"Wow! U should write/publish those stories!" they said. "What for? What's the point?" I was observant, but didn't know it was a BFD to integrate a Levittown. I'm tasked to kick butts in life somehow, as my daughter is meant to kick mine. It's a blog/social experiment ..interrupted, unedited and mostly written half asleep. Xanadu Grid is finally in work and I hope to get funded and employ some talented nerds Gamifying the metaverse for education. It's important! (/me points to PayPal Button)
OneBigSoup cashtag
recovery fundraiser for A. Blackwell
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Captain Morgan lost Captain William Blackwell?
Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements & Rosters Bounty Land Warrant of William Blackwell BLWt1861-300 VA Transcribed and annotated by C. Leon Harris. Revised 4 July 2014. [The following is the only primary document in the file.] Land Warrant No. 1861 for 300 acres issued on the 17 th July 1832 in the name of Elizabeth Scott only surviving child and heir at law of William Blackwell deces’d. who was a Captain in the Virg’a. line – in virtue of the Special Act of Congress approved 14 th July 1832. Wm. Gordon Clk. [The following are from bounty-land records in the Library of Virginia. Some online images are illegible.] Tuesday Jan’y 21 st 1777 The committee of the Treasury reported that they have had under consideration the requisition of Capt William Blackwell for a sum of money to be advanced him bounty and subsistance of his company in a Virginia Regiment under the command of Col [Moses] Rawlings, that there shou’d be advanced to the said Col Rawlings, he to be accountable the sum of 1477:85 and that the sum to be delivered to the said Capt Blackwell for the purposes aforesaid. [In the item below missing parts of the online images are indicated by * or inferred in brackets.] Washington Feb 7th 183[0] Sir [Alexander Scott] I received yesterday your letter making enquiries respecting the military services of Capt. William Blackwell deceased. H[e] was in July 1776 appointed a Captain in a regiment composed partly of Maryla[nd]ers and party of Virginians which was [I] think to be commanded by Colo. McG[*; probably Robert Magaw] or Colo. Rawlings. The Maryland part of [*] was captured in Fort Washington [16 Nov 1776]. The Virginia companies were not completed ti[ll] about the close of the year 1776. In the b[e]ginning of 1777 they were attached to th[e] 11 th Virginia Regiment then command[ed] by Colo. Daniel Morgan. I was well acquainted with Capt. William Blackwell and know that he served through the campaign of 1777. In the course of the year 1778 as well as I recollect the number of Virginia regiments was r[e]duced by putting two together, and several officers became supernumerary there being no troops for them to command. I do not know certainly whether Capt. Blackwell resigned or became a supernumerary officer, liable to be again called into service. [See endnote] I do not recollect his resignation, and am confident that I did not see him afterwards in the army. I have always understood that the muster rolls of the continental army were burn[ed] when the war office was consumed in this city. The public papers in Virginia were destroyed by the British during the invasion by Arnold [Gen. Benedict Arnold, Jan 1781], but I do not suppose those papers contained any evidence of Capt. Blackwells service I do not believe that any person now alive can say whether Capt. Blackwell resigned or became a supernumerary. Every officer from the county [Fauquier] except myself, is, I believe dead. Capt. Philip Slaughter [W29886] of Culpeper was an officer in the same Regiment and may possibly be able to give some [*]tion on the subject, tho’ I do not thin[k] [*] I do not recollect any other officer [*] [r]egiment that is now alive. I am Sir very respectfully your obed’t/ [signed] J Mars[hall] [John Marshall, pension application S5731, Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court] Washington Feb. 18 th 1830 Dear Sir [Alexander Scott] Your letter of the 15 th is just received. I was first Lieutenant in Capt. William Blackwells company. No person I believe ever doubted his courage. He conducted himself as other officers without attracting any particular notice. I am very respectfully your obed’t Dear Sir [Alexander Scott] March 28 th 1830 Your letter of the 2d this Ins’t. came to hand to day, I am sorry it not in my power to give you the satisfactory infomation you require, I was acquainted with Cap. Wm. Blackwell previous to the revolion I think as well I can recollect he went into the service in 1776 and left the service sometime in year 1778 that he had the commission of a Captain but wheather he retired from the service on furlough or as a supernumary I can’t inform you or what Regiment but think was the 10 th in the Va. line in the Continental service, I was near neighbour to Cap’n. When he died and know that your Wife Mrs. Elizabeth Scott was his only child I shall be glad to give you any information in my power, Please present my respects to Mrs. Scott I am with Rispect your most Ob’t. Serv’t./ Wm. Foote Culpeper September 25 1830 Dear Sir Your favor dated the 24 th of July last [several illegible words] did not come to hand untill this Thursday on Court day. I can with truth say that it will at all times afford me pleasure to give any & all the information that may be required by the Descendants of any of the old Brother Officers I shall therefore proceed to [illegible word] you, which information I possess respecting the services of Capt Wm Blackwell In July 1776 the Committee of Safety of the County of Culpeper (for I was then Clerk) proceeded agreeably to a decision from the General Committee of Safety, then sitting in Williamsburg to appoint a Captain, & other Subaltern officers & raise a Company of Rifle Men [several illegible words] I was appointed a Lieutenant – the June next the Committee of Safety of Fauquier County [several illegible words] appointed William Blackwell Captain & John Marshall Lieut [the rest illegible] [signed] Phil Slaughter Augusta Va 10 th Dec’r 1830 Sir [Alexander Scott] Your letters of Oct’r. & Nov’r 20 th arrived on the 3rd Instant. To your first & fifth Interrogatories I answer that I was well acquainted with William Blackwell of Fauquier. He was a Captain in the Virginia Line on Continental Establishment, and, my recollection is, belonged to the 11 th Virg’a. Regiment. To your 2nd 3rd & 4th Interrogatories I answer that I have no distinct recollection of the precise time Captain Blackwell was in actual service but, from circumstances, believe it could not have been much mor or less than two years. At or near the close of the campaign of 1778 the ranks from various causes had become thin, and the recruiting service having lingered, It was thought proper to blend & consolidate the Regiments which left a considerable number of supernumerary officers, some of whom were ordered on recruiting service, others to retire. until called for and some few perhaps too umbrage [two or three illegible words] and resigned but to which of these classes Captain Blackwell belongd I do not now remember About that time however he [illegible word] the Army and I think it most [illegible word] as a supernumerary. Captain Blackwells patriotism or bravery I believe was never questioned or doubted by any. respectfully/ our ob s’t/ Ro. Porterfield [Robert Porterfield S8965] To the Honorable the Governor and Council of the Commonwealth of Virginia; The memorial of Elizabeth Scott respectfully sheweth, that your memorialist is daughter and sole representative of the late Captain William Blackwell of Fauquier County, that her father was appointed in July 1776 a Captain in the Virginia service and continental line, Chief Justice Marshall, being, as he states his first Lieutenant (no 2) It appears from the evidence submitted that Captain Blackwell was a patriot, and a brave and meritorious officer (no 4 & 6) that he was at the head of his company at the battles of Brandywine [11 Sep 1777] and Germantown [4 Oct 1777]; that he belonged to the eleventh Regiment (see adjutant Gen’l Porterfield’s letter No 14). it is proved by Col Slaughter (no 3) that the 11 th Regiment was, about two years after Captain Blackwell entered the service, consolidated and annexed to the 7th Virginia Regiment and a number of officers discharged as supernumeraries; it is very certain from the testimony here presented that at or about that time Captain Blackwell left the army. Neither Chief Justice Marshall nor any other person remembers to have heard that he resigned; on the contrary the respectable revolutionary officers herein referred to, are of opinion that he left the army as a supernumerary. Captain Thomas Blackwell [S35193], who served to the end of the war states that “being a near relation and [one or two illegible words] of great intimacy with Capt Blackwell, the resignation [illegible word] so intimate a friend at that critical period of the revolution wou’d have made so deep an impression on his mind that he must have retained a recollection of it!! (no 10) William Foote Esq’r whose estate joined that of Captain Blackwell, is uncertain whether he returned on furlough or as a supernumerary (no 5) For the character of Mr Foote see Nos 6 & 7) Your petitioner wou’d observe that most of the military Documents in relation to the Virginia troops were consumed by fire in Washington (see No 1) She is therefore compelled to resort to [several words missing from the online image] of the testimony of surviving revolutionary officers; after the lapse of half a century, the ravages of death, the destruction of fire, and the casualties of time and chance it is matter of surprize that she has been able to throw so much light on a subject, which in a few years more would have been buried in the midnight of oblivion. Your memorialist wou’d observe that her father and all his brothers, three in number were found at the post of honor in their country’s course (see 3d auditors statement) Her uncles did not resign and why shou’d it be presumed that her father did? The same motives of patriotism which induced him to take up arms, wou’d have prevented his resigning while his country required his services. Your memorialist wou’d observe that her father died in 1785 when she was about six years old, & she having married at an early period, has from the time of her father’s death been incapacitated from prosecuting her rights – In consequence of this long delay, her witnesses are few in number, tho high in respectability. She has often heard her mother (who died in 17[last two digits illegible)] say that her father was entitled to land and pay for his military services. A similar statement was made many years ago to your memorialist’s husband by the late uncles Col John [John Blackwell, possibly BLWt264-300] and Col Joseph Blackwell [S37781]. Your memorialist, under an impression that her father was entitled to five years pay, or the Commutation, at the last session of Congress presented a petition, which was referred to the committee on military affairs in the Senate. No report was made, but the chairman, Col Benton, stated to your petitioners husband, that “the committee was perfectly satisfied with the testimony as establishing the facts of Captain Blackwell’s having served two years, and retiring as a supernumerary or deranged officer, but that having been deranged prior to 1780, when the resolve of Congress passed, no precedent allowing similar claims cou’d be found” – that this was the only difficulty in the case, is proved by the letter of the Hon’ble Mr [illegible], a member of the committee (see no 15). The committee admitted that Capt Blackwell had a good claim on the United States, for one years pay, and three hundred acres of Land but it was too [two illegible words] the session for another petition. Your memorialist reflects with pleasure that he native state has always been distinguished for gratitude, justice, and liberality, to thos brave men, who in the hour of danger repaired to the standard of their Country; who encountered the inclemencies of the Seasons, and perils of war, to obtain that independence which we now enjoy; by whose valor this nation has been able to assume a high rank among the sovereign powers of the earth. It is gratifying to her to reflect that her father and all her uncles were in this number. Your memorialist under these circumstances prays [unknown number of words missing form the online images], and that they will direct a warrant for her father’s bounty land as a Captain serving from July 1776 to the end of the war to be issued in her favor. [signed] Elizabeth Scott [A note at the bottom of the above states that 4822 acres were claimed, of which Elizabeth Scott received 4000 acres. Among rejected claims in the Library of Virginia is her petition for the additional bounty land. In addition there are the following.] I was well acquainted with the late Captain William Blackwell of the Virginia line, on continental establishment. He was appointed a Captain by the Court or Committee of Fauq’r County, I forget which in July 1776 (as well as I remember) in a regiment composed partly of Marylanders and partly of Virginians, to be commanded, I believe, by Col Stevenson. The second in command was Col Rawlings. I was myself appointed first Lieutenant of the company on the same day. The Maryland companies were captured with Lieutenant Col Rawlings in Fort Washington as I have always understood, and believe. The Virginia companies were not then completed, and did not march until late in 1776, or early in 1777. The original regiment being broken up by the capture of a large part of it in Fort Washington, the Virginia companies including Captain Blackwell’s, were place in the 11 th Virginia Regiment then commanded by Colonel Daniel Morgan. Capt Blackwell served tho’ the campaign of 1777. At it’s close he went home, and as well as I can recollect I have never seen him since. I think he marched with us to Valley Forge and left us there. I certainly have no recollection of his resignation, and think my situation in the company wou’d have induced me to notice it had the fact occurred J. Marshall July 6th 1831 In a former certificate I mentioned Col Morgan as the original Colonel of the regiment in which Captain Blackwell was appointed. That mistake was occasioned by the fact that Col Morgan was captured in Fort Washington I am since satisfied that Col Stevenson was to command the regiment. Tho’ this variance is unimportant, I think proper to mention it. I never saw Colonel Morgan or Col Stevenson J Marshall State of Virginia and City of Richmond Ss The Honorable John Marshall this day appeared before me the subscriber an alder in and for the said city and made oath that the foregoing certificate by him subscribed, is true according to the best of his knowledge and remembrance. Given under my hand this 6th July 1831 James Rawlings [Copy certified by Alexander Scott.] Augusta County Virginia Mr Alex’r Scott/ Sir Sept 20 th 1831 Your letter of the 31 st Ulto was duly received; my health however and other circumstances, and especially an unwillingness to undertake weilding a pen with my tremulous hand, has prevented in this my complying with your request. You have my statement and affidavit Below. Yr obedt Servt/ Ro. Porterfield I hereby certify that I was well acquainted with William Blackwell dec’d late of Fauq’r County Virginia. He was a Captain in the Virginia line in the War of the revolution. He belonged to the 11 th Regiment, which was blended and consolidated with the 7th regiment. My recollection is some time in the year 1778, about which time Capt Blackwell retired from the army, and I believe did not again join in during the war – but whether Capt Blackwell resigned his commission obtained a furlough, or retired as a supernumerary I have now no distinct recollection, but am under the impression that he retired as a supernumerary Given the 20 th day of Sept 1831 Ro Porterfield late a Captain in the 11 th Virginia Regiment. [Certified copy.] NOTES: Virginia provided bounty land to soldiers who were in active service or supernumerary to the end of the war in 1783. According to F. B. Heitman’s Historical Register of Officers of the Continental Army During the War of the Revolution, William Blackwell resigned on 10 Jan 1778. Muster rolls of the combined 11 th and 15 th Regiments for June 1778 and afterward do not list William Blackwell. Nor is he found on muster rolls of the 7th Regiment in Sep 1778 and afterward. William Blackwell is not listed among the officers made supernumerary at the White Plains Arrangement of 14 Sep 1778 (http://revwarapps.org/b138.pdf).
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Americans and Australians Trying To Understand A Scottish Accent - The G...
I freaking LOVE LOVE LOVE this woman!
current mode
exhausted and recovering years of work since my shit has been in
STORAGE most of the past TEN YEARS!
good enuff for gommint work?
Drunk History ... the best way to research your genealogy.
Doing Lily's voice was a tech support skill I should have on my resume. You know how you sound really weird to yourself? it's a drag. I understood him.. and wow that's jacked up..LOL Outside the Beltway is like London's Green wall since we NIMBY'd it in the 60s. where I don't think anyone spoke with a brogue... unless I DID without knowing. ....records are in... and somebody broke The Charter! all of them. finding this was fun I'd been singing The Brave, and watching Dirk Gently's episode "Two San Guys Doing Normal Things" I got HMS Pinafore'd last year, when Prince passed in the middle of my belated eulogy to Dad who'd passed in 2010. I'd been joking through the show about doing white things while brown when BOOM. and then my cousin John B, during the next Victorian show Portland knows who kicked their butt in the 1948 Wichita version. And yeah, I'm a freakin' LADY and none of my names start with an "n". .....except NELSON.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
The Best National Anthem Performance
She was singing Beyonce, NOT Whitney. Prince = Prince Rogers Nelson Slash = Saul Hudson (kissin' cousin?) Hendricks = Hendricks John Blackwell = John Blackwell and John Blackwell Jr = John Blackwell Jr and I was a mezzo-soprano Trump got HMS Pinafore'd (1948 Wichita version) Board of Trade = Board of Trade New York Stock Exchange = New York Stock Exchange and I am not public domain. by the R/HMS Cosmo, RMS Titanic on NELSON Class Vessels and what am I doing finding out just last week my BLACKWELLs are from NORTH CAROLINA? Illiterati cheated, must pay back taxes to the Foundry. Simple math = Game recognize Game The song is hard to sing (If this POTUS doesn't want to do overtime and no, the Board of Trade is NOT the New York Stock Exchange) And this STILL IS NOT the Kobayshi Maru It's not... ....tubular bells? rly boom Schrodinger's Artist
Friday, August 18, 2017
Muse - Knights Of Cydonia [Subtitulos Español e Ingles]
Now for the AUDIT!
oh, uh... buh-bye BANNON!
But he was just a cold-war cannon.
Who remember the WAR on PINBALL by LaGuardia in 1976?
Japan had Pachinko
They had nothing better to do than throw all that steel in the HUDSON RIVER?
tsk tsk tsk
I think I rolled the one at Tasker's Teen-Club 3 times
It was one of the first multi-ball formats they still use
in video pinball....with different skins.
There was a Latin Club in Milwaukee where an old rocker
from the 70s used to play. Maybe it was
The Stroll Inn"
He looked familiar, but I was in "The Zone" and wore the him out.
Who was that guy?
In Bowie, GALAGA and Cyrus were my faves, but PGCC's Student Union played "Woodstock" concert videos and had "Dragon's Lair" for 25 cents.
Sometimes I let the dragon win, after mocking the princess.
It was filarious!
Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Hidden Figures Bathroom Speech Scene
I'm gonna check in on Jim Parsons and Wil Wheaton I don't think they truly realize that knowing just the SCRIPTS behind the science is what we Scienced it for in the FIRST place! Grandma graduated from North Carolina. and when WE stepped up Reagan said.. "OMG, they're KIDS are freaking SHARP!" and Nixon was.. "Oh, yah... and they don't sit around PLOTTING to get WHITEY" like we told WashPo! OMG Better Shut down the little Android, SHE get's "fuzzy Logic" because she IS Fuzzy Logic. She's got her business plan setup in KINDERGARTEN By First Grade, the chunky little brat solved for TAO n shit! ...for the Peace Ninjas... and THAT is how they TREAT BROWN BLACKWELLIANS
in Red States and in the so-called "republics"
It only takes ONE really good RELAY Station over Tibet to free it.
The PERFECT Home Base would be
ALL SOULS in Scotland!
If you find MY Pot o GOLD
you let me KNOW,
By 1979, I'd already been to Camp David, I SURE AS SHIT didn't want to spend the last
summer I'd have with MY COUSIN
NOT the LAST summer we had
before she went to college with class of '82!
Dad was a US Navy MEDIC.. and I had NO idea
Elizabeth didn't want to be a doctor either!
So the big guidance counselor and I built a plan
we couldn't AFFORD!
I think I HURLED when I saw the Mt. Holyoke brochure
It was not long after a stomach flu triggered my first period.
I was sick as a DOG for a month with fevers like 101 and 105 for a month.
THIS would have been my entry for a science Project if
(MINI-ME, who got me re-engaged with Japanese pop-culture knew HTML, so if this doesn't post right...
deal with it
I NEVER got help with the hair I needed
while SL Millionaires, sunk Linden Labs.
I'm NOT that kind of a geek, yo)
After debunking or funning about casino security,
then seeing a real one...
I ROFL at what nerds think is new.
AFTER Military service,
Many turn to CATHOLICISM because the holy rollers
cause PTSD attacks, aggravate tinnitus, and REAL WORLD BS
we don't really want to hear a preacher BRAGGING about
wrong he done when WE were busthing ass serving the country.
Gregorian scales add VALUE
and if you CALL for the Valkyries, the Amazons,
Newton takes over when aggressive passiveness demands it's
Welcome to #BlackTwitter
out of huffpo
and Wiki is BUSTED for not correcting or helping me correct
a SNAFU in my family tree, while they CASHED in on it's True Legacies.
OBAMACRATS are working....
The hum is not helping, but it's cool to drown it out I think.
But NO.. they've shredded my progress AGAIN and out of petty spite and jealousy
because they don't think they have to know what DIVERGENT thinkers
think and feel when a MORON decides a MORON should be in charge of
The Arts, The SCIENCES and ALL THE MUSES....
and ALL
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0cVzPtQJZxU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Sunday, August 13, 2017
Castle Ghosts of Scotland (HD) (1995) (COMPLETE EPISODE)
Oh, so there was a KING ROBERT?
3rd great-grandparents
Sir George MacPherson-Grant of Ballindalloch
Mary Carnegy of Craigo
in the Web: Moray, Scotland, Local Heritage Index, 1632-2014
This Aired in 1995 when we were building in a came called "Castles" during tech called
in South Florida.
EDS and our folks were herding ANGUS beef.
every blue moon, I get a burger
The ones in Medicine Park were pretty good.
and saying that would piss them off...
So I'll say.. from CARNEGIE OKLAHOMA
Ya kinda treated me like shit
Castle Ghosts of Scotland (HD) (1995) (COMPLETE EPISODE)
Oh, so there was a KING ROBERT?
3rd great-grandparents
Sir George MacPherson-Grant of Ballindalloch
Mary Carnegy of Craigo
in the Web: Moray, Scotland, Local Heritage Index, 1632-2014
This Aired in 1995 when we were building in a came called "Castles" during tech called
in South Florida.
EDS and our folks were herding ANGUS beef.
every blue moon, I get a burger
The ones in Medicine Park were pretty good.
and saying that would piss them off...
So I'll say.. from CARNEGIE OKLAHOMA
Ya kinda treated me like shit
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Godfrey's "The Village Idiot" - Smile! You're Poor
Who didn't know that,
when POTUS Obama was running,
the man in siome charity commercials were dead YEARS before 1984...
Left Behind Series?
Charmed , etc..
I mean, before I joined the Navy in the 80s. He was gone by 1984 I think. Gulf Mess Part I...
They ERASED me because they thought I had an "unfair advantage" when I was born 4 years AFTER Hidden Figures days and it was my own Dad busting code to put down the backbone
They gave him a "Seiko" watch after he retired... (rhymes with Psycho in Japanese) Peace Ninja.
So, DAD got a MASTERS degree before he married my mother where she was presumed passing or Italian when we moved to Trumps Yatching buddy STALAG LEVITTOWN and he's from SOUTH AFRICA?! We just thought he was JEWISH.
I didn't know if the street behind my school was Blackwell after my Aunts, Elizabeth and Emily, or the Admirals from the R/HMS Pinafore days. NELSON class vessels. while I was trying to learn which president we were named after, kids thought we were welfare cases, not upper middle class professionals. Their medical mistake killed Mom in 1969 and you should hear how these fascists think it's funny!? oooh...sick So, for years of "Go back to Africa".. I'm like.. um.. we're Brit, stupid.. and my name doesn't start with an "N". So why are we wasting my money on a school that thinks .... etc etc etc .. and no, I never wanted to be a NUN, but I've always liked the ones on the Bus. When their Breitbart creepers aren't trolling their facebook page. So all that founding father crap.. Globalist hate. HOME OF THE BRAVE is our Scottish folks and New York doesn't know who's in Grant's tomb.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Of course I grew up on this stuff.... figured reality had a story.... but wow.
VERMONT? Now the stepmom makes .... sense? nope, not even a little. Blackwell's Island was ILLEGALLY seized by NYC, erased the "Hidden Figures" and sucked up all our land in the MIDWEST by the end of Dessert Storm/Desert Shield. My stepmom is part Dutch, Black, Native, raised in HackenSACK. Our mother from KCKS passed in 1969 when Dad was building the backbone for DARPANet. and they pulled a Nellie Bly because the VA can't stand educated brown BLACKWELLs? Who aren't interested in CALVINIST men! Like my ex from McCain's Navy. I separated after a USNavy issued miscarriage while my ex was out to sea. The shop supervisor's wife was SIX MONTHS PREGNANT when I learned we'd conceived when ship's departure was delayed by a fire. I wouldn't follow that goldigger, so he badmouthed me during a "friendly divorce" and lives happily now with a wife I gave him... instead of dropping him on his mother's doorstep in a bloody mess. My blood relatives from Germany are Blackwell (Carlysle Jr and Sr) had Dad a shutterbug, until his Queen Armenta Marie Brassfield.......of Orison Grand passed in DC from an unnecessary procedure during the "Lime and a Coconut" days. He was mostly Shell of a Sheldon by then. and passed in 2010, during the witch-hunts. We were raised Roman Catholic at Sacred Heart in Bowie, MD's Levittown. Upon retirement a year after his father Robert Samuel Blackwell Sr passed, he became Grand Knight Chapter #3303. St. Paul's Parish loved and respected him DEEPLY. I'm the digital architect Rev. Andrea Maria Monica (after DaVinci's teacher) If I looked as much like Eartha Kitt at My mother, the other AWS Aviation Anti-submarine Warfare Technician was a dead-ringer for Shirley Temple Black! Most of the others in Company K108 were Corpsmen under Admiral Keonig. At 22 (after Reagan revoked survival benefits) I was RPO for the LAST BATCH for our company comanders, Boudreaux and Keiffer. We were North Carolina Blackwells (Greyhound) during the Bull Durham days. until they started poisoning the tobacco for profit.
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