenSACK. Mother reminded me of Eartha Kitt and I figure her voice was a factor. Grandma was a "Swing Kid". So by 1978, Competitions with the teacher's guilds were old hat. By my first job after the maiden voyage at Mt. Holyoke (Summermath) I got my first real job at Music and Arts which is now (Guitar Center) their guitar teacher learned it from me. that was fun. The jazz band at school taught me Dust in the Wind upside down. I was definitaly lefty and thought it'd be funny to play a righty guitar over the top. So in 1982 filling out rental contracts until the school year started, one of the guys from another store walked in and yelled, HEY! You owe me a quarter ...and I reached for it ... chances are he was right so.. Hey, I know me! We fell out when we recognized each other from back in the days of PONG and my dyslexia was kinda fun in a fuzzy logical kinda way. Thanks to the First Family, this country raised it's MAINSTREAM to a height of civility it hasn't seen EVER. (pause to edit)
Thursday, December 22, 2016
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
When I decided to stop aging....
It's a well-known fact that learning by doing is the best way to learn.
It's also known that stress kills and it's the main catalyst for all disease.
(Oh, you didn't know that? Now ya do)
So my multicultural education was dumped at Rockcliffe due to "they can't see my work so it didn't happen" OR after accusing me of racism due to their extreme TX bigotries.
"My ex is Black and knows ALL ABOUT people like YOU!"
I'm also a snob for knowing the difference between a Crock Pot and my Japanese rice cooker.
My favorite props, the Dwarfins closed down, so I spent the past few days backing up my inventory for sale. Those pics are on another network.
but they only live in Second Life and most of us have left by now.
They come out to the hyper-grids, and we usually send them back.
My DSL line has been mostly unstable since October, but they finally fixed it.
By that time, HMS Pinafore had me busy and Prince was doing his anti-tour-tour.
I'd seen the band straggling back to the networks, and it was difficult keeping up.
as I was looking for old work and pictures, I was shocked to find this from
EA Games (known to troll the network communities to create new games of our RP)
and I had others look it over. Rather familiar vernacular....granted, I do sound like the nerds coming up, having been princing my work for this since forever.
Wadjet eye's Blackwell series was one thing. I remember when Steam came up, but it wasn't something I had the bandwidth to pursue since it's not the interaction I needed for an art therapy campus like Xanady, which is rather the same meaning as Arcadia, depending on your choice of lore.
Anyway, I just
love my folks.... and we've been "weird" a mighty long time.
but come now....rly?
I wasn't even invited BACK to EA Games. I remember suggesting they join with Ikea, but they did that wrong too.
Oh, so it was always a no-win situation, huh?
It's also known that stress kills and it's the main catalyst for all disease.
(Oh, you didn't know that? Now ya do)
So my multicultural education was dumped at Rockcliffe due to "they can't see my work so it didn't happen" OR after accusing me of racism due to their extreme TX bigotries.
"My ex is Black and knows ALL ABOUT people like YOU!"
I'm also a snob for knowing the difference between a Crock Pot and my Japanese rice cooker.
My favorite props, the Dwarfins closed down, so I spent the past few days backing up my inventory for sale. Those pics are on another network.
but they only live in Second Life and most of us have left by now.
They come out to the hyper-grids, and we usually send them back.
My DSL line has been mostly unstable since October, but they finally fixed it.
By that time, HMS Pinafore had me busy and Prince was doing his anti-tour-tour.
I'd seen the band straggling back to the networks, and it was difficult keeping up.
as I was looking for old work and pictures, I was shocked to find this from
EA Games (known to troll the network communities to create new games of our RP)
and I had others look it over. Rather familiar vernacular....granted, I do sound like the nerds coming up, having been princing my work for this since forever.
Wadjet eye's Blackwell series was one thing. I remember when Steam came up, but it wasn't something I had the bandwidth to pursue since it's not the interaction I needed for an art therapy campus like Xanady, which is rather the same meaning as Arcadia, depending on your choice of lore.
Anyway, I just
love my folks.... and we've been "weird" a mighty long time.
I wasn't even invited BACK to EA Games. I remember suggesting they join with Ikea, but they did that wrong too.
Oh, so it was always a no-win situation, huh?
world lost.
literally bought the lies he sold you, based on
BS that President Obama failed.
is NOT the "Obama Administration"
don't know you, but I'm pretty sure I don't wannabe you.
certainly couldn't handle being me.
seem to be all about what's all about you.
with the disinterest that is all this crap when it's clear the
greater good was not in the interest of Congress, the Superdelagates
time I START to see something familiar in my own mirror
jacka$$ goes changing the rules of some arbitrary limiter.
architects of the metaverse built the net
bots and sheeple are sucking up our bandwidth.
need more cowbell, not excuses why the isms and ists can't get their
labels on straight.
sure you got many seemingly 'good' reasons for whining like a little
brat with a scraped knee, but deal with the world power we USED to be
and watch your market value take another dive for belittling IT.
Dieu et Mon Droit"
me impune lacessit"
by the marketing BS,
like a miserable creeper WtP ALL saw looming behind Hillary Clinton.
you don't know a spiritual attack when you see one,
don't know what to tell ya.
I'm pretty sure I've exceeded my rant on why
might do some statistics on how many Y2K contractors were sent to
sites with ACTIVE EEoC violations before they needed an IQ boost and
their mess cleaned up.
that didn’t occur to me when accepting jobs since…..idk….birth?
was Daddy’s lab rat after all.
have to rewind my entire life of bad marketing, product
displacement, lost leaders, hucksters
roofied whom first?
I’m fi’n ta say somethin’ unlady-like
you’re gainfully employed on a quickie engineering/network
engineering cert?
are the guy you scabbed it from wasn't done with his/HER job yet.
how many “Admiral Porter KCB” uniforms were at Daddy’s funeral?
kiss my grits AND my bloodlines, Twilighters.
Sleeper hasn’t had a good Knight’s sleep since Daddy and Cousin
Astroturf vs buffalo-wallerin’ before I was even born.
chose Daddy's Queen!
my daughter CHOSE ME!
razor = follow the money and is it proper to brag about
many charities you support when your own fam is fighting for survival
the last piece of house there was in the family because of the BS
“Move you Lose” excuse?
yah,,, roll back that beautiful bean footage where Grandma lets you
keep your head after calling out her uh, “frailties”.
weren’t “white” yet when we were dying on that bloviated
egotrip called the “Titanic”, either.
your god is weak…and forgetful.
was King of his lab, and Mini-me got more information from me than
you can gaslight our of her……so….she’s probably up to Kav
Mg-ah ? by now.
So, yes… I
remember a story about an Umbrella….
Friday, November 11, 2016
Friday, November 4, 2016
The Polls Tighten with Six Days Left: A Closer Look
I like Hillary's team.
Drumpf's team.....? Needs to go awaaaay, go awaaaay go awaaaaay Dixiecrat.
Little jerks kept telling me to go back to where I came from ...
I'm like, I was BORN in Levittown, who the frack are YOU?
Thursday, November 3, 2016
People of Earth: Premiere Full Episode | TBS
At 8:42 I had to pause for #GamerGate wiki validation break. I nearly... nevermind blink roflmao! For me it was a coyote in a snowstorm I think it's holding a grudge Wow, this is SO off my blog! I had to delete a ramble!
anyway.. #selfcare = singing HMS Pinafore...
FTW for now
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Thursday, September 22, 2016
First Lady Michelle Obama Does Her Best Barack Impression
THAT's why we can't have nice things....sigh. There's "GQ = Gentlemen's Quarterly" and there's our FLOTUS's own GQ= "Genuine Quality" I love that we think so alike. She's funny because it's TRUE! and genuine and humble and not her fault she's a national treasure. You'd have them over for dinner and your home would be blessed forever. Trump is the guy you wouldn't hire to empty your garbage. He's the disease you wouldn't trust to change your toilet paper. and THAT porn peddling, corrupt piece of backed up testosterone, wants to be CEO of USA, Inc. When I shook Candidate, Barack Obama's hand, I'd already called him "President Obama". it was at the end of a long trail of rallies and though I wanted to give him a big hug, and thank him again...I could only shake his hand, but it was so lanky, I was startled and kind of "Oh, his hand must be so sore by now...." A pianist is hyper aware of handshake etiquette. Of the sciences I've had to explore, The political ones .....how many "meh"s? SO MANY Growing up outside the Beltway with all it's "ists" and "isms' got on my VERY last nerve. When we had dinner, every night at 6pm (or else), I learned to ask at a very young age, "So, did you have an interesting day at work?" He'd say, "Why, YES! Thanks!" and that was the end of THAT conversation.
Generally I asked if I could answer the next question in the affirmative.
"Didja do your homework?"
THIS was a double-edged sword that led to extra stuff intended to combat the
Dummy-Down of America
(the rant)
When everybody knew about whatever pinged the Washpo speculatron,
the conversation became a series of "Didja know....?.....what if....and why?" interrogations.
Prince George's County, Maryland was the Ground Zero crash-test-dummy social experiment's moneypit of the nation.
Suffice it to say, by the time the movie came out, Jedi Mind Tricks were old news in our Levittown neighborhood.
It actually takes a lot of families to integrate one of those.
I had to read the front page before the Mini Page was released, but Gobbletygook befuddled a kid my age.
was deciphered well by Doonsbury.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Richard Marcus and our kibitz 3 years ago
Re-re-re Organizing notes from my email Kibitz with Richard Marcus
(Organizing the stuff I wrote before with Richard Marcus before I was so RUDELY interrupted....UOENO!)
Expect typos and grammaticals.. some are intended, some will remain until I can actually see what I'm doing for comprehension.
Apparently I need computer glasses of some sort, but people can't see a computer geek while blinded by all this melanin......
Migraine in progress... And I'm fresh out of Fukitol.
HMS Pinafore was Dad's eulogy and I'm in my feelings about that and Prince passing in the middle of it.
When someone encourages talent they see in another...
I was so encouraged by Richard... especially in the condition he found me that day.
"Game recognize Game" and all that..
Anyway, it appears these emails will be posting in a legible configuration
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That was fun!
I LOVE Mozart, but we used to laugh at the tuxedos who basically flaunted being in cahoots with the social class that actually enslaved his talent. The ones who cry because it sounds sniffly. Since we normally ate out before a show, we'd be dressed in whatever.
Same with Shakespeare. How do you go to Othello, dripping in diamonds?
Welcome to the Good Ship WTF.
In junior high days, (kilt cough), we saw James Earl Jones do Othello. I was in such a rush, I left my glasses and didn't realize it until where you could see Sugar Ray's Leonard's roof from RT50...
It was the point of NO way no how we're going back for shit.
It was the point of NO way no how we're going back for shit.
I wasn't as blind as my big sister, but I cried all the way to the theater. The round one.. Ford's?. We were pretty close, but at 12 years old, I was a bit thankful I couldn't lay eyes on him for too long because his voice....OMG. That was enough to jump start puberty.
Hey, I was 12!
Hey, I was 12!
But, Yay... President Barack HUSSEIN Obama *snark* brought him back to the White House and nobody bothered to really notice how freaking epic that is......dammit.. Did you hear he's putting back the solar panels?
That's so gangstah.
My general rant is, "He's not left-ist, he's left-HANDED and if you think he's talking over your head,
BE SMARTER!" Honestly, the poor man is stripping his genius to moron circuitry on these people.
I know that look.
I've done tech support!
That's so gangstah.
My general rant is, "He's not left-ist, he's left-HANDED and if you think he's talking over your head,
BE SMARTER!" Honestly, the poor man is stripping his genius to moron circuitry on these people.
I know that look.
I've done tech support!
"NO, that is NOT a cup-holder!"
Muggles are really missing out on a damned good administration. He had to be covertly snarky like I was growing up.
And it turns morons into babbling idiots.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=uihbX1ho2_k
And it turns morons into babbling idiots.
/me grabs her swatter..
A dixiecrat just said something stupid on Huffpo.
A dixiecrat just said something stupid on Huffpo.
Bombs awaaaaaay!
Talkies when you get time, but I might have lost my place..... .just stop me if you've heard this one.
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A Bagel Is More Than A Jewish Donut
A bagel is more than a Jewish donut,
More than a roll with a hole.
More than a strange English muffin.
A bagel’s got bagely soul.
It is something a baby can teethe on.
The true home of cream cheese and lox.
Bagels are tied to the hulls of big boats,
To keep them from hitting the docks.
A bagel’s a friend.
A bagel’s a buddy.
A bagel never forgets.
Bagels as hard as bricks and concrete
Make wonderful weapons and pets.
A bagel is kind.
A bagel’s well rounded.
A bagel is wholesome and neat.
I’ve seen bagel Boy Scouts
On busses and subways
Graciously give up their seats.
A bagel is brilliant,
The Mozart of bread,
The Shakespeare of flour, inspired,
The Rolls Royce of noshing,
The Buick of Bulk,
And as chewy as one of the tires.
I once knew a man who was struck by a bagel,
It gave him such a “potch” that he schvitzed!
Yet, I heard him exclaim,
“I would rather be maimed
By a bagel, than be crippled by Ritz.”
First given to Israelites fleeing from Egypt,
Who cried, “A schmear on matzo destroys it!
Smoked salmon on manna?
That’s a pox on the lox!
Such a mess just to fress, who’d enjoy it?”
So hearing our cries, God looked around
Saw angels with heavenly lights ‘round their heads,
He thought: “What if I coil it, then boil it then bake
A halo
Out of some kind of bread?”
And that was the gift (along with those tablets)
That let the Jews know they were chosen,
But then some schmuck said “Can I make a buck
If I made them in flavors and froze ‘em?”
So bagels today? Feh!
They’ve gone to extremes,
Gluten free? Low carb? Makes me gag;
Vegan-schmaggegan? Tofu-banana?!
It’s like eating a bagel in drag.
But in hard times like these,
A real bagel’s a comfort,
Like a warm teething ring we can eat.
They fill us with love, they fill us with joy,
Not to mention two pounds of wheat.
So when you’re worried or tired,
Outsourced or fired,
Caught in the grind and the crunch,
Stagger right into your neighborhood bagelry
And take a nice bagel to lunch.
Copyright, 2002, All Rights, Richard Marcus
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With typical writer self-obsessed ego I apologize for not being able to read your work at this moment because I am, in fact and as stated,self-obsessed – But in truth it’s more of “I cannot let myself get distracted by work as wild as my own. I must write till brain fry. Therefore in my place I send you the first few pages of the novel as recog ition of your efforts. Best I can do till evening.
Nature Bats Last
Richard Marcus
Thayer closed the door to her bedroom, padded over to the enormous dark oak, roll top desk and sat down in front of the coral green,1959 Smith-Corona Sterling Super-5 (serial # 5A862417), which she had named “Smitty.”
She leaned over Smitty and flicked the “on” toggles connected to the noise cancellation units in the foam rubber baffling attached to the back of her bedroom door and the one that swept the floor and walls. She nodded to herself, satisfied she wouldn’t disturb the rest of the house
Thayer placed her fingers lightly on the white, marshmallow plump keys almost like a greeting; telling the squat, happy machine she was there. It was wired to know.
The ancient desk’s gaping workspace was so huge and dark and Thayer so slim and, to be honest, close to boney, that it looked like a tiny child trustingly putting her hands into the enormous mouth and touching the flat wide teeth of a very patient hippo.
She lifted her hands off the keys and from a neat stack plucked up a sheet of thick, creamy paper and positioned it precisely parallel with the back of Smitty’s platen, the black barrel which did all the work.
She then grasped the chunky, white knob on the right side of the typewriter, turned it and smiled at hearing the ratcheting “click-click-click” of the cogwheels and sprockets as they rotated the barrel, making the paper disappear down into the back of the machine. Every time this happened it caused the tiniest catch in her chest that the sheet was really gone into Smitty, never to appear. Of course it always did, rising up like a perfect, white, recvtangular sunrise behind the chrome silver bar of the paper bail.
To Thayer, the “clickety-clickety-clack” of the keys, the type bars, those long metal, alien fingers with their alphabet fingerprints, hitting the black/red ribbon, then paper and platen with their “fwap-fwap-fwap-fwap...” the platen barrel’s cheerfully efficient “tickety-tickety-tickety- tickety-tickety,” as she pushed it back to it’s starting point and the deep “bong!” of the bigger bell her dad had installed, was more than just a Rube Goldberg piece of performance art. The levers, gears, springs and cables, pulling, shifting, was a metal shop symphony of virtually extinct sounds, vanished history and the fading wisdom of a far more tangible, concrete and dependable world. Long gone, that world. Long gone.
She stopped, gazed at the thunky contraption. Even silent and still she was comforted by its clock work operating system. A tight, well oiled Newtonian universe of interlocking components, dependable cogs, durable cause and effect. Safe from all outside influences, slings, arrows, tragedies and morally depraved hack bastard, cyber thieves.
She saw the machine not as one solid unit but as an army of thousands; unified, bound together in their fearlessness. It connected Thayer to the energy of bulling steam engines, prehistoric iron bridges and the bulging sweat muscle work of hammers and nails She was their general and they were combat scarred warriors who fought with her for the truth. They were now poised, waiting for her to lead them into a battle for the hearts and minds of the world.
She accepted the fact that the cacophony from her iron word factory assaulted the senses of countless, prissy, mid 21stCentury café customers, library patrons and cafeteria classmates. Nonetheless she was willing to incur their daggered disapproval and even expulsion from those rooms. And she had. Many times.
It didn’t matter what they thought. What she stamped intothe white paper, not sprayed or lasered by some flaccid bladder or pump, was a commitment to passion, observations. Life. Her life. Her existence.
She liked the fact that, if and when she chose, she could maintain an unhackable, untouchable and utterly private, steel firewall. Her thoughts, words impervious, safe from the data storms, the hyper-morphing either clouds of the ever monitored links and eternally surveilled nano-data circling and re-circling the globe like poison gas.
Her brawling machinery stopped the sucking vermin hackers dead. Made the cyber felons move on to mug and rob the sheen of sleek, silent, insubstantial light glimmers flitted on to the waif thin, gossamer screens of the utterly helpless, the terminally dependant and self involved.
Thayer also needed the noise and impact of Smitty’s powerful kinetic energy physically, to preoccupy her anterior and prefrontal lobes. Keep the monkey mind busy while hercerebral cortex, calmed and clever, captured the truths of what she hunted.
Smitty also buoyantly raised chemical levels which modulated the phasic reactivity in her brain’s volatileneurotransmissions, and what writer has ever wanted more to then to have their passions, images, characters and tales stream through their minds and souls on to paper while the joy of a Boccherini cello concerto of dopamine, washing over, sweetly channeling the raging images and epiphanies, so they could focus, could report. Could spin magic on to paper.
She paused. Brow furrowing. Truths. Unwieldy things. A serious, decision making crossroads; whether or not to commit that evening’s private family events to more than just the paper. The threat of all the forces aligned against decent human privacy swept through her brain.
She nodded, agreeing with herself that it all must be observed and chronicled clearly and honestly but she was not going to risk putting it out there to be analyzed and “on the record,” not yet and not realizing that she whispered out loud “On the record.”
She knew that the moment Smitty’s “ *” struck the upper left hand corner of the page, a single nanobot embedded in the typing paper would instantaneously be turned on and with almost the speed of light send an electro-chemical shout of “Wake up, guys, it’s show time!” to the next nanobot, then the next and so on, cascading down the page like robotic dominos, the whole sheet coming alive, nerve endings touching nerve endings, the whole phenomena of a subatomic grid crackling like telegraph wires, top to bottom, coast to coast, across the vellum through embedded conduits.
Of course, Thayer knew that was not the way it actually worked and that the tiny asterisk was as wide across as at least ten million nanobots and that the paper she was using was probably infused with a hundred trillion of them. She removed the now charged sheet, crumpled it up and threw it away. Putting another sheet in she began to type the date: “December...” Then she stopped and glanced over at her at her iEdge to make sure it was not receiving the signals from the sheet of 8.5 x 11, 20lb (94 brightness) NanoType white bond.
Of course, Thayer knew that was not the way it actually worked and that the tiny asterisk was as wide across as at least ten million nanobots and that the paper she was using was probably infused with a hundred trillion of them. She removed the now charged sheet, crumpled it up and threw it away. Putting another sheet in she began to type the date: “December...” Then she stopped and glanced over at her at her iEdge to make sure it was not receiving the signals from the sheet of 8.5 x 11, 20lb (94 brightness) NanoType white bond.
The blue light stayed steady. It was not receiving. Good. She finished the date...
“...12, 2030, then assaulted the keyboard, angrily focusing her flash flood of words on the hapless keys. Hair flying, fingers a blur, she looked like nothing less than a wildBeethoven assaulting a piano in a ratta-ratta-ratta-tat-tat fusillade of machine gunned letters, punching the paper with a continuous and deafening stream of crackling shots and brutal machinery.
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I didn't even tell you about the Fargo coffee shops......yet, did I?
LOL People didn't understand how little interest I had in that place.
THAT's ego!I didn't even tell you about the Fargo coffee shops......yet, did I?
LOL People didn't understand how little interest I had in that place.
When I have the words for how pleased I am with the chapter, I'll let you know....mm mm, I got nuthin.
There's one word to talk about later.....but for now, I'm gonna read it again since the world has finally STHU.
I'm still wondering why it felt like you two were saying, "Well, it's about time you got here. What kept you?"
Well, I took a wrong turn at the shrub and.....
Today was an extraordinarily productive day for me.
Likewise, I hope.
My neighbor was helping me organize when first started reading the chapter.
I remembered when my BFF wrote the EEOC complaint on a laptop. It was a POS Thinkpad I'd worked on, but couldn't afford. Her hands crawled effortlessly over the keyboard, like I'm doing right now and I was far too impressed in her eyes.
She was used to it...and she pulled it off with long beautiful nails.
She was used to it...and she pulled it off with long beautiful nails.
Maria? Is that what I look like on a piano? And she said, "Huh, yeah, pretty much"
"Damn, I'm good!"
To get the joke I sent her, you'll have to know one more thing.
She and I double-dated a list of boys so they couldn't push us beyond our limits.
We were each others built in excuse. She had to drive me home, no one else or ELSE!
By the time the next hopeful got up to bat, he had no case since we hadn't seen each other in at least a month.
Longer if I was grounded, which was likely, considering the oppressive curfew. I still don't know what they were saving me for. So naturally, we talked like the girls at the slumber party in Ntozake's play. She wasn't born in Levittown, but I wasn't alerted to her arrival for 10 years, but her folks were in North Carolina and she could see them any given weekend. She helpe me earn my card, which I promptly burned upon graduation. We talked a lot about how to raise our kids, but wished we didn't have to put up with the jacked up ratio in DC. Men in the area had their pick of 10 women each! Their attitude didn't have us looking forward to any kind of wifely duties, whatsoever.
To get the joke I sent her, you'll have to know one more thing.
She and I double-dated a list of boys so they couldn't push us beyond our limits.
We were each others built in excuse. She had to drive me home, no one else or ELSE!
By the time the next hopeful got up to bat, he had no case since we hadn't seen each other in at least a month.
Longer if I was grounded, which was likely, considering the oppressive curfew. I still don't know what they were saving me for. So naturally, we talked like the girls at the slumber party in Ntozake's play. She wasn't born in Levittown, but I wasn't alerted to her arrival for 10 years, but her folks were in North Carolina and she could see them any given weekend. She helpe me earn my card, which I promptly burned upon graduation. We talked a lot about how to raise our kids, but wished we didn't have to put up with the jacked up ratio in DC. Men in the area had their pick of 10 women each! Their attitude didn't have us looking forward to any kind of wifely duties, whatsoever.
We were going to be high-octane tax payers and raise our kids together.
She's a year older and was able to save her benefits, get a a BS in EE at Catawba, and a masters in Computer Science from Duke. Both of our ex's live in Miami.
So, all that flew through my head when you spoke of typewriters because I could NEVER ever EVER get my paper straight in those damned things! I remember my first typewriter was a bit more than a toy. But there was NO WAY I was writing what I really felt on it. Paper=evidence. I'd learned my lesson after I tried having a Harriet the Spy notebook.
Kids were talking over me at a slumber party and I ranted it out in the book. Someone swiped it an bitched about my foul language, completely ignoring why I was THAT pissed off! They knew better because we were ALL raised to be seen and not heard. Slumber parties were supposed to be where we didn't have to just be seen.
Some got it, others ignored the obvious and tried to shame my bad language.
So the picture attached had a little message on it.
"Hey, Maria! You were right, I got used to it!"
Comm channels are open....
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Okay so what I’m getting is that you think/talk on the keyboard and that’s very cool. Almost like I don’t have to be there at all because getting it out is most important and you are communicating with somebody safe. Yup. You are. The timing on the meta level is peachy It’s all floatable and reaches the right altitude and on and on and on. Good. Without that energy – your energy - the world would not be paying its gravity bill and we’d all go to fuckall. Your domino words falling falling clickity-clickity clickity-clickity clickity-clickity is important. You can run whole word Sym Cities on it.
Downside: for me, maybe you, is that on the boots on the ground level; i.e.: Me sitting writing, I have the transparent but nonetheless most needed eggshell lowered. Your writing does make a lot of noise. Good noise. Music and then a brass section and then the Moog synthesizer then the Wurlitzer and I’m in the rococo Paramount up on 167th (?) Well, I’m not sure but the ADHD scrambles if I go focus on untying sooo many different thought patterns wires, trial balloons and “tune in next weeks.”
I wonder/hope and know you don’t (won’t...maybe won’t) open a blog and put in it EXACTLY what you write to me. I swear, I swear, the world will find it. I want to respond to exactly all you write but it is so much on the same wave length I need to think and write and re-write that I cannot. There’s no multi-tasking that puppy for me. So if you want to keep writing diggity diggity But I cannot respond in kind (would like to but can’t) because it’s the very same energy I need to write the novel. Ah, but you know that. Still it all needs to get out. Blog. Blog Blog it. Hate the word “Blog.” Sounds like a fucking plumbing problem. But I do believe that in this rare case it would work.
Today was an extraordinarily productive day for me.
Likewise, I hope.
Nope. Wasn’t.
This is why I’m writing all this now. You write powerful medicine. Put many bees in head of brave. Fucks with concentration. Make him ride horse sideways. Think of ’64 Worlds Fair and other things in Queens. Dog does not know what his master is doing. Upsets dog. Upsets master. Do not feel sad. Keep writing. It is, like Larry said, “A Coney Island of the mind.”
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Pages and pages. Me writing pages and pages. Did skim. (Very nice of me) Saw a lot about me not letting go of your hand. Or something to the effect of Mudd. See – Call and response is not in my tool box right now. Thayer is an Aspie 17 years in the future which makes her a handful.
Even though Chicago pizza makes a cheese cracker out of New Yorkpizza. nyah If what you’re saying here is that those bullshit Chicago cheese casseroles have anythingover NY pizza then we do have a problem.
Go forth and blog.
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/24/vintage-photos-magic-castle_n_7013728.htmlLast episode of Supernatural had a shot of the Hollywood Walk of Fame showed a star for the Larson brothers magic act.
One of the tricks used a head-chopper called "Thayer".
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