"Wow! U should write/publish those stories!" they said. "What for? What's the point?" I was observant, but didn't know it was a BFD to integrate a Levittown. I'm tasked to kick butts in life somehow, as my daughter is meant to kick mine. It's a blog/social experiment ..interrupted, unedited and mostly written half asleep. Xanadu Grid is finally in work and I hope to get funded and employ some talented nerds Gamifying the metaverse for education. It's important! (/me points to PayPal Button)
OneBigSoup cashtag
recovery fundraiser for A. Blackwell
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Speaking Freely: Eartha Kitt
What is the deal with Ambassador hotels?
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
[History Audiobook] Edward the First ("the Hammer of the Scots")
Big heads are rolling. I think I'd have been a Jacobite. We founded Catholicism in Maryland, as it turns out. You probably understand the GREAT SIN in having a religion block our records for political and economic gains. Dad was Catholic by the 50s, after serving as a corpman, during the Korean War. Gregorian music soothes PTSD and other stress-related problems common around the Beltway. It's purpose was to marry Eastern and Western philosophies. But we were taxed out the wazoo!
I'm 2.5 of 3 raised at Sacred Heart (Gaga's franchise) in Maryland after returning from the Midwest, having intentionally cured our melanin / Vitamin D deficiencies..... *ahem*
but it was St. John's that (grand) knighted him in New Bern, North Carolina in 1999. Before that, we were not recognized in the Levittown social experiment we integrated. (EYEROLLs until my eyes pop out)
@thygeekgoddess if you're not following @Twitter right now, cinders and planks are flying all over the place! oy-vey and ufta!
A hard head makes a soft tuchos!
Thanks for the HIStory,
I'm interested in critiques as I work out my HERstory.
(wink, wink, nudge, nudge)
BTW, even our Mennonites, most of our marriage certs have brides at least 19 years old and alt-facts have people marked "deceased" when they merely removed to another territory. Men also lied about their age in order to save their lands, or enlist in the military.
Cowboys were commonly used as the first medics, during the American Revolution and prior, as it turns out.
We go back to House of Kent. and Grant of Ballindalloch and Ballimore
....and founded New England.
So, you're quasi-illiterate gaslighter was the FIRST in your family to serve?
migraine says....
edit later, maybe
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Unexpected Results - still sorting...sigh
a little comic relief in work
Krypton reboot = Superman's mulatto
It seems the Marvel / DC Disney cult is finding out who was really whom and what they really looked like.
current status = untangling the "civil" war where folks were buying their family into the country
then hiding "slaves" from privateers, rapists and outlaws.
Average wife = age 19 or older.
The organic, post - melanin audit is in play.
Republicans nullified the Marian Jesuit years.
running out the clock is still the littlest dink in football.
and there is STILL no crying in BASEBALL!
OK, OK.... Good Grief
Thanks Obama!
As it turns out, we'd been fighting RW Tories and Dixicrats on BOTH sides of the pond at the same time.
My dearest cheaters, gaslighters and bigots.
this isn't a game of "Finders Keepers"
(btw, I'm a geek, NOT an end user!)
PMW I've been giving my best effort, but object impermanence is as rampant as opioid addiction.
(I'll flesh this out later.... exhausted)
OK, that's cool. Still checking my facts, alt facts and whatnot. I've got some juniors merged in with some seniors and step kids born to the wrong folks.
Orison Grant married Grandma AFTER she was past child-bearing years so thank goodness for odd names. Scottish and Natives band together building really tall things, and the land-lubbers got them to and fro.
I'm so Navy, I'm wanting ever so much to find Captain Morgan on my tree. No slight to the Captain Red, my folks from Missouri fandom. But, Capt Morgan and Daniel BOONE? Boy do we mother HARD! Growing up in Buckingham section with a Blackwell lane behind the school and this info was right next door. We did our back-to-school shopping in York Pennsylvania. PA Dutch. Where I got ONE Izod shirt for my uniform.
Oprah saw me and I looked RIDICULOUS!
No, seriously
Thanks Obama!
Squire Boone
BIRTH 6 DEC 1696 • Devonshire, England
DEATH 2 JAN 1765 • Rowan County, North Carolina
Sarah Morgan Boone
BIRTH 1699 • Exeter, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States
DEATH 1 JAN 1777 • Mocksville, Davie, North Carolina, United States
Hannah Boone Will
Here is copy of Will of Sarah Morgan Boone:
Last Will and Testament, November 20, 1775
Imprimis: Knowing beforehand all life will pass I Sarah Morgan Boone, Widow of Squire Boone deceased declare this my last will and testament November 20, 1775 in Surry County, NC and being of sound mind in the presence of my loving daughter Hannah Stewart, wife of John Stewart and my four loving granddaughters, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth and Rachel, bequeath to her and her heirs forever all my estate in Wales - in Virginia and in Pennsylvania, gifts to me by my father herewith appoint my dear friend Elizabeth Stern Pennington, relict of Ephraim Pennington of Surry County, NC my power of Attorney in NC and has proper instructions for disposal of my estate in the manner and form herein so set forth after my death:
Imprimis: I hereby appoint my loving cousin John Morgan, Esquire and his wife Lucy Wood Morgan of Frederick Co, VA as the overseers of my daughter and guardians of her four daughters until she should set firm to remarry and plead Hannah not wait too much longer for her husband to return:
Imprimis: I owne no real or other properties in North Carolina or elsewhere I know about all our property sold and disposed of by my son James Boone, after my husband Squire Boone died and I know not if he or others of my children are alive. I am depend on my loving daughter Hannah and all my dear friends to care for me in my age and afflictions:\\Imprimis: I declare this to be my only will in effect further barring all other claims by my other children that are still living and have no rightful claim on any portion of my estate:
Signed: Sarah Morgan relict of Squire Boone deceased.
Signature Sarah Boone
Seal {SMB} Initials: [SM]
Sworn statement: I, Elizabeth Stern acknowledge and swear Sarah Morgan Boone is of sound mind and attest I witnessed Sarah Boone, write this will in her own hand:
Signature - Elizabeth Stern
Seal: {ES}
Witness Attest: Signature - John Morgan Esquire. Seal: {JM} [JME]
Hannah Stewart Signature {HS} [HS]
Attest: Appeared in presence William Forbes Clk. November 22, 1775 Surry County, North Carolina
Sarah Boone relict of Squire Boone deceased, Hannah Stewart, John Morgan Esquire Agent, widow Elizabeth Stern. Agents are hereby so Bound.
Signature: William Forbes {Seal} Clk.
Notice that son Daniel is called James Boone in this Will.
Dorthy Mack - Manteca, CA
Here is copy of Will of Sarah Morgan Boone:
Last Will and Testament, November 20, 1775
Imprimis: Knowing beforehand all life will pass I Sarah Morgan Boone, Widow of Squire Boone deceased declare this my last will and testament November 20, 1775 in Surry County, NC and being of sound mind in the presence of my loving daughter Hannah Stewart, wife of John Stewart and my four loving granddaughters, Sarah, Mary, Elizabeth and Rachel, bequeath to her and her heirs forever all my estate in Wales - in Virginia and in Pennsylvania, gifts to me by my father herewith appoint my dear friend Elizabeth Stern Pennington, relict of Ephraim Pennington of Surry County, NC my power of Attorney in NC and has proper instructions for disposal of my estate in the manner and form herein so set forth after my death:
Imprimis: I hereby appoint my loving cousin John Morgan, Esquire and his wife Lucy Wood Morgan of Frederick Co, VA as the overseers of my daughter and guardians of her four daughters until she should set firm to remarry and plead Hannah not wait too much longer for her husband to return:
Imprimis: I owne no real or other properties in North Carolina or elsewhere I know about all our property sold and disposed of by my son James Boone, after my husband Squire Boone died and I know not if he or others of my children are alive. I am depend on my loving daughter Hannah and all my dear friends to care for me in my age and afflictions:\\Imprimis: I declare this to be my only will in effect further barring all other claims by my other children that are still living and have no rightful claim on any portion of my estate:
Signed: Sarah Morgan relict of Squire Boone deceased.
Signature Sarah Boone
Seal {SMB} Initials: [SM]
Sworn statement: I, Elizabeth Stern acknowledge and swear Sarah Morgan Boone is of sound mind and attest I witnessed Sarah Boone, write this will in her own hand:
Signature - Elizabeth Stern
Seal: {ES}
Witness Attest: Signature - John Morgan Esquire. Seal: {JM} [JME]
Hannah Stewart Signature {HS} [HS]
Attest: Appeared in presence William Forbes Clk. November 22, 1775 Surry County, North Carolina
Sarah Boone relict of Squire Boone deceased, Hannah Stewart, John Morgan Esquire Agent, widow Elizabeth Stern. Agents are hereby so Bound.
Signature: William Forbes {Seal} Clk.
Notice that son Daniel is called James Boone in this Will.
Dorthy Mack - Manteca, CA
Welp, now you know how it was for my parents. Mom was a 3rd grade teacher, passed in Feb 1969. Friends and neighbors were so sad she didn't live to see the launch, and she definitely suffered from the Levittown Blues. One of her text books said, "One day, we'll go to the moon..." She really wanted to go back to the farm in Kansas City.
After the US Navy (corpsman) Air Force (radioman), Dad was a DoD programmer from the 50s.. under FORTRAN. They were quite a dynamic duo! but... #Gamergate goes back a lot farther than 2014. so it would be really great if SOME people would quit bragging about what they ALLOW us to do for them ....when they refuse to educate themselves.
Reagan took her pension when it was my turn to somehow outrank Dad. He didn't leave much room, so I had to go another dimension. Virtual Worlds.
This came around about the same time as George Carlin's rant. "stuff"....sheesh
Kinda funny what "AF" stands for THESE days, huh?
I wonder what part of "NEVER" this world doesn't understand?
OH! OK...
clearly I need a study buddy
Don't panic, CALL A BLACKWELL!
My favorite bird. "Lima-Lima THREE THREE"!!"
I wanted to gut the gear (except for the radios and V-Sat), and paint it like
the Partridge Family Lego bus.
OF COURSE, I wanted to fly it!
KNOWING that, the gaslighters who couldn't retain talent, decided to put me in Nav-Comm C-school and THEN tell me that locked me as a landlubber, for the rest of my Naval career.
E4 paid 10k/year where the same private sector gig had a 40/hour market value...which was what Texas offered before I got my degree!
(so my market value would stay nice and LOW where jerks like it)
before I left, honorably discharged, it was clear they were trying to feed female Trons and ground crew into geisha and whores. The Tailhook scandal took place 6 months after I was gone. As gaslighting goes....morons suck at IT fiercely.
oops, another one!
Donald MacDonald?
heh heh
(Meaning of unusual words:
speir'd at him=asked him haughs=low lying ground)
Haughs o' Cromdale As I came in by Auchindoun, A little wee bit frae the toun, When to the Highlands I was bound, To view the haughs of Cromdale, I met a man in tartan trews, I speir'd at him what was the news; Quo' he the Highland army rues, That e'er we came to Cromdale. We were in bed, sir, every man, When the Engligh host upon us came, A bloody battle then began, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. The English horse they were so rude, They bath'd their hooves in Highland blood, But our brave clans, they boldly stood Upon the haughs of Cromdale. But, alas! We could no longer stay, For o'er the hills we came away, And sore we do lament the day, That e'er we came to Cromdale. Thus the great Montrose did say, Can you direct the nearest way? For I will o'er the hills this day, And view the haughs of Cromdale. Alas, my lord, you're not so strong, You scarcely have two thousand men, And there's twenty thousand on the plain, Stand rank and file on Cromdale. Thus the great Montrose did say, I say, direct the nearest way, For I will o'er the hills this day, And see the haughs of Cromdale. They were at dinner, every man, When great Montrose upon them came, A second battle then began, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. The Grant, Mackenzie and MacKay, Soon as Montrose they did espy, O then, they fought most valiantly! Upon the haughs of Cromdale. The Macdonalds they returned again, The Camerons did their standard join, MacIntosh play'd a bloody game, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. The MacGregors fought like lions bold, MacPhersons, none could them control, MacLaughlins fought, like loyal souls, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. MacLeans, MacDougals, and MacNeils, So boldly as they took the field, And make their enemies to yield, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. The Gordons boldly did advance, The Frasers fought with sword and lance, The Grahams they made the heads to dance, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. The loyal Stewarts with Montrose, So boldly set upon their foes, And brought them down with Highland blows, Upon the haughs of Cromdale. Of twenty thousand Cromwell's men, Five hundred fled to Aberdeen The rest of them lie on the plain, Upon the haughs of Cromdale.
Posted 05 jul 2015 by KarenWilliamsThorne
Matthew Grant's Ancestry IS SCOTTISH XIV - Not only Geoff, but John, as well
By Genevieve Erwin March 15, 2012 at 08:52:05
- In reply to: Matthew Grant's Ancestry IS SCOTTISH XIV - Not only Geoff, but John, as wellGenevieve Erwin 3/15/12
In French the name Grant means "Grand" either "big or eminent". The Clan Grant can be traced to a Prince Wodine who came from Asia in the 600's and settled in Norway, building a large city. Wodine's descendants remained strong leaders in the area for centuries.
Wodine's descendant "Earl Haakon of Trondelag" was a Viking leader. The Lord High Protector of Norway is known today as King Haakon II.He ruled Norway from 970 to 995. Known for his military strategy and legendary exploits he was given the name of Haakon the Grandt after he defended himself against an ambush armed only with a tree. The clan Motto of "Stand fast" was first associated with Haakon The Grandt.
Haakon's son Hemming married Adelstein, daughter of the first Christian King of Denmark. Though the influence of his wife Hemming decided to convert to Christianity. This decision prompted him to be banished from Norway. They settled in the Viking town of Dub Linh now called Dublin. Hemming and his wife had 6 children, 2 daughters who married and returned to Norway, and 4 sons who at the beginning of the 11th century all moved to Scotland. Their son Andlaw was the progenitor of Clan Grant.
The Gaelic name of Granndaich did not grow to Clan strength until the beginning of the 14th century. The home of Clan Grant is located in the region of Strathspey. Situated between two Craig Elachies (large rocks) on the River Spey. The rocks served as wonderful sentry posts and huge fires were kindled on top of them to signal for the clan to gather or as a sign of danger. The words Craig Elachie mean rock of alarm. A mountain on fire is pictured on the Clan Crest. The old Motto of Haakon "Stand Fast" became the Clan war cry.
The oldest home of the Clan Chiefs is Urquhart Castle Built during the Norman period, on the north shore of Lock Ness. For 2 hundred years the ownership of the dwelling changed hands regularly, bouncing back and forth between the British Crown and the Clan McDonald. In 1476 it was taken by Edward 1 and held for the Earl of Huntly. In 1509 King James IV granted keepership of the castle to the "Grant of Grant". For 35 years it served as the lordly seat of the Grants as Earls of Seafield. In the mid 1500's the McDonalds tried twice more to retake the castle. By the 1600's the Grant's had abandoned it. It has been in ruins for over 200 years
The Grants were strong supporters of Robert the Bruce; with his victory the Grants holdings in Strathspey were secure. This also served to firmly establish them as Highland Chiefs. The surrounding land of Spey provided the Grant's with men and cattle, further establishing them with power and influence. In 1536 Sir John Grant built Castle Freuchie, later renamed to Castle Grant.
In 1630Matthew Grant, a lineal descendant of the Highland Clans joined the followers of a Rev. John White. Rev. White one of the organizers of the "Massachusetts Bay Company" helped to gather over 1500 people, and 14 ships to become the "Winthrop Fleet". White concentrated on gathering people from the southwestern part of England. Rev. White never left England, but was called the "Patriarch of Dorchester" by his contemporaries. The group that Rev. White gathered chose Rev. John Warham and Rev. John Maverick to be their ministers. These people sailed on the first ship to leave England the "Mary and John" in March of 1630. Matthew, his wife Priscilla and daughter Priscilla were among the 140 passengers on this ship. In May 1630 the "Mary and John" dropped anchor, 70 days after leaving England.
Matthew and his family remained with the group in Dorchester Massachusetts. He was admitted a freeman there in 1631. Matthew's name appears in the Dorchester town records on 2 Nov 1635. Late in 1635 the group decided to move up the Connecticut Valley to settle Matianuck, now called Windsor. Matthew joined this group leaving his family behind in Dorchester though the winter, not retrieving them until April of 1636. The town records as recorded in 1640 list Matthew Grant and 54 other men as the first settlers of Windsor Connecticut.
Grant a carpenter by trade, was a prominent man in the new colony of Windsor. He held the office of Deacon of the First Church for a number of years, he was the second town clerk, recording all of the town vital statistics, land transactions, town business and church affairs He held this position for 30 years. In 1654 he compiled a 'Book or Records of Town Ways in Windsor. For many years he was the first principal surveyor laying out the town, and was select-man for several years.He was said to be a conscientious man in all of his duties both public and private, which showed in the careful notes he made as recorder. Often adding explanations or corrections. The "Old Church Records" of which Grant was the compiler are invaluable today. Matthew died in 1681 in Windsor, leaving the bulk of his estate valued as 119 lbs to his son John. Matthew was the 7th great grandfather of Ulysses S. Grant.
Re: James "John" Glendening of King George County, Virginia
- In reply to: Re: James "John" Glendening of King George County, VirginiaLisa Perry 7/29/03
Here is what I have (keep in mind still proving most of this)
James "John" Glendening born 1666 King George County, VA
married Ann Mott born 1671 Rappahannock/Virginia County, VA died 1740 King George County, VA
John Glendening born abt 1700 (all the children born King George County, VA)
Margaret Glendening born 1702 married William Grant born in Scotland about 1680 died 1736 King George County, VA.
Elinor Glendening born 1704
Gail Glendening born 1713
Ann Mott's will is lost according to one source.Her father was George Mott born 1625 Saffron Walden, Essex, England died March 31, 1674 Rappahannock/Virginia County, VA married in England Elizabeth Pitt born 1645 died March 27, 1675
children:Eleanor "Ellen" Mott born 1673
Ann Mott born 1671
Elizabeth Mott born 1668 died 1712 married Mr. Fossaker
Margaret Mott born 1666 died 1709 married Alexander Doniphan born about 1653 died about 1717
children Mott Doniphan and Elizabeth Doniphan
Captain Alexander Doniphan imimigrated to Virginia from Plymouth, England, circa 1672 and settled in Westmoreland County., subsequently moving to Richmond County, where he died testate in 1717.
Source: “Virginia Historical Genealogies” by Boddie, Geneal. Publ., 1975
Came from Plymouth, England between 1671-1674
Capt. Alexander Doniphan was sworn in as one of 4 justices of the newly formed Richmond County ,Virginia on June 1,1692-1714. Richmond and Essex Counties prior to that were part of Rappahannock County, which included both sides of the Rappahannock River. The river became the dividing line and the north became Richmond County.
Was a Captain of Horse in 1704.
Was high sheriff of Richmond in 1716.
Mott Doniphan married Rosanna Anderson and had a son Anderson Doniphan
He was known as Mott Doniphan, Gentleman.By inheritance he possessed a vast acreage in the Northern Neck of Virginia, and his wife also inherited a valuable estate in Stafford, where they lived.He was vestryman in Aquia Church, 1757, when the present building was erected.Mott Doniphan, Gent. died, circa, 1776; his will is recorded in a lost will book.
Mott Doniphan is an ancestor of Harry S Truman.
James "John" Glendening born 1666 King George County, VA
married Ann Mott born 1671 Rappahannock/Virginia County, VA died 1740 King George County, VA
John Glendening born abt 1700 (all the children born King George County, VA)
Margaret Glendening born 1702 married William Grant born in Scotland about 1680 died 1736 King George County, VA.
Elinor Glendening born 1704
Gail Glendening born 1713
Ann Mott's will is lost according to one source.Her father was George Mott born 1625 Saffron Walden, Essex, England died March 31, 1674 Rappahannock/Virginia County, VA married in England Elizabeth Pitt born 1645 died March 27, 1675
children:Eleanor "Ellen" Mott born 1673
Ann Mott born 1671
Elizabeth Mott born 1668 died 1712 married Mr. Fossaker
Margaret Mott born 1666 died 1709 married Alexander Doniphan born about 1653 died about 1717
children Mott Doniphan and Elizabeth Doniphan
Captain Alexander Doniphan imimigrated to Virginia from Plymouth, England, circa 1672 and settled in Westmoreland County., subsequently moving to Richmond County, where he died testate in 1717.
Source: “Virginia Historical Genealogies” by Boddie, Geneal. Publ., 1975
Came from Plymouth, England between 1671-1674
Capt. Alexander Doniphan was sworn in as one of 4 justices of the newly formed Richmond County ,Virginia on June 1,1692-1714. Richmond and Essex Counties prior to that were part of Rappahannock County, which included both sides of the Rappahannock River. The river became the dividing line and the north became Richmond County.
Was a Captain of Horse in 1704.
Was high sheriff of Richmond in 1716.
Mott Doniphan married Rosanna Anderson and had a son Anderson Doniphan
He was known as Mott Doniphan, Gentleman.By inheritance he possessed a vast acreage in the Northern Neck of Virginia, and his wife also inherited a valuable estate in Stafford, where they lived.He was vestryman in Aquia Church, 1757, when the present building was erected.Mott Doniphan, Gent. died, circa, 1776; his will is recorded in a lost will book.
Mott Doniphan is an ancestor of Harry S Truman.
and no family is complete without one of these!
Posted 10 Feb 2011 by finneygirls
WILLIAM (DE MONTAGU), LORD MONTAGU, 2nd but 1st surviving son and heir, of William, 2nd LORD MONTAGU (under the writ of 29 December 1299), by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Piers DE MONTFORT of Beaudesert, co. Warwick, by Maud, daughter and heir of Matthew DE LA MARE, was born at Cassington, Oxon, and was aged 17-18 in May 1320, having succeeded his father, 18 October 1319. In September 1325 he was going overseas with the King, being then presumably the King's yeoman. Knighted in 1326. Summoned for service in Scotland 1327. In May 1329 he attended the King to do homage at Amiens, and in June began his successful service as a diplomatist. In July fol lowing he had a grant in consideration of labours daily endured by him, dwelling at the King's side. He was prime mover in the seizure of Mortimer, 1330, and was summoned to Parliament as LORD MONTAGU, 18 February 1331. In April 1331 he accompanied the King on his short secret journey to France; in September he held a great tournament in 'Chepe.' One of the keepers of Somerset 1332, under the Act of 6 Edward III, and later commissioner of the peace. In that year he became lord of Lundy Island by purchase. In 1333 he was in command of the siege of Berwick. From March 1333 /4 to May 1337 he was joint keeper, with Henry de Ferrers, of the Channel Islands. He was with the King in Scotland, 1335 and 1336. In January 1336/7 appointed Admiral from Thames' mouth westwards. On 16 March he was created in Parliament EARL OF SALISBURY. In October he was appointed joint commander in Scotland, and a commissioner to treat for a peace; in December sole commissioner to deal with John of the Isles for a treaty. He accompanied the King to Flanders, July 1338; on 20 September, at Antwerp, he was made Marshal of England for life. He was largely responsible for the negotiations, diplomatic and financial, with England's possible allies and supporters, in 1338-39, including the pawning of the royal crowns. In September 1339 a practical measure of relief, for which the Earl had long pressed, was granted to debtors of under £10 to the Exchequer, to persons sued for escapes of prisoners, &c. In December of that year he remained as hostage to the Duke of Lorraine, while the King returned to England. Soon after Easter, 1340, he and the Earl of Suffolk, in a too adventurous pursuit of the French, were taken prisoners inside the gate of Lille. In August 1343 he went, with the Earl of Derby, on an embassy to Castile, where he is said to have fought the Moors.
He married (in or before 1327) Katharine, youngest of the 3 daughters of William (DE GRANDISON), 1st LORD GRANDISON, by Sibyl, daughter and coheir of John (TREGOZ), LORD TREGOZ, and in her issue, coheir of her nephew Thomas, 4th Lord Grandison. He died 30 January 1343/4, and was buried at Bisham. His widow, who made a vow of chastity, and had dower in all his possessions, including the £20 annuity, died 23 April 1349. [Complete Peerage XI:385-8, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)
Sir William de Montacute, 2nd baron, d. in Gascony in 1319 and was s. by his eldest surviving son, William de Montacute, 3rd baron, who, the next year, although in minority, obtained a grant from the king of the wardship of his own lands, and in the 16th Edward II [1323], making proof of his age and doing his homage, had livery thereof. In three years afterwards he was made a knight of the Bath, and had an allowance of robes for th at solemnity as a banneret. In the 4th Edward III [1331], his lordship was deputed ambassador to the Pope, with Bartholomew de Burghersh, to return thanks to his holiness for confirming a bull of Pope Honorius IV, touching certain favours, by him granted, to the monks at Westminster; moreover, before the end of the year, a parliament being then held at Nottingham, he was the principal person who apprehended Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March, in the night-time within the Queen's lodgings there, and sent him prisoner to London, where he was soon afterwards executed for high treason. For this service, Lord Montacute had a grant in tail, to himself and Katherine, his wife, of the estate of Sherburne, co. Dorset, and of several other manors in Hants, Berkshire, Bucks, and Cambridgeshire; part of the possessions of the attainted Earl of March. He was summon ed to parliament from 5 June, 1331, to 29 November, 1336. In the 8th Edward III [1335], his lordship was constituted governor of the Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, &c., and the next year made constable of the Tower of London.
About this time, Lord Montacute acquired great distinction in the Scottish wars, but at the expense of one of his eyes, which he lost in the campaign. In the 10th Edward III [1337], he was appointed admiral of the king's fleet, westward, and 16 March, 11th Edward III [1338], in consideration of his numerous gallant achievements, he was advanced by charter, in full parliament held at London, to the title and dignity of Earl of Salisbury, to hold to him and his heirs, with a grant of £20 out of the profits of that county. Shortly after this he was joined in command of the army in Scotland with Richard, Earl of Arundel; and pursued his victorious career as well in Scotland as in France for the two ensuing years, when in storming the town of L'Isle, he had the misfortune to be made prisoner with Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, and conveyed in fetters, amidst the acclamations of the places through which he passed, to Paris, where the French king would have put him to death but for the interference of the King of Bohemia. His lordship and his fellow captive, the Earl of Suffolk, were soon after, however, exchanged. With his liberty, he recommenced his martial career and won fresh laurels on the French soil. In the 16th Edward III [1343], having conquered the Isle of Man, he was crowned King thereof by his royal master. His lordship m. Catherine, dau. of William, Lord Grandison, and had issue, William, his successor; John (Sir), a distinguished warrior; Robert; Sibyl, m. to Edmund, son of Edmund, Earl of Arundel; Phillippa, m. to Roger Mortimer, Earl of March; Elizabeth, m. 1st, to Giles, Lord Badlesmere, and 2ndly, to Hugh le Despencer; Anne, m. to John, son of Roger, Lord Grey.
This great earl d. in 1343, of bruises received in a tilting at Windsor, and was s. by his eldest son, William de Montacute, 2nd Earl of Salisbury. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd ., London, 1883, p. 371-2, Montacute, Barons Montacute, Earls of Salisbury ]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
The Medici Family was exonerated. Having been named after Davinci's master, I was glad to see this proved his benefactor's innocence.
The big-bones showed they'd been athletic growing up.
SO THERE, and neener!
He married (in or before 1327) Katharine, youngest of the 3 daughters of William (DE GRANDISON), 1st LORD GRANDISON, by Sibyl, daughter and coheir of John (TREGOZ), LORD TREGOZ, and in her issue, coheir of her nephew Thomas, 4th Lord Grandison. He died 30 January 1343/4, and was buried at Bisham. His widow, who made a vow of chastity, and had dower in all his possessions, including the £20 annuity, died 23 April 1349. [Complete Peerage XI:385-8, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)
Sir William de Montacute, 2nd baron, d. in Gascony in 1319 and was s. by his eldest surviving son, William de Montacute, 3rd baron, who, the next year, although in minority, obtained a grant from the king of the wardship of his own lands, and in the 16th Edward II [1323], making proof of his age and doing his homage, had livery thereof. In three years afterwards he was made a knight of the Bath, and had an allowance of robes for th at solemnity as a banneret. In the 4th Edward III [1331], his lordship was deputed ambassador to the Pope, with Bartholomew de Burghersh, to return thanks to his holiness for confirming a bull of Pope Honorius IV, touching certain favours, by him granted, to the monks at Westminster; moreover, before the end of the year, a parliament being then held at Nottingham, he was the principal person who apprehended Roger de Mortimer, Earl of March, in the night-time within the Queen's lodgings there, and sent him prisoner to London, where he was soon afterwards executed for high treason. For this service, Lord Montacute had a grant in tail, to himself and Katherine, his wife, of the estate of Sherburne, co. Dorset, and of several other manors in Hants, Berkshire, Bucks, and Cambridgeshire; part of the possessions of the attainted Earl of March. He was summon ed to parliament from 5 June, 1331, to 29 November, 1336. In the 8th Edward III [1335], his lordship was constituted governor of the Isles of Guernsey, Jersey, &c., and the next year made constable of the Tower of London.
About this time, Lord Montacute acquired great distinction in the Scottish wars, but at the expense of one of his eyes, which he lost in the campaign. In the 10th Edward III [1337], he was appointed admiral of the king's fleet, westward, and 16 March, 11th Edward III [1338], in consideration of his numerous gallant achievements, he was advanced by charter, in full parliament held at London, to the title and dignity of Earl of Salisbury, to hold to him and his heirs, with a grant of £20 out of the profits of that county. Shortly after this he was joined in command of the army in Scotland with Richard, Earl of Arundel; and pursued his victorious career as well in Scotland as in France for the two ensuing years, when in storming the town of L'Isle, he had the misfortune to be made prisoner with Robert de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, and conveyed in fetters, amidst the acclamations of the places through which he passed, to Paris, where the French king would have put him to death but for the interference of the King of Bohemia. His lordship and his fellow captive, the Earl of Suffolk, were soon after, however, exchanged. With his liberty, he recommenced his martial career and won fresh laurels on the French soil. In the 16th Edward III [1343], having conquered the Isle of Man, he was crowned King thereof by his royal master. His lordship m. Catherine, dau. of William, Lord Grandison, and had issue, William, his successor; John (Sir), a distinguished warrior; Robert; Sibyl, m. to Edmund, son of Edmund, Earl of Arundel; Phillippa, m. to Roger Mortimer, Earl of March; Elizabeth, m. 1st, to Giles, Lord Badlesmere, and 2ndly, to Hugh le Despencer; Anne, m. to John, son of Roger, Lord Grey.
This great earl d. in 1343, of bruises received in a tilting at Windsor, and was s. by his eldest son, William de Montacute, 2nd Earl of Salisbury. [Sir Bernard Burke, Dormant and Extinct Peerages, Burke's Peerage, Ltd ., London, 1883, p. 371-2, Montacute, Barons Montacute, Earls of Salisbury ]
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The Medici Family was exonerated. Having been named after Davinci's master, I was glad to see this proved his benefactor's innocence.
The big-bones showed they'd been athletic growing up.
SO THERE, and neener!
Francis aka Francois of Valois-Angoulême II
Submitted by kathyannaccarat
Description Birth: Jan. 19, 1544 Fontainebleau Departement de Seine-et-Marne ÃŽle-de-France, France Death: Dec. 5, 1560 Orleans Departement du Loiret Centre, France French Monarch. Oldest son of Henri II and Catherine de Medici. On April 24. 1558 he married the two years older Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots in the Cathedral Notre Dame –de-Paris. He succeeded his father 14 months later. His mother was overwhelmed by grief and retired for some time to her palace. By this time François was considered to be of age and although he had always been sick and a bit mentally unstable there was no regent appointed for him. He choose the two brothers François and Charles de Guise, his wife's uncles, as his advisors. Due to his state of health they were able to reign the Kingdom by themselves. By the spring of 1560 the opposition to the Guise, supported by the Queen Mother was very powerful and threatened to escalate into a civil war. During a hunting trip he got an ear infection which worsened with every passing day and ended with an abscess in his brain. When the Queen Mother saw her sons end coming she pressured Antoine de Bourbon to give up his right to act as a regent for the next King. She also convinced the dying King to sign a statement in which he declared he had always acted alone and didn't follow his advisors. The Guise had demanded such a statement for their agreement to Catherine's contract with Antoine. He was succeeded by his brother Charles IX. Cathrine very successfully acted as Charles regent until 1563. (bio by: Lutetia) Family links: Parents: Henri de Valois (1519 - 1559) Catherine de Medici (1519 - 1589) Spouse: Mary Stuart (1542 - 1587) Siblings: Diane de France (1538 - 1618)** Francois II (1544 - 1560) Elizabeth of Valois (1545 - 1568)* Louis de France (1549 - 1550)* Charles IX de Valois (1550 - 1574)* Henri III de France (1551 - 1589)* Marguerite de Valois (1553 - 1615)* François Hercule de Alencon (1555 - 1584)* Victoire de France (1556 - 1556)* Jeanne de France (1556 - 1556)* Henri de Saint-Rémi (1557 - 1621)** *Calculated relationship **Half-sibling Burial: Saint Denis Basilique Saint-Denis Departement de Seine-Saint-Denis ÃŽle-de-France, France Maintained by: Find A Grave Record added: Apr 26, 2001 Find A Grave Memorial# 21918
(no, I don't know what happened with the formatting... not an end-user)
Notes for James BlackwellJames Glenn Blackwell died in about 1749/50 and as a result we find evidence that he had a third son living with him. The Lunenburg County Court Order Book number 8 on page 385 for the April Court of 1751 mentions that the Church Warden of Cumberland Parish indentured a James Blackwell the orphan of James Blackwell to a carpenter named William Bargamy. The tithe list taken by Hugh Lawson for 1750 shows at that time a James Blackwell was already living with a William Burgamy. Since James was indentured by the court he was still under age at this time which would put the date of his birth at about 1733 to 1735. James was evidently not an outstanding member of society. On page 429 of Order Book 3 for the September Court for 1755 we find the following:
Cornelius Cowgill gentleman, sheriff of this county brought here into Court the Body of James Blackwell, who hath remained in the jail of this county for the space of twenty days and upwards, on the execution of the of William Uassery, and the said James voluntarily taking the oath by law Proscribed for insolvent Debtors, It is considered that he be forthwith discharged from his imprisonment.
Six years later he had not changed as on page 156 of order book 7 for 7 October 1761 shows a suit brought by James Gentry against James Blackwell for assault and battery. The case was dismissed.
Only a few other records are found which mention James Blackwell. In July 1762 a Charles Newman Blackwell is recorded appearing in court to chose James Blackwell as his guardian, and on 10 March 1763 a William Eddins receives security from James Blackwell for faithfully executing the will of a Charles Blackwell.
On 23 March 1763 the Deed Book shows that James Blackwell sold a tract of land to Abraham Muray and Jonathon Patterson. Finally, on page 151 of Order Book 9 an indenture from James Blackwell to the above mentioned Abraham Maury and Jonathon Patterson is proved. After 1763 James Blackwell vanishes from the records of Lunenburg County, Virginia. Whether he died or moved has never been discovered.
rootsweb story
Posted 07 Apr 2012 by cidgseeker
Thomas Miner
Born - April 23, 1608
Chew Magna, Somerset, England
Chew Magna, Somerset, England
Died - October 23, 1690 (aged 82)
Stonington, Connecticut, USAResting placeWequetequock Cemetery
41.35993°N 71.87673°WCoordinates:
41.35993°N 71.87673°W
Stonington, Connecticut, USAResting placeWequetequock Cemetery

Known for - Founder of New London and Stonington, Connecticut
Spouse -Grace Palmer
Lyon's Whelp - wikipedia
Posted 04 jul 2012 by jolleymom4
In 1628, the very wealthy Duke of Buckingham built a private fleet of 10 three-masted, armed full rigged pinnaces, each of which carried the name Lion's Whelp. At least one Lion's Whelp participated in the English attempt to relieve the Huguenot citadel of La Rochelle during the Anglo-French War. Little information has survived about the careers of the other Lion's Whelps and they disappear from the historical record in 1654. Important documents about their finance and construction have survived and made a lasting contribution to our understanding of the Navy Royal during the early 17th century.
The 10 Lion's Whelps built by the 1st Duke of Buckingham in 1628 are good examples of the 'war' pinnace, a war ship that was built for several European navies for more than two centuries (c.1550-c.1750). England, the Netherlands, Sweden and Poland deployed the war pinnace on a regular basis. The largest war pinnaces, also known as frigates, approximated England's fifth rate and sixth rate small warships. A few war pinnaces were built to fourth-rate hull dimensions. However, these war pinnaces carried less cannon and had smaller crews than English fourth, fifth, and sixth rates. Fast and maneuverable when compared to a typical ship of the line, when they were under the command of an experienced captain with a crew that retained discipline during battle, many war pinnaces compiled impressive fighting and espionage records.

Ten ships of the name Lyon's Whelp were built in 1628 by George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, and each was constructed to the same design. Although masted and armed from the stores of the Royal Navy, the fleet was paid for by the Duke. The entire fleet of ten Lion's Whelps cost Buckingham about £7,000 and for several years, they were his private fleet. With the exception of the Earl of Pembroke, the Duke of Buckingham was the wealthiest nobleman in England at this time. This ship building program indicates that the Duke of Buckingham could access very significant funds. The Duke spent £7000 in 1628 to build his fleet which in the first quarter of 2011 would be worth £624,120.00.[3][4]

Under the Duke's command, the Lion's Whelps were privateers dedicated to increasing his considerable personal fortune. The fleet of ten Lions Whelps was not taken over by the Navy until after Buckingham's assassination in 1632, and compensation of at least £4000 was paid to his estate.[Note 4]
The Earl of Nottingham
Lyon's Whelp was the name given to several British naval ships dating back to the 16th century, including at least two that were not financed or built by the Duke of Buckingham. The immediate predecessor to Buckingham's fleet of 10 Lion's Whelps was a war ship named Lion's Whelp that was owned by Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham, who was the Lord High Admiral of England (1585–1619) and who was succeeded by the Duke of Buckingham.

This Lion's Whelp was loaned to Sir Walter Raleigh and joined the English fleet for the combined Anglo-Dutch attack and expected capture of Cadiz in 1596.[Note 5] Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex and Sir Walter Raleigh were among the commanders of landing forces while Sir Charles Howard as admiral led the fleet. Victory was swift because the Spanish fleet had been set afire in order not be captured and their land army was badly organized. The Dutch and English sacked and pillaged Cadiz all the while respecting its citizens much to the astonishment of the Spanish. This Lion's Whelp was sold to the state in 1602, and then repaired at Chatham by the ambitious young shipwright Phineas Pett (see below). The Duke of Buckingham received this Lion's Whelp as a gift from King James VI in 1625, shortly before the King died. Ratification of the transfer of ownership occurred under King Charles.

Warrants, contracts, and shipbuilders
Several years ago, John Wassell worked with the Public Records Office in London and England's Calendars of State Papers to research the ten Lion's Whelps built by the Duke of Buckingham in 1628. His web page presents the most important information obtained - original period documents from the archive “State Papers, Domestic”.[5] Each Whelp had one gun deck, two masts with a rig that included square sails and lateen. There are only a few contemporary drawings and paintings of English war pinnaces or frigates of the Jacobean era. Details of hull design, armament and rigging are usually inferred using prints and hull designs of warships in the Dutch Navy.[Note 6]
The Duke of Buckingham's project to build 10 Lion's Whelps began with his warrant to two well-placed friends. Captain Sir John Pennington and Phineas Pett ensured that the ablest shipwrights of the region would be available for the building of this fleet. Their basic design was a warship of 125 tons with both sails and oars ('sweeps'). Ship construction would be done on the banks of the River Thames, particularly at Ipswich and Shorum.[6] The Lord Admiral was to oversee the “preparation and setting out” for 10 pinnaces of 120 tons each. (Each Lion's Whelp was built to 186 tons.. see below.) Each ship was to have a tender, and adequate supplies of oars, cable, anchors, sails, canvas and 'all other tackling and rigging to be furnished from his 'Majesties Stores', likewise for ordnance and ammunition. “Their Lordships well approving of the said motion did think fit and order the same accordingly.” The motive for building these ten ships was the 'enterprise of La Rochelle'. These ten ships would be added to the English fleet that would undertake to relieve the siege of the French Hugenot (Protestant) center of power at La Rochelle as imposed by King Louis XIII. Considerable resources must have been available because Phinaeus Pett left this employment at the end of July, which indicates that the ten ships had been completed and launched by that time (~6 months) or shortly thereafter. Thereupon the Duke's fleet set sail for Portsmouth and assignments with the Royal Navy.[7]>ref group=Note>The group that met at Whitehall on February 27, 1627 was impressive. The heart of England's political and military power was present: Lord Keeper (of the privy seal)- Lord Treasurer - Lord President (of the council) - Lord Admiral - Lord Steward - Earl of Suffolk - Earl of Dorset - Earl of Exeter - Earl of Morton - Earl of Kelley - Viscount Wimbledon - Viscount Grandison - Mr. Treasurer – Master of the Ward(robe) - Mr. Chanc(ellor) of the Exchequer - Mr Chanc. of the Duchy (of Lancaster)</ref>

Although there are no surviving remains of any of the ten Lion's Whelps built by the Duke of Buckingham, it is possible to obtain a portrait of these ships. Dutch marine painters of the period often included detailed examples of Dutch, English and Spanish ships in their paintings. A small oil-on-copper painting by Abraham de Verwer c.1625, that is now in the England's National Maritime Museum, shows Dutch and English war pinnaces saluting each other outside a harbour. The English ship is a good fit to the reconstructed profile for a Buckingham Lion's Whelp as a three-masted war pinnace with a single gun deck that had eight broadside cannon ports. There is a grating or 'flying deck' over the waist, and Royal Arms decorated the stern. There is another and similar painting of an English single deck war pinnace in the National Maritime Museum.
The Anglo-French War

At least one of Buckingham's ten Lion's Whelps saw service with the British Fleet in England's attempt to relieve the Huguenot citadel of La Rochelle. English action in the Anglo-French War began with a siege of the fortress of Saint-Martin-de-Re in 1627. The English fleet was not able to lay siege to La Rochelle until several months later.
Historians are indebted to Jacques Callot who published a series of prints illustrating the English landing on the Isle de Re at the beach of Sablanceau, the Siege of Saint Martin-de-Re and the Siege of La Rochelle.[Note 7] Callot's technical innovations enhanced the detail in his prints. In his portrayal of the English fleet, it is possible to differentiate galleons, carracks, pinnaces and perhaps shallops becauise each ship type had the same minute iconic image. Peraps one of the pinnaces in these prints is Buckingham's sixth Lion's Whelp.

The besotted King James I assigned a central role to his favorite courtier with the expedition to relieve the stronghold of La Rochelle (Hugenot). England hoped that a success would bring the French Protestants into an alliance against Catholic Spain and provide a demonstration of English naval power that would leave King Louis XIII hesitant and fearful. English King James I had made George Villiers, Lord Admiral of the Royal Navy in 1619. As an important commander during the Siege of Saint-Martin-de-Ré (1627) and the attempt to relieve La Rochelle, the Duke of Buckingham revealed a serious lack of understanding and expertise when faced with both army and naval strategic challenges.
The siege of Saint-Martin-de-Ré was the first action in this attempt to take La Rochelle and it began when Buckingham's fleet landed troops on the beach at Sablanceau. Apparently Buckingham insisted on an orderly, slow and methodical organization of his army on the exposed beach, even as French troops and cavalry made repeated lightening attacks, emerging from the protection of the sand dunes. About 100 English casualties on the beach were unnecessary. Later, it was revealed that Buckingham's preparations for the siege of Saint Martin included ladders that proved too short to reach the top of Saint-Martin-de-Re's walls.

English strategy correctly viewed the fortress of Saint-Martin-de-Re as a serious impediment to an assault on La Rochelle. With 80 ships and 7,000 men, Buckingham failed to take the fortress city. After three months and a final failed assault on October 27, 1627, he ended the siege and left for England from Loix with a demoralized, disease ridden force of 2,000 men, the survivors of his original army of 7,000 men.[Note 8]
A Lion's Whelp to Massachusetts
In 1629 a Lion's Whelp sailed with four other ships from Gravesend on April 25, 1629 for the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Arrived and greeted by Governor John Endecott on June 30, 1629. All ships were armed merchantmen. Eight cannon were listed for this Lion's Whelpwhich is the number carried by the Duke of Buckingham's Lion's Whelps and most armed pinnaces as well. Is this ship Buckingham's second Lion's Whelp, diverted for a cross Atlantic run with settlers and provisions to the Massachusetts Bay Colony? A careful scrutiny of the record is not supportive of this conclusion. This Lion's Whelp is tentatively identified as the 120-ton ship that brought William Dodge, along with the Sprague family and others to Salem, Massachusetts in 1629. The Lyon's Whelp left Gravesend 24/25 April 1629 and arrived in Salem mid-July 1629, under Master John Gibbs (or Gibbon). It was one of six ships in a small fleet; the others including the Talbot, George Bonaventure, Lyon, and a ship called the Mayflower (though not the Mayflower of the Pilgrims). This Lion's Whelpand her sister ships the Talbot and the George carried goods and new settlers to Naumkaeg, the Indian name for the territory settled by England's Massachusetts Bay Company at Salem.[10][11]
Appendix: 10 Lion's Whelps
Final costings for each Lion's Whelp are believed to have been in excess of the contracted rate, thereby raising the possibility that shipwrights deliberately built ships larger than agreed upon in order to inflate the final invoice. The worse example of this was Peter Pett and the sixth Whelp. The Duke wanted each Whelp to weigh 120 tonnes, and cost £139.5.
After the Duke was assassinated in 1632, his fleet of ten Lion Whelps was take into the Royal Navy and the estate reimbursed £4,500 according to Captain Pennington who had supervised their construction. Had the fleet been sold to England, as the Earl of Nottingham had done with his Lion's Whelp in 1602, very likely much more money would have accrued to the Buckingham estate.
- Buckingham's first Lion's Whelp was built by William Castell of Southwark St Saviour in 1628. After the Duke was assassinated in 1632, she was taken into the Royal Navy and then converted into a chain ship for the Chatham “barricado” c. 1641. She was sent to Harwich as a careening hulk in August 1650, and then drops out of the historical record. Lion's Whelp may be the hulk at Harwich that was ordered to be sold in October 1651.
- The second Lion's Whelp was also built by William Castell of St. Savior's in Southwark. She was converted into a chain ship for the Chatham 'barricado' c.1641, then was ordered to be sold in August, 1650 together with the Defiance and Merhonour as having become too decayed, even to be a careening hulk at Harwich.

- The third Lion's Whelp was built by John Dearsley of Ipswich at Wapping. She was listed as unfit for service in Batten's survey of 1647 and 'cast' before February, 1643.[12]
- The fourth Lion's Whelp was built by Christopher Malim of Redriff. She was used for experimental constructions in the Project Dutchman, c.1633. These works in the hold were ordered for removal in March 1643 because they were of no use in a man-o-war. Details of the experimental constructions are lacking, although Warrell's research points to Cornelius Drebbel as having executed the removal order. The fourth Lion's Whelp struck a rock in St. Aubrey's Bay, Jersey on August 4, 1636 and sank without any loss of life.[13]
- The fifth Lion's Whelp was built by Peter Marsh of Wapping and spent most of her life in service in Ireland. She foundered in the North Sea on June 28, 1637 and sank with the loss of 17 men. Cause of this tragedy was placed with the shipyard who built her of 'mean, sappy timbers'.[14][Note 9][15]
- The sixth Lion's Whelp was built by Peter Pett of Ratcliffe. Peter Pett (1610-?1672) was an English Master Shipwright, the second Resident Commissioner of the Chatham Dockyard.[Note 10] Phinaes Pett was viewed as the greatest shipbuilder of his time, indeed perhaps the finest to have ever lived and worked in England. The reputation of the Pett dynasty ensured that the sixth Lion's Whelp was designed and constructed to the highest standards. Her captain was John Pett (1601/2 - 1628), the eldest son of Phineas Pett who died when the ship went down off the coast of Brittany when returning from the La Rochelle expedition in 1628.
- The seventh Lion's Whelp was built by Matthew Graves of Limehouse, She and the famous ship-of-the-line' Mary Rose got into a dispute with a Dutch warship from Enkhuisen over a Dutch privateer captured off the Suffolk coast. Negligence in the powder store led to a fierce explosion that destroyed the seventh Lion's Whelp amidst action involving several ships from both countries. There is speculation that Captain Cooper became severely disoriented immediately after the loss of the ship, and thereafter was mentally incompetent.[16]
- The eighth Lion's Whelp was built in the yard of John Graves of Limehouse, and she was used to transport gold to the Scottish parliament in 1644. The Eighth is another pinnace in the Duke's fleet that went 'rotten'. In July 1645, she was judged too decayed to repair and ordered to be laid up on the Woolwich shore.
- The ninth Lion's Whelp was also built by John Graves of Limehouse and spent her active years in the Irish service. Her captain was Dawtrey Cooper in 1632/33, who had been the captain of the seventh Lion's Whelp when a seaman's negligence caused a fearful explosion and loss of life. During the ninth Lion's Whelp service at Ireland, there were continual disputes and near mutinies. She came to an end as a wreck in the River Clyde with the pinnace Confidence while taking supplies from Ireland to Dumbarton Castle (which is on the Clyde near Glasgow) in April, 1640. There is an incorrect record that the eighth and ninth Lion's Whelps were lost in a storm in 1628 that had wrecked the sixth. After a brief period of out of contact, the eighth and ninth returned to Portsmouth.
- The tenth Lion's Whelp was built by Robert Tranckmore of Shoreham, went over to the Royalists after the fall of Bristol in 1643, then was recaptured by Parliament's forces in 1645. She was at Helvoetsluys with the Earl of Warwick's fleet in 1648, then was fitted out as a fireship for Blake's pursuit of Prince Rupert to Lisbon in 1650. Later the tenth Lion's Whelp was used for convoy work and communications during the First Anglo-Dutch War. The last historical mention of the tenth Lion's Whelp is on October 19, 1654 when she was sold to Jacob Blackpath for £410.
With sale of the tenth, this fleet of Lion's Whelps passes from recorded history. Their fragmentary historical record has provided additional information about the building of small war ships in the 17th century, and activities of the Royal Navy in the Anglo-French War.
- ^ There were discrete, small ports for "sweeps" (32' oars, each worked by 3 men). This galley-like feature can be traced back at least to Henry VIII's time. Frigates had oar ports well into the 18th century.
- ^ The number and configuration of the gunports in the Lion's Whelp design was a bit complicated. The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011. In what follows, 'port' refers to gun-port. “To make a Quarter-deck with two ports right astern and two quarter ports with a convenient Bulkhead (partition) and sight for Steerage. To make eight ports on each side from the bulkhead of the steerage forward and to fit places to row with two oars betwixt each port". "Port" here means a gunport. It is unclear whether the "quarter-deck" ports are at Gun deck level (ie. under the quarter-deck) or are for guns mounted on the quarter-deck.” (Wassell favored the quarter-deck.) “Only two guns were fitted right aft due to lack of space, to be fired either astern or as part of the broadside. This gives a total of 20 gunports, but the practical maximum armament was 16 guns as a similar lack of space in the bows meant that only one gun on each side, the "bowchaser", could be fired either out of the foremost port or from the next port aft. The forward end of the gundeck had to accommodate the foremast, bowsprit, riding bitts and a galley chimney. This description means that there was to be one gun deck fitted with 9 gunports each side, plus two sternchase gunports . . .”
- ^ The above dimensions show the Whelps to have been relatively broad in the beam. This was to allow them carry the proposed armament of 10 guns each. Each ship was to have 2 brass Sakers (6 lb shot) 4 demi-culverins (9 lb shot) and 4 culverins (18 lb shot). This was a remarkably heavy armament for ships of this size- the culverin being the standard lower gun deck armament of the biggest two-deckers of the time. This was achieved by using iron "drake" versions of demi-culverin and culverin. These were lighter than the standard cannon and used a smaller powder charge (an early equivalent of the carronade). They also weighed less than the brass sakers, despite the heavier ball. In addition, 26 iron demi-cannon drakes were added just before the departure of the fleet for La Rochelle! These guns fired a 32 lb shot and three of the Whelps received four such cannon. However, apparently they were left in the holds of most Whelps as the captains considered the decks too weak to support them.”
- ^ In 1619, King James I appointed George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham to the Admiralty and he became the Lord Admiral of England. Jovial and good natured to all who supported him, as a typical courtier Villiers was most interested in satisfying his vanity and arranging marriages for friends and those who were politically connected. The Duke had few qualities that would make him an effective admiral of the Royal Fleet. Nearly all of his political and military stratagems proved to be disasters.
- ^ Wassell's 1595 reference is likely to Raleigh's participation in this combined English and Dutch attack and capture of Cadiz in 1596. There was no expedition of any significance undertaken by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1595.
- ^ Lofting a ship the size of a Dutch or English war pinnace by eye was likely well within the capabilities of their shipwrights. A similar challenge was successfully met in 18th and 19th century American shipyards that built schooners, barques and brigantines, small and large.
- ^ Master of advanced etching techniques, Jacques Callot is credited with technical innovations such as the echoppe (needle) that allowed etchers to create a 'swelling' line; a lute maker's varnish based, etching ground that allowed for highly detailed work equal to that of engravers, and multiple “stoppings-out” which provided etchers with heretofore unknown possibilities to achieve subtle effects of distance and light.
- ^ King Charles would send two more fleets to relieve the Siege of La Rochelle. William Fielding, Earl of Dengbigh, sailed for La Rochelle in April 1628 but returned without a fight claiming that had no commission that authorized him to participate in fighting. The Duke of Buckingham organized the next fleet which sailed under the Earl of Lindsey who was now the Admiral of the Fleet. The Earl of Lindsey sailed in August, 1628 with 29 warships and 31 merchantmen and in September 1628, they attempted to relieve La Rochelle. The English bombarded the French positions and tried to force the sea wall, all in vain. The Earl of Lindsey was forced to withdraw and return to England. La Rochelle surrendered to King Louis XIII on October 28, 1628 and Catholicism in France solidified. England then ended its participation in the Thirty Years War by signing a peace treaty with France in 1629, and with Spain in 1639.
- ^ Wassell reproduces the report of Captain Edwin Popham regarding the loss of the fifth Lion's Whelp in a terrible storm. She sank four hours after springing her fist leak, the pumps were quickly overpowered. 17 men died with the fifth Lion's Whelp as she sank, the captain with 40 men survived in a small boat. Four hours rowing brought them to an English ship and rescue.
- ^ He was either: a) half brother of Phineas Pett (d.1631 – not likely); or b) son (d.1649) of the second marriage of Master Shipwright Peter Pett of Deptford (d.1589)
External links
- Lion's Whelp, 1628 three-masted pinnace, Virginia Historical Society, retrieved December 12, 2010.
- 16th century large English pinnace - early print. Lacking identity and provenance as depicted on Dr. J.P. Sommerville's page about Elizabeth I: Exploration and Foreign Policy (University of Wisconsin), n.d. Retrieved September 18, 2008.
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011 “Miscellaneous: costing to Mr. Browne (by Pennington) for a model of a pinnace - £3, 6/- costing to Mr. Maylim for model of 900 tonne ship with 'deck under water and store rooms upon it' - £6, 10/-”
- ^ National Archives, Currency Converter. Retrieved March 3, 2011. £7,000 1630 pounds are equivalent to £624,120.00 (2011 pounds).
- ^ Of Wassells, Whelps and Kennedys, by John Wassels, nd. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011. “The State Papers, Domestic contain the indentures (contracts) between Pennington & Phineas Pett and two of the builders- John Graves and Matthew Graves- for the construction of these ships. (SP16 94 .430 .431). They are both dated the last day of February, 1628. (The year ran from 25 March to 24 March in those days, so a document dated 28 February 1627 refers to 28 February 1628 on our calendar.”
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011
- ^ English pinnace warship as depicted on a small, oil on panel painting that in the 1970s was still hanging in the Queen's house. It appears to be the same ship, shown in mirror image, as the English pinnace in the paintings by de Verwer in the National Maritime Museum.
- ^ The English Siege of the fortress city of Saint Martin began with Buckingham's landing on the beach at Sablanceau, Isle de Re, July 12, 1627.
- ^ The History of Ten Lion's Whelps, by John Wassell. 2003. Retrieved 11 Feb 2010.
- ^ A Brief History of William Dodge of Beverly - 1629 – 1692, by Donald R. Dodge, 1997-2011, retrieved February 11, 2011.
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011.1631 (SP 16. 198) lists 14 guns on ... the Third ... Whelp .. .
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011. Transcriptions of letter/work order for removal of the experimental constructions, and the usefulness of 3” and 4” planks for work on ships elsewhere.
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011. 1631 (SP 16. 198) lists 14 guns on ... the Fifth ... Whelp .. .
- ^ The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011. Wassell reproduces a letter from the captain of the Mary Rose to the Admiralty concerning these events.
- Mystery of the Lion's Whelps, by Bennett Blumenerg, March 23, 2011.
- Lion's Whelp 1628 three-masted pinnace, by New Zealand National Maritime Museum, nd. Retrieved December 12, 2010.
- Hooker, Hourcre, Hourque, Hoeker Retrieved on Sept.1, 2008.
- History of Ten Lions Whelps, by John Wassells, nd. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
- The Lion's Whelps – Introduction, History, Construction, What Did They Look Like? by James Wassell, Feb.23, 2003. Retrieved February 11, 2011.
- Mathew Baker and the Art of the Shipwright (in German). Baker was royal ship builder under Elizabeth I. "His Fragments of Ancient Shipbuilding' (1586) is considered a ground breaking work and invaluable for the study of 16th century shipbuilding. Sept.15, 2005.
- When Galleons Ruled the Waves, by Ken Johnson, July 30, 2009. Retrieved March 13, 2011.
Lion's Whelp, 1628 Career (England)
Name: Lion's Whelp Ordered: February 28, 1628 Laid down: March 1628 Launched: late July, 1628 Acquired: Duke of Buckingham, July, 1628; Royal Navy, 1632 Commissioned: 1632 In service: 1628 to 1628 to 1654 Out of service: 1628 to 1628 to 1654 Fate: Various Notes: John Graves built eighth and ninth Whelps. Phineas Pett's certificates of works done have survived for all Whelps except the ninth.[1] General characteristics Type: 3-masted pinnace, auxiliary oared warship Displacement: 186 tons 180 long tons (183 t) Beam: 25 ft (7.6 m) Depth of hold: 9 ft (2.7 m) Propulsion: Sweeps (two oars between each cannon port).[Note 1] Armament: 9 broadside cannons, 2 sternchase gunports [Note 2][2][Note 3] Notes: The Whelps were classed as ships "of the sixth rank"

About the flag
Minor, Capt Ephraim (1668-1740)
FLAG - USA (1776 -1795)
Submitted by conradwg
Description The Flag Resolution of 1777 On June 14, 1777, the Marine Committee of the Second Continental Congress passed the Flag Resolution which stated: "Resolved, that the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation."[68] Flag Day is now observed on June 14 of each year. While scholars still argue about this, tradition holds that the new flag was first hoisted in June 1777 by the Continental Army at the Middlebrook encampment.[69] Francis Hopkinson's design for a US flag, featuring six-pointed stars arranged in rows. 13-star "Betsy Ross" variant The 1777 resolution was most probably meant to define a naval ensign. In the late 18th century, the notion of national flag did not yet exist, or was only nascent. The flag resolution appears between other resolutions from the Marine Committee. On May 10, 1779, Secretary of the Board of War Richard Peters expressed concern "it is not yet settled what is the Standard of the United States."[70] The Flag Resolution did not specify any particular arrangement, number of points, nor orientation for the stars. One famous arrangement features 13 outwardly-oriented five-pointed stars arranged in a circle, the so-called Betsy Ross flag. Although the Betsy Ross legend is controversial, the design is among the earliest 13-star flags. Popular designs at the time were varied and most were individually crafted rather than mass-produced. Examples of 13-star arrangements can be found on other flags attributed to Francis Hopkinson, the Cowpens flag, and the Brandywine flag. Given the scant archaeological and written evidence, it is unknown if one design was the most popular during the period.[citation needed] Despite the 1777 resolution, a number of flags only loosely based on the prescribed design were used in the early years of American independence. One example may have been the Guilford Court House Flag, traditionally believed to have been carried by the American troops at the Battle of Guilford Court House in 1781. Other evidence suggests it dates only to the nineteenth century.[71] The original flag is at the North Carolina Historical Museum. The origin of the stars and stripes design is inadequately documented. The apocryphal story credits Betsy Ross for sewing the first flag from a pencil sketch handed to her by George Washington. No evidence for this exists; indeed, nearly a century had passed before Ross' grandson, William Canby, first publicly suggested it.[72] Another woman, Rebecca Young, has also been credited as having made the first flag by later generations of her family. Young's daughter was Mary Pickersgill, who made the Star Spangled Banner Flag.[73][74] It is likely that Francis Hopkinson of New Jersey, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, designed the 1777 flag while he was the Chairman of the Continental Navy Board's Middle Department, sometime between his appointment to that position in November 1776 and the time that the flag resolution was adopted in June 1777. This contradicts the Betsy Ross legend, which suggests that she sewed the first Stars and Stripes flag by request of the government in the Spring of 1776.[68][75] Hopkinson was the only person to have made such a claim during his own lifetime, when he sent a bill to Congress for his work. He asked for a "Quarter Cask of the Public Wine" as payment initially. The payment was not made, however, because it was determined he had already received a salary as a member of Congress, and he was not the only person to have contributed to the design.[76]

James L Blackwell
BIRTH 7 APRIL 1811 • North Carolina, United States
DEATH 11 JUN 1891 • Surry, North Carolina, United States
James Blackwell Sr. born Jan 8,1811 died May 23 1891 in Washington Parish, LA
James Blackwell Sr. born Jan 8, 1811, was son of Thornton Blackwell and Permelia Godman married Emily Crain (daughter of Dennis Crain and Nancy Wheeler) in St Tammany Parish, Louisiana. James died May 23, 1891, and Emily died May 8, 1882. Both are buried in the Blackwell Cemetery in St. Tammany Parish. James and Emily had nine children: Nancy, John, Jesse, Steptoe, Elizabeth, Cordelia, Martin, Emeline, and James. John Blackwell born Jan 8, 32 in Washington parish, La--death date known
Jesse Blackwell born 1862 in Washington parish, La.--died Jan 15, 1862
Steptoe Blackwell born in Washington, La 1842--died St Tammany Parish, La.
Elizabeth Blackwell born 1849 in Washington, La--died 1915 St. Tammany Parish, La
Cordelia Blackwell born Apr19, 1846 Washington, La-died 1915 St TammanyParish, La.
Martin Blackwell born Feb 27, 1850 Washington, LA--died Aug 7, 1937 St Tammany Parish, La
Emeline Blackwell born 1854 Washington, La--died 1940 St Tammany Parish, La
James Blackwell Jr. born Mar 27, 1859--died Nov12, 27 in St Tammany Parish, La
Nancy Blackwell born Nov 1, 1832 in Washington Parish, La--died 10-25-1896, buried in Enon Baptist Church Cemetery, Enon, LA.
Much of the above information was from excerpts from the book: Colonial Families of the Southern States of America, by Stella Pickett Hardy, published in 1911; from family material gathered by Mrs. Doris Ratliff Blackwell of Shreveport in the 1980's; from records accumulated by Michael E. Shotwell, P.O. Box 8471 Jackson, Mississippi 39284; family history contributed by Samuel Felton Knight, Jr. and William Paul Knight, descendants of James " Jockey Jim" Knight and Nancy Blackwell's son John Wesley Knight; and the Blackwell Newsletter Vol. 1, No. 3, September 1979 pages 6-10; editor - John D. Blackwell.
Eliz background & "elopement" with Joseph Healy Robinson
Posted 15 Mar 2014 by dianarupert1
A different Elizabeth, but same HMS Pinafore story.
Elizabeth Blackwell was born August 31, 1815 in Fauquier County, where
She grew up on her father's plantation. Purposefully, or unintentionally, as the case may be, Sarah (Welch) Blackwell raised her Elizabeth to be a Lady in the aristocratic sense of the word. She had servants at her beck and call, and never worked about the home as many other girls of her day were required to do. Because of this kind of home experience, Elizabeth came to think of herself as a lady who should not be required to do the conventional chores of a housewife. This attitude led some critics to charge that she was less than industrious. This writer does not share this judgment of her. In his opinion, Elizabeth simply knew that she belonged to a F. F. V., as she had been taught all her life, and she meant to act the part.
As a girl of seventeen, she fell desperately in love with an attractive And honorable young man not socially acceptable to her parents. Moreover, he had dulled his prospects for the future by deciding to devote his life to the ministry of the Primitive Baptist Church.
Elizabeth's outraged Irish mother objected violently and forbade her to See her "prince charming" again. So on a still, warm July night, one month before she turned eighteen, she, with the help of her faithful "black Mammy", descended a ladder that had been placed at her bedroom window, met the man of her choice and rode away to Georgetown, D.C. where they were married.
Elizabeth's whole way of life changed at this point from one of luxury. To one of simple necessities. But she was a woman of strong character, of courage, and of determination, qualities which she inherited from her pioneering forbears and which made it easily possible for her to adjust to her new way of life. She was never known to shrink from, or to complain about the rigors of the life she had chose Joseph Henry Robinson was the thirteenth and youngest child of William and Susannah (Lowe) Robinson of Fauquier County, Virginia. The family was founded by Giles Robinson, who came from England and settled in Lancaster County in 1656.
Joseph H., as he was affectionately called, was very intelligent, practical-minded, a great reader, a sound thinker, a good public speaker, a charming conversationalist, and an altogether delightful person. To know him was to understand a reason for Elizabeth's choice.
From: http://gedcom.surnames.com/burgess_jim/np132.htm
Nathaniel A. Anderson well known pioneer of Harvey county passed away Tuesday April 3, 1951 at his home, 715 East Eleventh, Newton, at the age of 82 years, 11 months and 15 days.
He was born May 18, 1868 in Bethel, Ohio and was the last surviving member of the family of eight children of David and Mary Anderson, who came to Kansas in the fall of 1871 where they homesteaded east of Newton and where he spent his childhood on the farm.
March 12, 1889 he was united in marriage to Maggie Clark of Valley Center. The established their home on the homestead and raised a family of seven children, one preceded him in death.
After retiring Mr. Anderson went into the restaurant business, but ill health forced him to retire soon afterwards. He took up gardening and his flowers and vegetables were a joy to all who saw them, and his great joy was giving flowers from his garden. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Joe Anderson of Colorado Springs, and Clark of Newton: four daughters, Mrs. Earl [Ethel] Etheridge of British Columbia; Mrs. Floyd [Ehula] Porter of Wichita, and Mrs. Marguerite Blanchard and Mrs. Hannibal [Leola] Whit, both of Newton.
Funeral will be Friday afternoon with burial in Greenwood cemetery.
Information by Julian Wall
Wife of my second Great uncle.
Maggie Clark Anderson was born May 7, 1866 in Hadley, Ill to Alexander and Hiley Clark. She was the great-granddaughter of Free Frank and Free Lucy McWorter, who were slaves in Kentucky. They were able to purchase their freedom in 1817 and 1819. They moved from Pulaski county, Kentucky to Pike county, Illinois, were Frank platted a town New Philadelphia in 1835. With the money raised from selling lots, he was able to purchase his children and grandchildren into freedom before the civil war.
Maggie came with her family at an early age to Kansas ,settling in Valley Center where she grew up and married Nathaniel Anderson in 1899. They had seven children to this marriage. Maggie lived to just past her 100th year passing away at her home July 11, 1966.
Information from Anderson family history Karen Wall
Copied from www.findagrave.com:
Jonathan Riley Massegee
Birth: | Jun. 3, 1850 White Bluff Dickson County Tennessee, USA |
Death: | Oct. 13, 1941 Pauls Valley Garvin County Oklahoma, USA |
TEXAS RANGER John R Massegee Name: Mr. J.R. Massagee Residence: Pauls Valley, Oklahoma Date of Birth: June 3, 1850 Place of Birth: Tennessee Father: Richard Massagee Mother: Mary Brassfield, born in Missouri I was born in Tennessee, June 3, 1850, and my first remembrance of events was in Texas. I was living with my grandfather Massegee. My father died in Texas when I was only a year old, according to my grandfather, and my mother died in the same state when I was only five. I received very little schooling, in the early days in Texas there were very few schools. My grandfather lived on a farm in Texas. Before going to Texas he had lived in the state of Arkansas where he owned a small farm. My grandmother having passed away at an early date, this left only grandfather and me, so in 1860 we loaded what belongings we owned into a wagon and, working the only team grandfather owned, a large pair of horses, we left for Arkansas. We passed through the Choctaw Nation and were several weeks making the trip. While crossing the Indian Territory we came upon several small settlements of Indians but the best I can remember we didn't see but a very few white men. There were at that time plenty of deer, turkeys and wild animals. At night the panthers would come right up close to our camp and scream. We would keep the horses staked near the wagon. If we killed a deer any time during the day while we were traveling, we would have it with us until we made camp, then after taking what meat we wanted off of it for supper and breakfast we would drag it about two hundred yards from where we made camp and leave it. In doing this if some wild animal did come near our camp it would not attack our horses as long as it could find a freshly killed deer. We had no trouble with the Indians while crossing the Indian Territory. There were no roads or bridges in the early days. Sometimes we came to small creeks that would be nearly out of their banks and often we would have to wait a day or so until the water would go down so we could cross. There were no wire fences, in some places we came to a small piece of land that would have a log fence around it; this would belong to some Indian for that was the way they farmed then. They would have three or four acres of corn. These patches of corn were called Tom Fuller patches. There must have been very few white men living in that part of the Indian Territory at that time, as I do not remember seeing a white family. When we reached Arkansas we settled on my grandfather's place and farmed until 1867, at which time my grandfather passed away. By the time everything was paid off, I had one yoke of oxen and a two-wheeled cart to haul what few things I owned. So in the early spring of 1868 I left for Texas, working the yoke of oxen to my two-wheeled cart. I went back over the same route that Grandfather and I had come over in 1860; I was only eighteen years old and all alone going on this trip. I didn't ride but had to walk, as the cart was a homemade one and at times it didn't look like it was going to carry what few things I had piled on it, but in early June, 1868, I drove my yoke of oxen into Jacksboro, Texas, and found that the Government was building Fort Richardson, about a mile from Jacksboro, and the Sixth U.S. Calvary was stationed there. Everything then was hauled by wagon train, so I went to work for the Government, hauling lumber to finish building the fort. While I was working on this wagon train hauling lumber there was another wagon train hauling corn to Fort Griffith and this wagon train hauling corn consisted of eleven wagons, one man to each wagon. The boss over the wagon train was named Warren. One morning in the fall of 1868 this wagon train left Fort Richardson, commanded by Warren, and it was loaded with sacks of shelled corn on its way to Fort Griffith. Before the wagon train pulled out it was short one driver and Mr. Warren asked me if I wanted to make the trip. How I got out of making this trip I don't recall, but another man was hired to make the trip and, after seeing what had happened, I was glad I did not go. This wagon train had made one day's drive and camped and early the next morning before it pulled out for another day's drive they were attacked by the Comanche Indians and only five escaped alive and three of the five were wounded. The boss of the train was killed and one of the men was wounded so badly that he could not get away. The Indians tied his feet to one wagon and his hands to another wagon and while he was swinging this way they built a fire under him and burned him in two; after this the Indians took the sacked corn out of the wagons and must have laid the sacks in front of them on their ponies and cut a hole in the sacks and rode in a large circle, and the corn was scattered all over the prairie around where this massacre took place. There were over four hundred Indians in that raid; it was later learned that Chief Big Tree was one of the Chiefs on this raid and according to what he told at his trial, the white man that was burned after being wounded to where he could not get away, had lain on the ground and, with his two-six shooters, had killed several of the Indians and that was why they had burned him, according to Chief Big Tree's story. The men who had escaped met a woodhauler and were brought to Fort Richardson and put in the army hospital. At that time General W. T. Sherman was on a tour of the west looking over army forts and happened to be in Fort Richardson at the time. He was notified of the massacre; everybody was in an uproar over what they had heard. General Sherman ordered out fifty soldiers and headed for Fort Sill and by hard riding this company of soldiers, commanded by General Sherman, arrived at Fort Sill the next day and General Sherman stationed an interpreter near headquarters at Fort Sill to see what could be learned. It was a custom of the chiefs of the Comanches, Kiowas and other Western Indians to gather at this place and tell about different raids they had made. The interpreter didn't have long to wait, as General Sherman arrived ahead of the Indians in Fort Sill. The interpreter heard Big Tree, Chief Satank and others telling about the raid. General Sherman had his soldiers ready for any trouble so when the interpreter reported what he had head, General Sherman ordered the soldiers to round up the Indians. When the Indians saw the soldiers coming the fight started; in this fight several were killed, soldiers and Indians, but Chief Big Tree, Satank and a chief of the Kiowas were arrested, handcuffed and loaded in a wagon and brought to Jacksboro for trial, as court at that time was held at Jacksboro. One of the chiefs was killed before the soldiers had gone but a few miles; this Indiana Chief had a knife on him that the soldiers had overlooked. He cut his hands down so that he could slide the handcuffs over his hand and made a run at one of the soldiers and before he could reach the soldier he was shot down and left there. Chief Big Tree and Satank were brought on to Jacksboro for trial. I was deputized as one of the guards to watch these two Indians while their trial lasted. Court was held two days and when they were found guilty, Chief Satank only sat and grunted but Big Tree made quite a fuss about it; the Judge sentenced them to hang within thirty days. When the interpreter told them what the Judge had said, Satank only grunted but Big Tree said, that an Indian wouldn't do a dog that way, hang it by its neck and let it choke to death, he wanted to be shot and within three days. That night about two hundred citizens got up a petition asking the governor to commute the death sentence to life imprisonment, saying it would be for the best for as long as the two chiefs were in prison maybe their people wouldn't do anymore killing, they would be waiting for their chiefs to return to them; but if they learned that their chiefs were dead a new chief would be elected and new raids and killings would begin over again. So the governor of Texas reduced their sentence to life in prison but in a short time Texas made a treaty with the Indians that if they would stay out of Texas they would send their chiefs back to them. The treaty was agreed on and Big Tree and Satank were returned to their tribe. Texas organized a state troop in 1873 to patrol the frontier; I joined the troops and served until February 1874. In 1874 I remember two white women were killed by a band of Indians and the company I belonged to rode all one day and one night without unsaddling their horses trying to overtake the Indians but they crossed Red River into the Indian Territory just ahead of us, as we were state troops and could not cross the river. In this way many an outlaw made his escape by crossing Red River into the Indian Territory. Then it was up to the U.S. Marshall to get him. I was married in 1876; my wife is still living. We now live with our daughter in Pauls Valley. Note: The state troop Jonathan talks about is the Texas Rangers. Johnathan and his wife are mentioned in a 2007 book [Who They Really Were: Company C, Texas Ranger Frontier Battalion, 1874] by Ray Heinsohn 1940 United States Federal Census about Jonatha R Massegee Name: Jonatha R Massegee Age: 89 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1851 Gender: Male Race: White Birthplace: Tennessee Marital Status: Married Relation to Head of House: Father-in-law Home in 1940: Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma Street: 229 Montie Inferred Residence in 1935: Pauls Valley, Garvin, Oklahoma Residence in 1935: Same House Household Members: Name Age James E Ivans 55 Mary E Ivans 61 Jonatha R Massegee 89 Netie S Massegee 83 Sister: Eliza Catherine Massegee Cameron Find A Grave Memorial# 21763132 Family links: Spouse: Netie Sofrona Buckner Massegee (1856 - 1942)* Children: John Louis Massegee (1883 - 1977)* Benjamin Quentin Massegee (1885 - 1974)* | |
Burial: Mount Olivet Cemetery Pauls Valley Garvin County Oklahoma, USA Plot: 2 - 15 - 7 - 2 | |
| |
Created by: Robert Lee Layton Jr. Record added: Jul 13, 2012 Find A Grave Memorial# 93555118 ===================== Re: James "John" Glendening of King George County, Virginia
Here is what I have (keep in mind still proving most of this)
James "John" Glendening born 1666 King George County, VA married Ann Mott born 1671 Rappahannock/Virginia County, VA died 1740 King George County, VA children: John Glendening born abt 1700 (all the children born King George County, VA) Margaret Glendening born 1702 married William Grant born in Scotland about 1680 died 1736 King George County, VA. Elinor Glendening born 1704 Gail Glendening born 1713 Ann Mott's will is lost according to one source.Her father was George Mott born 1625 Saffron Walden, Essex, England died March 31, 1674 Rappahannock/Virginia County, VA married in England Elizabeth Pitt born 1645 died March 27, 1675 children:Eleanor "Ellen" Mott born 1673 Ann Mott born 1671 Elizabeth Mott born 1668 died 1712 married Mr. Fossaker Margaret Mott born 1666 died 1709 married Alexander Doniphan born about 1653 died about 1717 children Mott Doniphan and Elizabeth Doniphan Captain Alexander Doniphan imimigrated to Virginia from Plymouth, England, circa 1672 and settled in Westmoreland County., subsequently moving to Richmond County, where he died testate in 1717. Notes for CAPT. ALEXANDER(1) DONIPHAN: Source: “Virginia Historical Genealogies” by Boddie, Geneal. Publ., 1975 Came from Plymouth, England between 1671-1674 Capt. Alexander Doniphan was sworn in as one of 4 justices of the newly formed Richmond County ,Virginia on June 1,1692-1714. Richmond and Essex Counties prior to that were part of Rappahannock County, which included both sides of the Rappahannock River. The river became the dividing line and the north became Richmond County. Was a Captain of Horse in 1704. Was high sheriff of Richmond in 1716. Mott Doniphan married Rosanna Anderson and had a son Anderson Doniphan He was known as Mott Doniphan, Gentleman.By inheritance he possessed a vast acreage in the Northern Neck of Virginia, and his wife also inherited a valuable estate in Stafford, where they lived.He was vestryman in Aquia Church, 1757, when the present building was erected.Mott Doniphan, Gent. died, circa, 1776; his will is recorded in a lost will book. Mott Doniphan is an ancestor of Harry S Truman. |
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