The last release of Xanadu's Paisley Park-inspired 3D website can be downloaded with some other stuff in my drop box. I don't have time to sort it out now, but it's there until I can...
So excuse my pre-existing condition if I haven't sorted it out properly,
Let me know and I'll fix it as fast as I can.
There is no malice intent to protect myself from those who bully people on a mission from her own personal's my opinion, but I have facts being ignored until I know what the hell I'm supposed to do, besides raise money for the rent I'm a little late on,
But as far as I'm PERMITTED to know at this point, I'm running out of options but to protect myself from incriminating myself due to the actual conspiracy Glenn Beck taught very passionate people was their right to do these evils against me.
I've sent him my paypal address to help me get through it....
and a whole lot of people on the networks I'm on know what I'm going through...
So, you know what to do with the paypal button to help me end this rampage on my 30 hunt for my right to learn how to make something out of myself, by finding out who that is .... no matter who doesn't like the race of my very real ancestors.
Quit pushing buttons you don't know anything about.
I said I had to fight if I were kicked out of this place, named after St. George....Prince George, Kind George....
My George was said to be a demon hunter in the service of GOD.
My intellect is not a curse when used properly.
I followed Elizabeth's legacy as a SUFFRAGETTE.
I do not hate stupid people, or people trying hard to understand me,
but they do get on my very last nerve.......and I was asked to give it my best effort.
What's this newbies problem and what are they making ex-marines out of these days?
A systems analyst is a student AND a teacher...
So don't presume I'm SO ignorant, I don't know which "DUDE" inflection to use in this jacked up situation right here....
OK, it's 1:03 and I'm not getting call backs yet.
my ears are ringing, so I'll see what telecom can do for me to stop this crazy, 30 year long trail of tears people aren't trained to deal with.
I declare, WORLD PEACE... let it begin with me.....everybody sing, but I'm still not crazy...
I'm no Freudian, no one rapes my life without an actual fight of some sort. I'm in danger of becoming "belligerent"....
after asking for help and repeatedly kicked to the curb.. I'm just sayin... quit BARKING AT THE LEAF BLOWERS AT 8:11AM. DAMMIT!
I'll have that incident number posted when I remember to call before it's too late.
So, how about helping me pay some rent?
Paypal works.. and so do my timestamps and the window I have to respond to them properly.
I'm sure a copy of that harassment complaint is laying online somewhere..but I have a courthouse to call?
"Wow! U should write/publish those stories!" they said. "What for? What's the point?" I was observant, but didn't know it was a BFD to integrate a Levittown. I'm tasked to kick butts in life somehow, as my daughter is meant to kick mine. It's a blog/social experiment ..interrupted, unedited and mostly written half asleep. Xanadu Grid is finally in work and I hope to get funded and employ some talented nerds Gamifying the metaverse for education. It's important! (/me points to PayPal Button)
OneBigSoup cashtag
recovery fundraiser for A. Blackwell
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Peter Tosh - Vampire
Unnu old vampire
You don't like to see youths prosper
Only like to see youths suffer
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu old vampire
Only trod upon creation
With your bloody meditation
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu fight against upfullness
Unnu fight against creation
Unnu fight against
Everything good for the younger generation
Unnu old vampire
Do unnu wickedness at midnight
And unnu humble when it's daylight
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu old vampire
Only like to see blood running
But true you know it's fire bunnin'
Unnu set of vampire
Now unnu fight against upfullness
Fight against creation
Fight against everything good for the younger generation
Unnu old vampire
Only trod upon creation
Sucking the blood of the nation
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu old vampire
Unnu drink up the old wine
Have no place for the new mind
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu fight against morality
You fight against integrity
Fight against everything good for the younger generation
Unnu old vampire
Only trod upon creation
With your bloody meditation
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu old vampire
Do unnu wickedness at midnight
And unnu humble when it's daylight
Unnu set of vampire
Unnu old vampires
Unnu grieve their brnk? Lord
Unnu fire burial
Unnu hypocrite the world, God
Unnu old vampire
Do unnu wickedness every night
And unnu humble when daylight
Unnu old...
Lyrics from <a href=""></a>
Frank | Official Trailer
OK now that we're talking about our own avatar's avatar's avatar,
It's dizzying keeping up with who's who's muse of this idea.
is why laid off architects, outsourced 3D web and mesh programs to
design props for creating content = intellectual property = creative
we use paypal and police each other better than a game grid.
on the cloud using hops not slurls, means LInden Labs can't fix
anything without suing them to pull out the demarc ..
line of site = line of site.
High is a school built by a higher ToS... all the way back to 1635
fleet of ships that flew a flag under St. George, before there was a
prince or a king named after him.
I have to defend myself against
eviction because I know that my great aunt Elizabeth Blackwell was NOT
in fact a REAL vampire, no matter how a Grimm fairy tale paints it. I'm
a day sleeper because I am backlogged since long before I was laid off
from the corporate plantation. So yea, I have a sleep disorder on top
of fibromyalgia and other painful problems people can't see, but think I
don't know how to deal with it.
They worked me against my
pre-existing PHYSICAL condition, so there's no point in complaining
about how fat I WAS and should work , or how my sitting at the desk all
night, typing or laughing at people who think I'm crazy, committing
felonies because i won't fall for the lies Glenn Beck told them they
could tell to scare me out of the apartment I moved in to BECAUSE it was
noisy and had kids who wanted to learn how to be good neighbors.
brought on the Spanish Inquisition because I know my own genealogy and
they are afraid of who I'm writing my online blog about.
The word
they fear is "Templar Knight" because the car I drive was left to me
from my actually DEAD father and they won't let me mourn him. I babble
when I'm in pain, so I'm being evicted because I have a speech
impediment like many other political satyrists who like President Obama
like we're supposed to?
I'm not crazy for NOT allowing people to tell me who to hate and when and why. are my domains in a very geeknation kind of way.
Dino's PWNED the net, but they still won't let it evolved.
much for the neat-o factor when you clear your own ancestor's name for
being NOT an actual vampire, while playing along with corporate vampires
like that Flipper, Ron Paul.
So I said to my lawyer PUT ME ON THE
STAND if they still want to bully me out of a building I spent 18 months
getting used to. What's with the goldigger dragging her brand new hero
in to DEMAND I move out for him?
She posted notes all over my door and my car and they want ME to leave?
I laugh at people when they think I'm THAT IGNORANT!
wake up the ENTIRE building, yelling at the leaf blowers working at
11am if you don't want somebody complaining about you helling "DAY
SLEEPERS" at them, you tacky goldigger!
Don't sue ME because I'm trying to sleep while she complains to GOD AND EVERYBODY that she's not well pleased!
is 8:11am and I ran into one of the REAL stalkers in this building.
another neighbor was unhappy to learn how I've been treated and he's
heard the other noise, but NOTHING FROM ME!
I lie was told, but not by me, but I don't have to incriminate myself for THEIR LIES!
a civil rights violation because they've been using my own disability
against me when I've been doing everything above and beyond to deal with
my physical pain, AS prescribed LONG before I moved here. I am
backlogged back to at least 2004 and I am having trouble keeping up with
the time and money wasting tactics to FRIGHTEN ME beyond my capacity to
keep up with it. I am only a little late with rent at this point, but
the CAUSE of that is because the OWNERS can't communicate their proper
chain of command while pitting neighbors against each other in
WASHINGTON Square in NOT Portland since they moved the zoning laws.
looked just like my great auntie Elizabeth Blackwell who was NOT a
vampire, but as a Reiki master (Rev applies) because it is NOT a
religion, I'm being persecuted by Christian wingnuts who don't know any
And they want the right to use the N-word? around a brown
anglo-saxon who's legacy sailed with the 1635 True love fleet? And yes
it was RUDE to mention how much your Grandmother looked like George
Washington when your DAD makes that face, you shut UP, period!
we DO have a GW Seals on the other side of the family ..... So go
figure Mother was from Kansas and if I'm just figuring this out, maybe
my buddy BARRY gets a good idea to use the internet to find out what's
going on in the world and maybe someone will help a bullied,
bully-basher finally look into this BS about being "Destined for
The taxed Mother's pension to build the net AFTER she was
dead and we thought CIA murdered her. So don't insult me by calling me
FBI when I need their services to protect myself from the domestic
terrorism going on around here.
Yes, I'm a big boned woman with a lot
of pain happening. So don't roll up in black and gold and chase me
off when I'm looking for some kind of "safe haven".
So I'm logging another FORMAL complaint to follow up the one I filed and can't find because I'm too pissed off at the moment.
know when I'm cool to drive, but they called the police so often, they
thought I was the one who didn't know any better than to go burning
rubber out of the parking lot after a big arguement with your gold
digger. But yeah, I can stay up all night and all day typing at my desk
and laughing at Comedy Central who KNOWS you people are a joke and the
shame campaign and the harassment go on and on and on.
My day in
court is the 16th and I understand they want to proceed and lock me out
of the apartment when I'm late BECAUSE of their scams, slander, libel,
invasion of privacy and yes, I've been pulled over on I-95 in the speed
trap zone between NAS Jax, where I was stationed and Miami Florida's
N-bomb town where my Uncle Tommy outlived my mother since 1969! No one
knows why a woman off the farm would have needed a DNC at George
Washington University Hospital where my REAL father graduated in 1959
with a MASTER's degree in Political Science. No public school gave me a
teacher better than my dad and if he said do better than the kids at
school BECAUSE OF MY RACE, that mean if a nun said I had to do TWICE as
good, I had to do THREE times as good as the white kids off the
The teenaged diplomats of Levittown@Belair lost our NAMES
and our TITLES we rolled up in. And yeah, I take issue with my favorite
NEIGHBORS of Bowie, Maryland outside of Washington DC. I am not crazy
for laughing at you when you piss me off. They are CRAZY for putting
this whole building in so much pain because they're SO SELFISH, they
demand I hate GOD AND everybody....because they suck at what they
do...hate working at Macy's and I'm supposed to stop my world for women
too weak to say NO to their DRUNKEN husbands and boyfriends they let
sleaze around this place telling people women are less than dirt.
fact I did NOT launch that skinny butt off the balcony when he was
calling me IGNORANT in my own paid for apartment while forgetting he was
on a JOB INTERVIEW, but decided EVERYTHING I owned and learned was
Do NOT call the police because I used to play covers for
Prince and want to learn them again.... because you think I'm that
kind of genius.
How about asking what flip that kids switch instead of stalking me out of my out of pocket expenses? Who is a criminal? NOT I!
I'm logging this rant that started at 8:22 and ended with the blonde
running away while I was checking in with two other neighbors who know
the place is running rampant with criminals who know how to scare
people, but don't know when they are committing felonies to get a small
claims court payday!
Indian Car, Kaw on, ennit?
Just finished my green tea/coffeh with half and half, and a bowl of fibr cereal. You know I need a nap....will edit later. it's ibabble... and I'm just sleepy.
The bullet hole in my '99 Stratus (thanks Atlanta Georgia) wasn't NDN
enuff. NEVER buy a gommint fleet car ...just... don't roll up in NDN
It's a Blackwell, OK thing, you wouldn't understand.
But he taught me some good lessons out of his Eagle Scout book and a Bible
and we could probably agree with why Dad taught me how to be a GOOD pirate.
"I Grandma had one, she'd use it"
"You gotta pay your dues, BEFORE you can sing the blues"
I'm from an old skool of "shut up and listen".
So it was a mistake to call me "Whitney" when I was barely humming along with my two Kiowa Mom's, Dorita and Shirley!
So apparently, my Kiowa Name is "Oprah", who still doesn't know we lost
a father a day after I'd sent hugs during his afternoon nap.
I found out we lost Dad while I was whining about Robin Williams!
I'm sorry for how they lied to folks, but there is no death for these people.
Only for people who love them like my KCA folks.
People apologize for stuff that happened back in Dodge, but I really was lost.
I didn't know who I was then.....but I kept working on it, as I promised.
"muzebl" is pretty old on
but my sleep is so jacked up from all the people trying to HELP me,
It's almost 5am, I just ate a bowl of fibre cereal with pasteurized milk,
cuz you can't hardly find powdered milk nowhere nearby I can still walk to.
I walked off 80 pounds of cheese and edema and people want my
disability check as if fatass was my actual physical disability!
getting evicted because I'm a real Lexington Blackwell and I don't hate
the Jewish guy who honored our legacy until we figured out who we
were....on some paper.
By marriage or whatever, I'm pulling up little
reminders our entire Levy-town understood. We got rooked since some
wingnut invaded what was supposed to UNITE the Americas....
We've been arguing the space race and line of site crap for um.... since
let's just say they brought on the Spanish Inquisition and everybody's
still doing the "who me?" thing instead of being who we were created to
I'm just a cliche'... but if the world is our ship, we'd better keep the daggone thing afloat!
I pretty much beyond the prove me wrong ....or show me why I missed
something, and I did that on a higher level... We should be at least
employers by now.
Keeping this world educated and aware of it's impact on each other and the world.
And I ask, how is this helpful and why do I go through so much physical pain over it?
fibromyalgia is pretty much a blanket term that gives people an excuse to make a bunch of poison to kill it off.
The needs of the many.... These come from great truths.
That's why they're so popular.
And the douche of the era is usually some landlord.
I'm getting evicted because I'm backlogged for a bajillion things that
pretty much amount to.. my body wore out and it hurts too much and has
for a long time.
Somebody can kiss my pre-existing conditionssssssssssssssssssss
but colonialism was never the plan, so lying about it now is nothing but evil.
no matter how you slice it.
or how many pearls you hang on it.....
I measure my pain against hard labor induced by pitocin before an emergency C-section.
when I knew her arm was hurt, maybe broken, do NOT take the child to
that hospital in Chicago. 21 years go, it was considered child abuse to
NOT avoid taking a child there. I know I was appalled when those
"doctors" kept yanking on her arm until she screamed, and said she was
tired and spoiled. NO, she was fine grabbing keys with her arm bent,
but when they pulled on it, it was like they were having a good time.
and no, they ATE that bill, even if we were too broke to qualify.
Everybody knows that if you ever paid taxes, THAT covers it in the ER.
It's worse than Anadarko's hospital.....where I wish they'd just put me down like the dog they thought I was. yikes!
I was bursting my appendix and puking even after drinking that crap,
they asked ME if I thought I had appendicitis, while complaining bout
all that moaning I was doing.
Keith Secola's Indian Car
I've been driving in my Indian Car,
To the pound of the wheels drumming in my brain,
My dash is dusty, my plates are expired,
Please Mr. Officer, let me explain,
I've got to make it to a Pow-Wow tonight,
I'll be singing 49, down by the river side,
Looking for a sugar, riding in my Indian Car,
Got my T-Bird in the glove-box,
I ain't got no spare,
Got a feather from an eagle,
I ain't got no care,
The road is empty,
As my bottle of desire,
Daylight is breaking,
The sun touches fire,
I've got to make another Pow-Wow tonight,
I'll be singing 49, down by the river side,
Looking for a sugar, riding in my Indian Car,
My car is dented,
The radiator steams,
One headlight don't work,
But the radio can scream,
I got a sticker,
It say's "Indian Power",
I stuck it on my bumper,
That's what holds my car together,
Were on the circuit of an Indian dream,
We don't get old,
We just get younger,
When were flying down the highway,
Riding in our Indian Cars,
Were on the circuit of an Indian dream,
We don't get old,
We just get younger,
When were flying down the highway,
Riding in our Indian Cars,
Riding in our Indian Cars,
Riding in our Indian Cars
The bullet hole in my '99 Stratus (thanks Atlanta Georgia) wasn't NDN
enuff. NEVER buy a gommint fleet car ...just... don't roll up in NDN
It's a Blackwell, OK thing, you wouldn't understand.
But he taught me some good lessons out of his Eagle Scout book and a Bible
and we could probably agree with why Dad taught me how to be a GOOD pirate.
"I Grandma had one, she'd use it"
"You gotta pay your dues, BEFORE you can sing the blues"
I'm from an old skool of "shut up and listen".
So it was a mistake to call me "Whitney" when I was barely humming along with my two Kiowa Mom's, Dorita and Shirley!
So apparently, my Kiowa Name is "Oprah", who still doesn't know we lost
a father a day after I'd sent hugs during his afternoon nap.
I found out we lost Dad while I was whining about Robin Williams!
I'm sorry for how they lied to folks, but there is no death for these people.
Only for people who love them like my KCA folks.
People apologize for stuff that happened back in Dodge, but I really was lost.
I didn't know who I was then.....but I kept working on it, as I promised.
"muzebl" is pretty old on
but my sleep is so jacked up from all the people trying to HELP me,
It's almost 5am, I just ate a bowl of fibre cereal with pasteurized milk,
cuz you can't hardly find powdered milk nowhere nearby I can still walk to.
I walked off 80 pounds of cheese and edema and people want my
disability check as if fatass was my actual physical disability!
getting evicted because I'm a real Lexington Blackwell and I don't hate
the Jewish guy who honored our legacy until we figured out who we
were....on some paper.
By marriage or whatever, I'm pulling up little
reminders our entire Levy-town understood. We got rooked since some
wingnut invaded what was supposed to UNITE the Americas....
We've been arguing the space race and line of site crap for um.... since
let's just say they brought on the Spanish Inquisition and everybody's
still doing the "who me?" thing instead of being who we were created to
I'm just a cliche'... but if the world is our ship, we'd better keep the daggone thing afloat!
I pretty much beyond the prove me wrong ....or show me why I missed
something, and I did that on a higher level... We should be at least
employers by now.
Keeping this world educated and aware of it's impact on each other and the world.
And I ask, how is this helpful and why do I go through so much physical pain over it?
fibromyalgia is pretty much a blanket term that gives people an excuse to make a bunch of poison to kill it off.
The needs of the many.... These come from great truths.
That's why they're so popular.
And the douche of the era is usually some landlord.
I'm getting evicted because I'm backlogged for a bajillion things that
pretty much amount to.. my body wore out and it hurts too much and has
for a long time.
Somebody can kiss my pre-existing conditionssssssssssssssssssss
but colonialism was never the plan, so lying about it now is nothing but evil.
no matter how you slice it.
or how many pearls you hang on it.....
I measure my pain against hard labor induced by pitocin before an emergency C-section.
when I knew her arm was hurt, maybe broken, do NOT take the child to
that hospital in Chicago. 21 years go, it was considered child abuse to
NOT avoid taking a child there. I know I was appalled when those
"doctors" kept yanking on her arm until she screamed, and said she was
tired and spoiled. NO, she was fine grabbing keys with her arm bent,
but when they pulled on it, it was like they were having a good time.
and no, they ATE that bill, even if we were too broke to qualify.
Everybody knows that if you ever paid taxes, THAT covers it in the ER.
It's worse than Anadarko's hospital.....where I wish they'd just put me down like the dog they thought I was. yikes!
I was bursting my appendix and puking even after drinking that crap,
they asked ME if I thought I had appendicitis, while complaining bout
all that moaning I was doing.
Keith Secola's Indian Car
I've been driving in my Indian Car,
To the pound of the wheels drumming in my brain,
My dash is dusty, my plates are expired,
Please Mr. Officer, let me explain,
I've got to make it to a Pow-Wow tonight,
I'll be singing 49, down by the river side,
Looking for a sugar, riding in my Indian Car,
Got my T-Bird in the glove-box,
I ain't got no spare,
Got a feather from an eagle,
I ain't got no care,
The road is empty,
As my bottle of desire,
Daylight is breaking,
The sun touches fire,
I've got to make another Pow-Wow tonight,
I'll be singing 49, down by the river side,
Looking for a sugar, riding in my Indian Car,
My car is dented,
The radiator steams,
One headlight don't work,
But the radio can scream,
I got a sticker,
It say's "Indian Power",
I stuck it on my bumper,
That's what holds my car together,
Were on the circuit of an Indian dream,
We don't get old,
We just get younger,
When were flying down the highway,
Riding in our Indian Cars,
Were on the circuit of an Indian dream,
We don't get old,
We just get younger,
When were flying down the highway,
Riding in our Indian Cars,
Riding in our Indian Cars,
Riding in our Indian Cars
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
I still get goosebumps from when I think of how I laughed with my folks who were teaching me how to sing around the drum.
It was so healing for me back in the day, and it still moves me now.....
much love for my folks in this little song I learned.
Dad was Navy, Airforce and coded for NSA after he served on Guam and Shimyao.
As a Black/NDN with an "Apache Nose", we knew our native heritage, but not the times who was where and when.
I'm learning now that our "Grants" were with the Osage AFTER Cutthroat Gap massacre, so we were part of the solution, not the problem and I'm happy to keep the legacy alive with technologies giving us back what was lost.
It seems our folks named "Lee" were probably Choktaw.
and IRISH/Scotts who sailed with "The Sparrow" in 1635 to Barbados.
The universal truth is, "You gotta pay your dues before you sing the blues".
I came with my own things, but the people were not ready back in '04, when I met the Horse family in Cherokee, NC. I was looking for my Mother's folks, Keetowah, not "Kiowa" and in the confusion, I was noticing the town in my father's name, Blackwell, OK.
So yeah, we got rooked together ...and it seems the French have some tall 'splainin' to do, but now we know and can heal what we can with what we got.
I was never afraid of Cutthroat Gap.
When I couldn't have a real horse, I fixed my steel one up pretty good....I got "Haws" and hand gestures from my new brothers when I rode past, but when I wondered what our grandmothers and grandfathers thought of those wind tunnels, Frankie G, knows what I saw.
And he taught me what to do when owls stand there staring at you like that.
They are looking at you like an idjit until you get a clue and GO AWAY.
He didn't like me, but he gave me a LOT of power with some very hard lessons I couldn't learn without seeing it live and in person.....and I got stuck for about 5 years worried SICK about who I was, how this could be happening to people I cared deeply for and didn't know why.
As it was all rock n roll to me anyway, I had no idea what Guns and Roses were up to when I met Billie Marie Hudson who wrote a book telling the story of our trip out west from Ohio.
Shoot, after protesting in favor of Metallica playing near NAS JAX,
I had no reason to protest the names of the badassed helos named "Kiowa, Comanche and Apache".
But I wore the wrong kilts growing up, while wondering why my AUNT named "Iron-moccasin" had a shaved head! I was a furious about that, so I was mad as hell at that movie theater in Anadarko. I was 100% on board with AIM, and Frankie G who was guarding RUSSEL freaking MEANS in Denver before Columbine happened all over the world, apparently again for not the last time, who are we kidding!
What do those "marines" think warrior women on a mission from GOD are made of again?
Our purpose was to share the ghetto codes passed down from LONG before any ships even thought of coming here. The fact is, you cannot love GOD while dragged to him in CHAINS of any kind. This is where we agree...and use the tools we have on hand. Few fear the tools they make with their own hands. I happen to type like the wind, but my thoughts don't keep up well. That's what music does for us....bridges those gaps and I'd never seen it done as well as an inter-tribal celebration.
Like the festivals in Washington DC.
Laughter has always been the best medicine when applied correctly.
Only a fool thinks we can't tell the difference. We teach each other how to listen, who our families really are... how to love with compassion and wisdom... and fun!
The mind of a child knows this and we must mother them before making men out of them all.
What I saw was a beautiful thing, a sign of hope.
I came to NDN country singing Ulali, because that's what I knew and it touched me deeply. I understood the other side of it.... a good student learns with her mouth shut, but if a man prefers she not speak above a whisper, he'd better listen to her when she's in a good mood!
I'm just sayin....this is not new to anyone but who won't see it.
We love our men like we love our children and offer everything we have to fight by their side...however.....let us fight fair together...when it's possible.
Being raised by a nerd like dad with his analytical skills, I'm a scout and a troubleshooter... that's some easy math right there!
"What's wrong with this picture?"
"What can I do about it?"
and make a long list
"What do I got to work with?"
"Dieu et mon DRIOT!"
"God and my RIGHT!"
(but watch out for my left hook!)
the motto on the flag we sailed under
on the 1635 True Love, The Expedition "Master Blackwell", The
where I was stationed, there were things we found a common place of understanding in music BEFORE and during 1984
....while deciphering the History Channel for me.
And I'm still stuck in how frustrating this is.
My cousin in Canada didn't know Grandma Zola Ramsey, but she was a prison guard and told me a bit about it. Since I'm not a criminal, yet.. How about an exchange. If Barack Obama sends Leonard home to tell his stories to his folks, I'll take his place when I get evicted for being 100% disabled for multiple stress-related, chronic pain disorders.
I didn't join the Navy for the snazzy health plan, to avoid poverty, or prison, or to be a criminal....or be slaved into suffering my way into Heaven. That's for oppressors people to learn from, not the oppressed. That colonialism, not God's way. That's not how I was taught with LOTS of stories from other perspectives.
I can tell stories I've learned, but still need more to grow on,
for my folks, their kids....and of course, my own daughter,
who lost another Grandfather when I was still writing my biological father's eulogy.
I didn't grow up believing The Lone Ranger and Tonto fist-faught in Heaven, I knew it for a FACT!
I had a speech impediment growing up, but I didn't slip up in the PTA debate at Buckingham Elementary School that my dad "watched" the Lone Ranger on the radio.
"He DID!" and I say it in a "Whoopie"voice and I'm not crying about Robin Williams who will not burn in hell, so forget about that old story.
I can go on and on and on in front of a captive audience, like a Mother would and teach the men how NOT to beat the drum that "feeds" them.
It would be a good idea to take me out of general population before one of these little Napolean slave sympathizers get tossed off the nearest balcony....because Glenn Beck said it was alright.
My teeth break off just like any Kiowa woman who grinds them like we do.
How mad was I when Rick Berg and that guy from Oklahoma ripped up job-creating stimulus checks that could have build a refinery and fixed the NDN roads?
Pretty darned....
And yes, I understand what I don't know about that crow on Jonny Depp 's head!
I laughed, I cried, the butthurt was profound. By my count, my NDN name is Oprah Winfrey and I have permission to snag her and Sinbad as my brother/sister.
They don't know they lost an NDN way Dad because I never gave them a gift....but I got the OK years ago when I first joked about them.
It doesn't matter what evil things do, they can't clone God and we'll get to space however we perceive it, wherever we're at. The mind won't be oppressed and True Love will never be denied, no matter how many of us go fighting on the other side.
We don't have the math for "Frybread Power".
When I point my lips, I'm telling the Truth... I'm from THAT far away!
But I never hit a ball on a real golf course, or off an aircraft carrier.
Don't make me get rude about John McCain's goldigger cruise-liner jokingly nicknamed "FID".
The pirate's code of ethics on the 1635 Pirate Bay was a cakewalk off a short pier compared to the last 30 years. Bowie didn't change it's name because of the racetrack and we had folks in Prince George, BC raising Man O' War Babies." That's all just history I'm studying....and teaching others how to do the same for their legacies.
I'm allowed to ask if Nostradamus noticed the Piggly Wiggly was open when the wild fires were running wild all over the Bible Belt.
Cuz..... no more buffalo wallers and the wheat is ankle high.
Yes, Carnegie police, a person can DIE from drinking too much water. So don't lie and get 100K from Homeland Sec after selling my kid to a deadbeat dad under the wrong name and taking her away when she had a 3.5 average without batting an eye. And no, she wasn't gay, she was indifferent! Her Kiowa sisters had her back, as best they could and that's why they'll always be family. .
OK, so I'm packing and up for a prisoner exchange .... sigh... and me with no seabag.
It was so healing for me back in the day, and it still moves me now.....
much love for my folks in this little song I learned.
Dad was Navy, Airforce and coded for NSA after he served on Guam and Shimyao.
As a Black/NDN with an "Apache Nose", we knew our native heritage, but not the times who was where and when.
I'm learning now that our "Grants" were with the Osage AFTER Cutthroat Gap massacre, so we were part of the solution, not the problem and I'm happy to keep the legacy alive with technologies giving us back what was lost.
It seems our folks named "Lee" were probably Choktaw.
and IRISH/Scotts who sailed with "The Sparrow" in 1635 to Barbados.
The universal truth is, "You gotta pay your dues before you sing the blues".
I came with my own things, but the people were not ready back in '04, when I met the Horse family in Cherokee, NC. I was looking for my Mother's folks, Keetowah, not "Kiowa" and in the confusion, I was noticing the town in my father's name, Blackwell, OK.
So yeah, we got rooked together ...and it seems the French have some tall 'splainin' to do, but now we know and can heal what we can with what we got.
I was never afraid of Cutthroat Gap.
When I couldn't have a real horse, I fixed my steel one up pretty good....I got "Haws" and hand gestures from my new brothers when I rode past, but when I wondered what our grandmothers and grandfathers thought of those wind tunnels, Frankie G, knows what I saw.
And he taught me what to do when owls stand there staring at you like that.
They are looking at you like an idjit until you get a clue and GO AWAY.
He didn't like me, but he gave me a LOT of power with some very hard lessons I couldn't learn without seeing it live and in person.....and I got stuck for about 5 years worried SICK about who I was, how this could be happening to people I cared deeply for and didn't know why.
As it was all rock n roll to me anyway, I had no idea what Guns and Roses were up to when I met Billie Marie Hudson who wrote a book telling the story of our trip out west from Ohio.
Shoot, after protesting in favor of Metallica playing near NAS JAX,
I had no reason to protest the names of the badassed helos named "Kiowa, Comanche and Apache".
But I wore the wrong kilts growing up, while wondering why my AUNT named "Iron-moccasin" had a shaved head! I was a furious about that, so I was mad as hell at that movie theater in Anadarko. I was 100% on board with AIM, and Frankie G who was guarding RUSSEL freaking MEANS in Denver before Columbine happened all over the world, apparently again for not the last time, who are we kidding!
What do those "marines" think warrior women on a mission from GOD are made of again?
Our purpose was to share the ghetto codes passed down from LONG before any ships even thought of coming here. The fact is, you cannot love GOD while dragged to him in CHAINS of any kind. This is where we agree...and use the tools we have on hand. Few fear the tools they make with their own hands. I happen to type like the wind, but my thoughts don't keep up well. That's what music does for us....bridges those gaps and I'd never seen it done as well as an inter-tribal celebration.
Like the festivals in Washington DC.
Laughter has always been the best medicine when applied correctly.
Only a fool thinks we can't tell the difference. We teach each other how to listen, who our families really are... how to love with compassion and wisdom... and fun!
The mind of a child knows this and we must mother them before making men out of them all.
What I saw was a beautiful thing, a sign of hope.
I came to NDN country singing Ulali, because that's what I knew and it touched me deeply. I understood the other side of it.... a good student learns with her mouth shut, but if a man prefers she not speak above a whisper, he'd better listen to her when she's in a good mood!
I'm just sayin....this is not new to anyone but who won't see it.
We love our men like we love our children and offer everything we have to fight by their side...however.....let us fight fair together...when it's possible.
Being raised by a nerd like dad with his analytical skills, I'm a scout and a troubleshooter... that's some easy math right there!
"What's wrong with this picture?"
"What can I do about it?"
and make a long list
"What do I got to work with?"
"Dieu et mon DRIOT!"
"God and my RIGHT!"
(but watch out for my left hook!)
the motto on the flag we sailed under
on the 1635 True Love, The Expedition "Master Blackwell", The
where I was stationed, there were things we found a common place of understanding in music BEFORE and during 1984
....while deciphering the History Channel for me.
And I'm still stuck in how frustrating this is.
My cousin in Canada didn't know Grandma Zola Ramsey, but she was a prison guard and told me a bit about it. Since I'm not a criminal, yet.. How about an exchange. If Barack Obama sends Leonard home to tell his stories to his folks, I'll take his place when I get evicted for being 100% disabled for multiple stress-related, chronic pain disorders.
I didn't join the Navy for the snazzy health plan, to avoid poverty, or prison, or to be a criminal....or be slaved into suffering my way into Heaven. That's for oppressors people to learn from, not the oppressed. That colonialism, not God's way. That's not how I was taught with LOTS of stories from other perspectives.
I can tell stories I've learned, but still need more to grow on,
for my folks, their kids....and of course, my own daughter,
who lost another Grandfather when I was still writing my biological father's eulogy.
I didn't grow up believing The Lone Ranger and Tonto fist-faught in Heaven, I knew it for a FACT!
I had a speech impediment growing up, but I didn't slip up in the PTA debate at Buckingham Elementary School that my dad "watched" the Lone Ranger on the radio.
"He DID!" and I say it in a "Whoopie"voice and I'm not crying about Robin Williams who will not burn in hell, so forget about that old story.
I can go on and on and on in front of a captive audience, like a Mother would and teach the men how NOT to beat the drum that "feeds" them.
It would be a good idea to take me out of general population before one of these little Napolean slave sympathizers get tossed off the nearest balcony....because Glenn Beck said it was alright.
My teeth break off just like any Kiowa woman who grinds them like we do.
How mad was I when Rick Berg and that guy from Oklahoma ripped up job-creating stimulus checks that could have build a refinery and fixed the NDN roads?
Pretty darned....
And yes, I understand what I don't know about that crow on Jonny Depp 's head!
I laughed, I cried, the butthurt was profound. By my count, my NDN name is Oprah Winfrey and I have permission to snag her and Sinbad as my brother/sister.
They don't know they lost an NDN way Dad because I never gave them a gift....but I got the OK years ago when I first joked about them.
It doesn't matter what evil things do, they can't clone God and we'll get to space however we perceive it, wherever we're at. The mind won't be oppressed and True Love will never be denied, no matter how many of us go fighting on the other side.
We don't have the math for "Frybread Power".
When I point my lips, I'm telling the Truth... I'm from THAT far away!
But I never hit a ball on a real golf course, or off an aircraft carrier.
Don't make me get rude about John McCain's goldigger cruise-liner jokingly nicknamed "FID".
The pirate's code of ethics on the 1635 Pirate Bay was a cakewalk off a short pier compared to the last 30 years. Bowie didn't change it's name because of the racetrack and we had folks in Prince George, BC raising Man O' War Babies." That's all just history I'm studying....and teaching others how to do the same for their legacies.
I'm allowed to ask if Nostradamus noticed the Piggly Wiggly was open when the wild fires were running wild all over the Bible Belt.
Cuz..... no more buffalo wallers and the wheat is ankle high.
Yes, Carnegie police, a person can DIE from drinking too much water. So don't lie and get 100K from Homeland Sec after selling my kid to a deadbeat dad under the wrong name and taking her away when she had a 3.5 average without batting an eye. And no, she wasn't gay, she was indifferent! Her Kiowa sisters had her back, as best they could and that's why they'll always be family. .
OK, so I'm packing and up for a prisoner exchange .... sigh... and me with no seabag.
To KCA Country with love-black lodge singers- twinkle twinkle little star
I still get goosebumps from when I think of how I laughed with my folks who were teaching me how to sing around the drum.
It was so healing for me back in the day, and it still moves me now.....
much love for my folks in this little song I learned.
Dad was Navy, Airforce and coded for NSA after he served on Guam and Shimyao.
As a Black/NDN with an "Apache Nose", we knew our native heritage, but not the times who was where and when.
learning now that our "Grants" were with the Osage AFTER Cutthroat Gap
massacre, so we were part of the solution, not the problem and I'm happy
to keep the legacy alive with technologies giving us back what was
It seems our folks named "Lee" were probably Choktaw.
and IRISH/Scotts who sailed with "The Sparrow" in 1635 to Barbados.
The universal truth is, "You gotta pay your dues before you sing the blues".
came with my own things, but the people were not ready back in '04,
when I met the Horse family in Cherokee, NC. I was looking for my
Mother's folks, Keetowah, not "Kiowa" and in the confusion, I was
noticing the town in my father's name, Blackwell, OK.
So yeah, we got
rooked together ...and it seems the French have some tall 'splainin' to
do, but now we know and can heal what we can with what we got.
I was never afraid of Cutthroat Gap.
I couldn't have a real horse, I fixed my steel one up pretty good....I
got "Haws" and hand gestures from my new brothers when I rode past, but
when I wondered what our grandmothers and grandfathers thought of those
wind tunnels, Frankie G, knows what I saw.
And he taught me what to do when owls stand there staring at you like that.
They are looking at you like an idjit until you get a clue and GO AWAY.
didn't like me, but he gave me a LOT of power with some very hard
lessons I couldn't learn without seeing it live and in person.....and I
got stuck for about 5 years worried SICK about who I was, how this could
be happening to people I cared deeply for and didn't know why.
As it was all rock n roll to me anyway, I had no idea what Guns and Roses were up to when I met Billie Marie Hudson!
Shoot, after protesting in favor of Metallica playing near NAS JAX,
I had no reason to protest the names of the badassed helos named "Kiowa, Comanche and Apache".
I wore the wrong kilts growing up, while wondering why my AUNT named
"Iron-moccasin" had a shaved head! I was a furious about that, so I was
mad as hell at that movie theater in Anadarko. I was 100% on board
with AIM, and Frankie G who was guarding RUSSEL freaking MEANS in Denver
before Columbine happened all over the world, apparently again for not
the last time, who are we kidding!
What do those "marines" think warrior women on a mission from GOD are made of again?
purpose was to share the ghetto codes passed down from LONG before any
ships even thought of coming here. The fact is, you cannot love GOD
while dragged to him in CHAINS of any kind. This is where we
agree...and use the tools we have on hand. Few fear the tools they make
with their own hands. I happen to type like the wind, but my thoughts
don't keep up well. That's what music does for us....bridges those gaps
and I'd never seen it done as well as an inter-tribal celebration.
Like the festivals in Washington DC.
Laughter has always been the best medicine when applied correctly.
a fool thinks we can't tell the difference. We teach each other how to
listen, who our families really are... how to love with compassion and
wisdom... and fun!
The mind of a child knows this and we must mother them before making men out of them all.
What I saw was a beautiful thing, a sign of hope.
came to NDN country singing Ulali, because that's what I knew and it
touched me deeply. I understood the other side of it.... a good
student learns with her mouth shut, but if a man prefers she not speak
above a whisper, he'd better listen to her when she's in a good mood!
I'm just sayin....this is not new to anyone but who won't see it.
love our men like we love our children and offer everything we have to
fight by their side...however.....let us fight fair together...when it's
Being raised by a nerd like dad with his analytical
skills, I'm a scout and a troubleshooter... that's some easy math right
"What's wrong with this picture?"
"What can I do about it?"
and make a long list
"What do I got to work with?"
"Diex et mon DRIOT!"
"God and my RIGHT!"
the motto on the flag we sailed under
on the 1635 True Love, The Expedition "Master Blackwell", The
where I was stationed, there were things we found a common place of
understanding....while deciphering the History Channel for me.
I was PHYSICALLY disabled when I moved in 18months ago....I'm STILL in PAIN, not crazy.
They think I'm crazy because I told them I'd just realized I'm ELIZABETH BLACKWELL's BLOOD relative, but I have to PROTECT myself from people think I've bought into some Grimm fairytale they stuck on her about being an ACTUAL Tesla was depicted as Dracula in a new TV series.
To become a doctor, I suppose she had some to cut into cadavers (ew) in order to become the FIRST female doctor in the UNITED STATES.
I'm an ENGINEER, not a forensic anthropologist!
So the pressure to be the first at something,
in order to appease people who think we never built anything on our legacies,
is WHY I'm getting evicted!
Freedom of speech is a two way street. So pretending NOT to know I am driving the car my Dad left me and that the handicapped placard was NOT my own, is disengenous AND illegal.
I'd only volunteered to ride the desk to offset rent.
Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition!
IF you don't want people to be attracted by the names you put on things....and yeah, Dad looked like Grandma and the polite thing was NOT to say how Grandma looked like George Washington, when we have a GW Seals on the other side of the family. There was a George Washington Blackwell in Elizabeth's lineup as well.
They also don't believe my cousin was a 1965 Chicago Bear.
He was, and my passion is to NOT see the memories exceptional people in my own family pass into oblivion.
It eases my pain to write about people I love and respect.
And they hate me because I have a lot of respect for the PRESIDENT who has to deal with these kinds of BIGOTRIES every day!
But asking, "If that's who you are, why are you here?" Is just rude as hell.
So I registered as one of President Obama's political activists....
because it's what I CAN DO!
While waiting for the VA to settle very old service-connected promises to help me.
My pay was cut over 300$ by a mistake due to moving to Oregon.
They heard me on the speaker phone / Skype trying to work it out.
I've also blogging/chatting/networking help with my disabilities
very publicly about CERTAIN SNAFU's people like me go through while dealing with INVISIBLE disabilities like Fibromyalgia..MST, PTSD and things that compile and aggravate our pre-existing conditions.
The last option Fargo had for me to deal with this pain, was OXYCOTIN!
I lost 80 pounds of mostly edema due to the bad meds I've been treated with for this INCURABLE chronic pain/stress disorder.
FATASS was NOT my disability.....but I am aware that people LAFF at fat people when they drop their groceries in the parking lot while in excrutiating pain.
But the pain is NOT gone and no one has the right to presume I'm not in pain because they can't see it. They also can't hear the noise in my ears from tinnitus
NOR can they see what my eyes CAN'T see through very dark shades... or glasses that were given to me when my eyes were INFECTED.
Rectifying these things take time and they want me out or I get a credit ding on the 16th.
Or is my stuff ending up on the street on the 16th?
We are not on the same page.... I'm still being harassed while trying to pack up ... or she's barking
"DAY SLEEPERS!!" at the leaf blower who was working over at the Embassy Suites at 11AM!
And some loud SUV by the building is driving off... It's loud, but I manage not to lose control over my bodily functions over it.
I always had the right to NOT complain about every noise around this building since the construction started and care-giver scammers got mad at NOT being able to scam me out of more than what I was paying them OUT OF POCKET... I paid a "neighbor" 10$/ hour to help and she could NOT do what I needed done while she was moonlighting and bitching about her job at "Macy's"....
NO, you can't sue me because I preferred to wait for my OWN daughter to get here.....
But she was busy with her own activism in COLOMBIA South America..
And while I was getting hacked, I couldn't reach her and some people were trying to scam money out of me, when I was worried about her "misplacing" her wallet.
She left me hanging on THAT after missing her plane back to the east coast where she was living BEFORE she left and promised to come help me after she was done.
But someone told her.... "Your mother is strong enough on her own" and that I don't deserve the help of my own daughter AFTER she had me waiting for her all this time...
Meanwhile,... like a good trooper, I did what I could on my own to recover from the move from hell from Fargo to here.......100% disabled with a pain disorder, but couldn't get help from ANYONE promising me a "safe haven" to transition and I've been paying out of pocket since I got here.
So I'm a little late for paying rent....... AFTER ALL THAT HARASSMENT!?
Well, they're still bothering the entire both sides of the building, fighting for their right to be rowdy drunken assholes, endangering the children who live here.
If I'm working on a very complicated project that distracts me from the pain of my multiple chronic pain disorders...
And because a cop who had been called because I was upset and doing nothing illegal....and says, "OH, it's YOU again".. no I was not driving dangerously or erratic, I was driving SLOWLY, because I was LOST because my GPS went out when I was on a crossover hunt before last April Fool's Day (cheap hacker Xmas)... when I got actually hacked.
I gave this web address out to people who thought my work was interesting.... or were just curious about who I was. So many people asked me "Who in the HELL are YOU?"
I decided to write this blog called, "The Autobiography of Nobody N. Particular!"
I'd named it that LOOOONG ago when I started my genealogy research.
I'm talking back to dial up chatrooms on AOhell.
Everybody at work had news tickers running at work, so we got news of our layoffs while the company selling off our jobs were saying, we'd be OK.....
We weren't and they passed out 45$ bonus checks ...and I ramble because this is NOT NEWS!
To become a doctor, I suppose she had some to cut into cadavers (ew) in order to become the FIRST female doctor in the UNITED STATES.
I'm an ENGINEER, not a forensic anthropologist!
So the pressure to be the first at something,
in order to appease people who think we never built anything on our legacies,
is WHY I'm getting evicted!
Freedom of speech is a two way street. So pretending NOT to know I am driving the car my Dad left me and that the handicapped placard was NOT my own, is disengenous AND illegal.
I'd only volunteered to ride the desk to offset rent.
Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition!
IF you don't want people to be attracted by the names you put on things....and yeah, Dad looked like Grandma and the polite thing was NOT to say how Grandma looked like George Washington, when we have a GW Seals on the other side of the family. There was a George Washington Blackwell in Elizabeth's lineup as well.
They also don't believe my cousin was a 1965 Chicago Bear.
He was, and my passion is to NOT see the memories exceptional people in my own family pass into oblivion.
It eases my pain to write about people I love and respect.
And they hate me because I have a lot of respect for the PRESIDENT who has to deal with these kinds of BIGOTRIES every day!
But asking, "If that's who you are, why are you here?" Is just rude as hell.
So I registered as one of President Obama's political activists....
because it's what I CAN DO!
While waiting for the VA to settle very old service-connected promises to help me.
My pay was cut over 300$ by a mistake due to moving to Oregon.
They heard me on the speaker phone / Skype trying to work it out.
I've also blogging/chatting/networking help with my disabilities
very publicly about CERTAIN SNAFU's people like me go through while dealing with INVISIBLE disabilities like Fibromyalgia..MST, PTSD and things that compile and aggravate our pre-existing conditions.
The last option Fargo had for me to deal with this pain, was OXYCOTIN!
I lost 80 pounds of mostly edema due to the bad meds I've been treated with for this INCURABLE chronic pain/stress disorder.
FATASS was NOT my disability.....but I am aware that people LAFF at fat people when they drop their groceries in the parking lot while in excrutiating pain.
But the pain is NOT gone and no one has the right to presume I'm not in pain because they can't see it. They also can't hear the noise in my ears from tinnitus
NOR can they see what my eyes CAN'T see through very dark shades... or glasses that were given to me when my eyes were INFECTED.
Rectifying these things take time and they want me out or I get a credit ding on the 16th.
Or is my stuff ending up on the street on the 16th?
We are not on the same page.... I'm still being harassed while trying to pack up ... or she's barking
"DAY SLEEPERS!!" at the leaf blower who was working over at the Embassy Suites at 11AM!
And some loud SUV by the building is driving off... It's loud, but I manage not to lose control over my bodily functions over it.
I always had the right to NOT complain about every noise around this building since the construction started and care-giver scammers got mad at NOT being able to scam me out of more than what I was paying them OUT OF POCKET... I paid a "neighbor" 10$/ hour to help and she could NOT do what I needed done while she was moonlighting and bitching about her job at "Macy's"....
NO, you can't sue me because I preferred to wait for my OWN daughter to get here.....
But she was busy with her own activism in COLOMBIA South America..
And while I was getting hacked, I couldn't reach her and some people were trying to scam money out of me, when I was worried about her "misplacing" her wallet.
She left me hanging on THAT after missing her plane back to the east coast where she was living BEFORE she left and promised to come help me after she was done.
But someone told her.... "Your mother is strong enough on her own" and that I don't deserve the help of my own daughter AFTER she had me waiting for her all this time...
Meanwhile,... like a good trooper, I did what I could on my own to recover from the move from hell from Fargo to here.......100% disabled with a pain disorder, but couldn't get help from ANYONE promising me a "safe haven" to transition and I've been paying out of pocket since I got here.
So I'm a little late for paying rent....... AFTER ALL THAT HARASSMENT!?
Well, they're still bothering the entire both sides of the building, fighting for their right to be rowdy drunken assholes, endangering the children who live here.
If I'm working on a very complicated project that distracts me from the pain of my multiple chronic pain disorders...
And because a cop who had been called because I was upset and doing nothing illegal....and says, "OH, it's YOU again".. no I was not driving dangerously or erratic, I was driving SLOWLY, because I was LOST because my GPS went out when I was on a crossover hunt before last April Fool's Day (cheap hacker Xmas)... when I got actually hacked.
I gave this web address out to people who thought my work was interesting.... or were just curious about who I was. So many people asked me "Who in the HELL are YOU?"
I decided to write this blog called, "The Autobiography of Nobody N. Particular!"
I'd named it that LOOOONG ago when I started my genealogy research.
I'm talking back to dial up chatrooms on AOhell.
Everybody at work had news tickers running at work, so we got news of our layoffs while the company selling off our jobs were saying, we'd be OK.....
We weren't and they passed out 45$ bonus checks ...and I ramble because this is NOT NEWS!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
The downstairs "rachel" was bitching about day sleepers when the guy at the Embassy Suites was doing his leaf blowing thing. It was 11am and I was doing whatever....when she was yelling of her balcony downstairs.
I was just getting the news LATE that the Kiowa Chief I called "Dad", passed away a day after I'd tried to call him. He was taking a nap when I called on the 8th.
...and our betters by extension. My teachers ROCKED...not perfect, but I defy any wisdom better than learning the difference between a good and a bad teacher from my own dinner table. If Howard wrote "Tangible Intangibles" in 1968, I've been hearing that argument since I was 3 years old.
And totally got it.
"Fuzzy Logic"? Dad made it a breeze.
I'm mourning a great man again. When the Kiowa family took care of me after the layoffs, when my bio-family couldn't be bothered, I tried to convert an old schoolhouse/chapel into a home for me and mini-me. I burst an appendix in the attempt....or it was that hotdog at the Comanche Nation Fair, but everybody but me would have guessed the horrendous medical treatment they dole out in Anadarko, OK. You can't hear or read about these things, you have to see it to believe it. Go figure me once removed from the "Show Me" state.
I'd been diagnosed with a severe case of sleep apnea in 99, when I FINALLY scored a gig with a PPO, but got laid off before I'd even finished arranging the house. My Reiki Master recognized the symptoms immediately when I fell asleep during a treatment. We knew something was wrong in the Navy, but they didn't know about it until the football players got it. My neck was normal when I met George, so I was only snoring by then.
(This is where I have trouble with linear's a kind of dyslexia that happens when forced to work with no real rest. It attacks your waking life. I was borderlined narcoleptic and the surgeries failed miserably. (tonsils and uvula were removed so I can't speak proper French anymore) As it turns out, Native languages are nasal and my cheekbones are a bit high. JW Ramsey's name is in the blue roll book, but our folks were labeled, "colored".
So, I passed through a dead zone (speed trap) called Blackwell, OK. It used to be a mining or oil town. That would be our Lexington, MO folks.
Carnegie, OK is the home of the Kiowas.
Billy Evans Horse's sister and her Cheyenne husband, Woody Whitecrow had me over for a visit. I took them as my folks the following year, but when we went to visit, Veronica and I rolled in just ahead of a BIG storm. It was my first time seeing such a show in such a huge sky! Even bigger than Kansas!
I still had a job when I visited, but moved there after I got laid off. There was no room at any of the Blackwell Inns. *cough*
Having turned off my tunes for baby music, I'd turned off the radio for the baby, so I had no idea what Slash was doing, when I drove to Peabody, KS from Chicago, I met Mother's cousin, Billie Marie Hudson who mispronounced "Ketoowah" like we all do and I asked if she meant "Kiowa". They had a Mustang Only car shop, so that's where we took my '83 Mustang GT 5.0 for that damned pall and quadrant problem. Veronica played with the kids and I went crazy over her photo album. She gave me duplicates, but I meant to return them after they'd been scanned. She was mourning the death of her husband, and we fit as much visiting as we could before heading out.
We'd already been to Cherokee, NC and Etowah Mounds (where something weird happened). We'd watched the Leonids outside the gates of those burial mounds that look like Egyptian pyramids with the tops cut off. Oddly, the Cutthroat Gap massacre happened during a Leonid year, just like that one.
The same end of days talk was going on when we lived in Miami, when that rock hit Jupiter. Veronica was into Sailor Moon and Venus was blindingly bright.
I used to doodle that sacred geometric shape when I was growing up.
I knew Geometry well, I tested badly and Algebra was worse. They were too linear and no matter what I did, besides sleep through class, I tested badly. My best friend's Aunt Marjorie Jones, was a "Spaulding", and was a retired teacher at Tasker Elementary School. I attended Martin Archbishop Spalding High School where bullying laws hadn't reached my school bus.
When I left in 1980, they were talking school vouchers, the entire bus knew how to pronounce "Oprah Winfrey", but that's about all I could do for them and went to Bowie High dressed like she-Carlton. My Church was the same as Ga-Ga's, Sacred Heart Church. The pastor, Father John Hogan, was a forgiven chain-smoking, alcoholic from the old school where we were known as "The black spot" on the congregation. I didn't know about that comment,, but figured it was what made me cry out, "What Time is IT?!" and the babies cried, "It's CLOBBERIN' TIME!"
I knew the family was not just pressed for time when I loaded my diaper on the way out the door. Mother used to say, "Thar she BLOWS!" and we'd be late for mass. I forgot about why they were so spastic about diaper disposal. They were concerned about DEMON worshipers stealing my diapers to do satanic rituals with my poop! We had to be careful of deviants who were jealous of who I could turn out to be, considering the star chart I was born under. Father's Day, 1965, born at GW Hospital makes me an 11-22-33 and people were afraid of what an early reader/talker..... the genetic recessive would do if she were born to TWO geniuses. The odds were looking bad for a Black Republican from SE DC, integrating Levittown So George left the Skins (not talking about it) and helped us move in. They can say what they want about what a fetus hears and knows, but I knew George's voice IMMEDIATELY when we first talked in Chicago. When I got to Blackstone, I'd already rejected Keynes and he taught me why. (second-hand degree in finance), but there were FOUR college degrees under our Levittown roof and George was not missed by nosey neighbors playing "Where's George" with the Washington Post.
I was just getting the news LATE that the Kiowa Chief I called "Dad", passed away a day after I'd tried to call him. He was taking a nap when I called on the 8th.
...and our betters by extension. My teachers ROCKED...not perfect, but I defy any wisdom better than learning the difference between a good and a bad teacher from my own dinner table. If Howard wrote "Tangible Intangibles" in 1968, I've been hearing that argument since I was 3 years old.
And totally got it.
"Fuzzy Logic"? Dad made it a breeze.
I'm mourning a great man again. When the Kiowa family took care of me after the layoffs, when my bio-family couldn't be bothered, I tried to convert an old schoolhouse/chapel into a home for me and mini-me. I burst an appendix in the attempt....or it was that hotdog at the Comanche Nation Fair, but everybody but me would have guessed the horrendous medical treatment they dole out in Anadarko, OK. You can't hear or read about these things, you have to see it to believe it. Go figure me once removed from the "Show Me" state.
I'd been diagnosed with a severe case of sleep apnea in 99, when I FINALLY scored a gig with a PPO, but got laid off before I'd even finished arranging the house. My Reiki Master recognized the symptoms immediately when I fell asleep during a treatment. We knew something was wrong in the Navy, but they didn't know about it until the football players got it. My neck was normal when I met George, so I was only snoring by then.
(This is where I have trouble with linear's a kind of dyslexia that happens when forced to work with no real rest. It attacks your waking life. I was borderlined narcoleptic and the surgeries failed miserably. (tonsils and uvula were removed so I can't speak proper French anymore) As it turns out, Native languages are nasal and my cheekbones are a bit high. JW Ramsey's name is in the blue roll book, but our folks were labeled, "colored".
So, I passed through a dead zone (speed trap) called Blackwell, OK. It used to be a mining or oil town. That would be our Lexington, MO folks.
Carnegie, OK is the home of the Kiowas.
Billy Evans Horse's sister and her Cheyenne husband, Woody Whitecrow had me over for a visit. I took them as my folks the following year, but when we went to visit, Veronica and I rolled in just ahead of a BIG storm. It was my first time seeing such a show in such a huge sky! Even bigger than Kansas!
I still had a job when I visited, but moved there after I got laid off. There was no room at any of the Blackwell Inns. *cough*
Having turned off my tunes for baby music, I'd turned off the radio for the baby, so I had no idea what Slash was doing, when I drove to Peabody, KS from Chicago, I met Mother's cousin, Billie Marie Hudson who mispronounced "Ketoowah" like we all do and I asked if she meant "Kiowa". They had a Mustang Only car shop, so that's where we took my '83 Mustang GT 5.0 for that damned pall and quadrant problem. Veronica played with the kids and I went crazy over her photo album. She gave me duplicates, but I meant to return them after they'd been scanned. She was mourning the death of her husband, and we fit as much visiting as we could before heading out.
We'd already been to Cherokee, NC and Etowah Mounds (where something weird happened). We'd watched the Leonids outside the gates of those burial mounds that look like Egyptian pyramids with the tops cut off. Oddly, the Cutthroat Gap massacre happened during a Leonid year, just like that one.
The same end of days talk was going on when we lived in Miami, when that rock hit Jupiter. Veronica was into Sailor Moon and Venus was blindingly bright.
I used to doodle that sacred geometric shape when I was growing up.
I knew Geometry well, I tested badly and Algebra was worse. They were too linear and no matter what I did, besides sleep through class, I tested badly. My best friend's Aunt Marjorie Jones, was a "Spaulding", and was a retired teacher at Tasker Elementary School. I attended Martin Archbishop Spalding High School where bullying laws hadn't reached my school bus.
When I left in 1980, they were talking school vouchers, the entire bus knew how to pronounce "Oprah Winfrey", but that's about all I could do for them and went to Bowie High dressed like she-Carlton. My Church was the same as Ga-Ga's, Sacred Heart Church. The pastor, Father John Hogan, was a forgiven chain-smoking, alcoholic from the old school where we were known as "The black spot" on the congregation. I didn't know about that comment,, but figured it was what made me cry out, "What Time is IT?!" and the babies cried, "It's CLOBBERIN' TIME!"
I knew the family was not just pressed for time when I loaded my diaper on the way out the door. Mother used to say, "Thar she BLOWS!" and we'd be late for mass. I forgot about why they were so spastic about diaper disposal. They were concerned about DEMON worshipers stealing my diapers to do satanic rituals with my poop! We had to be careful of deviants who were jealous of who I could turn out to be, considering the star chart I was born under. Father's Day, 1965, born at GW Hospital makes me an 11-22-33 and people were afraid of what an early reader/talker..... the genetic recessive would do if she were born to TWO geniuses. The odds were looking bad for a Black Republican from SE DC, integrating Levittown So George left the Skins (not talking about it) and helped us move in. They can say what they want about what a fetus hears and knows, but I knew George's voice IMMEDIATELY when we first talked in Chicago. When I got to Blackstone, I'd already rejected Keynes and he taught me why. (second-hand degree in finance), but there were FOUR college degrees under our Levittown roof and George was not missed by nosey neighbors playing "Where's George" with the Washington Post.
Certs and teachers,
About those certs..... they aren't helpful
Hmm, there's a Bachelor's of Science degree laying around here somewhere.
I scanned a copy, but don't know where it is right now.
A racist sees the difference between races. It's a natural human instinct to know someone is different from oneself. And yes, we can TALK about racism freely to anyone we please, especially when a natural racist reflex turns into a bigoted notion that someone is bad or doing bad things under the presumption the person of that group is IGNORANT of ethics violations against them.
Speaking of broken laws and treaties,
Billy Evans Horse passed on August 9.
He was asleep when I called the other day.... I was overqualified to Carnegie, OK too, but I really wanted to do some good for my folks.
Hmm, there's a Bachelor's of Science degree laying around here somewhere.
I scanned a copy, but don't know where it is right now.
A racist sees the difference between races. It's a natural human instinct to know someone is different from oneself. And yes, we can TALK about racism freely to anyone we please, especially when a natural racist reflex turns into a bigoted notion that someone is bad or doing bad things under the presumption the person of that group is IGNORANT of ethics violations against them.
Speaking of broken laws and treaties,
Billy Evans Horse passed on August 9.
He was asleep when I called the other day.... I was overqualified to Carnegie, OK too, but I really wanted to do some good for my folks.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Muse - Knights Of Cydonia (Video)
This is a band that knows WHY GOD INVENTED THE INTERNET
Muse teasing my ancestors again. Our folks grew up outside of Dodge, KS
which was a border town between abolitionists like the folks who went
there by train or wagon train. Outlaws robbed the banks and burned the
town halls holding vital statistic records in order to cover their
tracks. The genealogy circles moaned about it for years. Our research
hit roadblocks for years. We found a Peabody,KS record of folks named
"Ramsey" (highlanders), who were listed as Chinese, Black, White, and
colored was code for NDNs who were known to cut their hair to be counted
as white, or "civilized" by slavery. smdh
So, we have the names of Grant and Lee on both sides of the family. It seems the Grants were Osage and the Lee's were Choctaw.
Ramsey/Anderson folks came from Bavaria and sailed under the banner of
Scottish monarchy from 1635 True Love under Master Gibbs, (Mr. Gibbs) from the Black Pearl/Sparrow?
We have "Master Blackwell" on the 1635 "The Expedition"
Elizabeth Blackwell was from Oxford. I guess she's a great aunt, since she had no kids of her own (?)
Hans Christian Anderson had no kids of his own, but Uncle Tommy met some folks in Berlin while he was stationed in the Army, during Korea or 'Nam. Grandma's land intended for him went to Medicare and no one paid the taxes on the land Mother left to me.
There were true knights from all over the world
settling the lands around Crown Center Mall (Kansas City, MO) by the
1800s. There are very few known Blackwells of Lexington, MO. In the
Victorian era, Elizabeth Blackwell was shunned as some Grimm fairy tale
vampire. Looks like the corporate plantation, brought on the Spanish Inquisition, for fear of being held accountable.
tsk tsk tsk
Sunday, August 10, 2014
It's Still Rock and Roll To Me Billy Joel-Lyrics
Beau Brummell? In Prince George's County, (Levittown cough), I was a pretty pissed off BLACKWELL!
..yeah, we were all teenaged diplomats, so what's with all the NIMBY....AGAIN?
100% PHYSICALLY disabled and these bitches think I don't see what I'm
looking at? I had the best time at the mall with an autistic kid a few
years younger than my daughter!
This is Art Therapy today as it
was when we were hiking up our Catholic Schools that had me wearing the
WRONG plaids! I didn't know which ones, but I knew they weren't mine.
When they asked me who I thought I was.... I was being TOLD to tell them nicely when I wanted to scream,
Especially to those nasty little cross-burners.... They weren't even HOUSEBROKEN!
And they wonder why we're thinking like a pirate after hacking everything we built?
Even when we play by all the legalities they keep smacking us around with?
Muze Ackland Productions is 100% Bona-Fide 3D FREE studio space on the cloud.
When I get something back on my investment
(every dime I've ever spent for the past 30 years is a good start)
several patents pending, but I'm STILL a Lexington Blackwell, BIOTCHES!
Dinos rule the net
and genius is sexy as hell!
And freedom of speech still goes BOTH ways!
Nobody was bitchin' when I was chained to Beethoven for the conservatives to enjoy.....
For fuck's sake! The man was so MOROSE!
What kind of sick fuck expects a kid playing Beethoven, reading 1984,
with a familiy that went back to Oxford,
to be happy about losing Loyola AFTER kicking the curve at Mt. Holyoke's Summermath? And ending up with a lousy BS from DeVRY!?
I'll let you know when I'm the EMPLOYER I'm supposed to be and that means a HARD-CORE tax payer...
Oh yeah... believe you me, I'm TAXED!
And evicted in 6 days because people can't see how much pain they caused when I was and still am 100% PHYSICALLY disabled. I've been networking this project for decades, backlogged since about '04. Oklahoma refused to help when I was 40, claiming I was too young.
by then, I was already breaking teeth from grinding them....IN MY SLEEP, so I didn't realize it and the dentist didn't catch it in time.
It's Still Rock and Roll To Me Billy Joel-Lyrics
Beau Brummell? In Prince George's County, (Levittown cough), I was a pretty pissed off BLACKWELL!
..yeah, we were all teenaged diplomats, so what's with all the NIMBY....AGAIN?
100% PHYSICALLY disabled and these bitches think I don't see what I'm
looking at? I had the best time at the mall with an autistic kid a few
years younger than my daughter!
This is Art Therapy today as it
was when we were hiking up our Catholic Schools that had me wearing the
WRONG plaids! I didn't know which ones, but I knew they weren't mine.
When they asked me who I thought I was.... I was being TOLD to tell them nicely when I wanted to scream,
Especially to those filthy Glen Beck types....GADS!
They're not even HOUSEBROKEN!
And they wonder why we're thinking like a pirate after hacking everything we built?
Even when we play by all the legalities they keep smacking us around with?
Muze Ackland Productions is 100% Bona-Fide 3D FREE studio space on the cloud.
When I get something back on my investment
(every dime I've ever spent for the past 30 years is a good start)
several patents pending, but I'm STILL a Lexington Blackwell, BIOTCHES!
Dinos rule the net
and genius is sexy as hell!
And freedom of speech still goes BOTH ways!
Nobody was bitchin' when I was chained to Beethoven for the conservatives to enjoy.....
For fuck's sake! The man was so MOROSE!
What kind of sick fuck expects a kid playing Beethoven, reading 1984,
with a familiy that went back to Oxford,
to be happy about losing Loyola AFTER kicking the curve at Mt. Holyoke's Summermath?
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Hoist the colors - Pirates of the Caribbean (FULL SONG WITH LYRICS!)
The king and his men,
Stole the Queen from her bed,
And bound her in her Bones,
The seas be ours,
And by the powers,
Where we will, we'll roam.
Yo Ho, haul together,
Hoist the colours high,
Heave Ho, Theives and Beggars,
Never Shall We Die!
Some men have died,
And some are alive,
And others sail on the sea,
With the keys to the cage...
And the Devil to pay,
We lay to Fiddler's Green!
The Bell has been raised,
From it's watery grave...
Do you hear it's sepulchral tone?
We are a call to all,
Pay heed the squall,
And turn your sail toward home!
Yo Ho haul, together,
Hoist the colours high
Heave Ho, Theives and Beggars,
Never Shall We Die!
The king and his men,
Stole the Queen from her bed,
And bound her in her Bones,
The seas be ours,
Yo Ho haul, together,
Hoist the colours high
Heave Ho, Theives and Beggars,
Never Shall We Die!
Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever (Lyrics)
More about why we love trains and ships....
When it finally came down to the difference between the extremes who insist I fear my GOD...
I'll laugh in their face when those who murder their lives in fear,
tell me what they fear losing is their LIFE!
"Your LIFE?!?"
and it's followed by "GET OUT OF MY FACE!"
With all due respect to the pirates who defended the 1635 True Love even if it meant being consigned to the BRINEY DEEP!
Friday, August 8, 2014
"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)
The Levittowners kept this hit high on it's playlist and committed to long term memory.
No one really wants to hear the actual Levittown@Belair, Bowie, MD's version
because it came out, "BLUE MEANIES" around "The Pit" in the woods we KNEW were haunted.
It was built on top of a tobacco plantation... thus, "B'lair Witch"
The neighborhood was "Belle Aire" misspelled as "Belair" and as the French slurred, it came out "Blair"
Mr. LeBlanc, my French teacher at Bowie High, did the most filarious imitation of "Pepe le Pew" we ever heard. He also taught German, but I didn't get in that class. His star student taught me how to shout "nice ass" at him for writing on the board in those tight, white, Sasson jeans. How many shades of red did he turn? Several..but we couldn't stop laughing because we knew better......we just couldn't help it! We didn't want to get him into trouble for teaching us how uptight the French see US.
Being raised on "Dr. Doolittle", "Eliza Doolittle", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "Queen",
you know.... REPUBLICANS!
Do not ask me what these DIXIECRATS think this means, but if we take the greed and translate it to the corporate plantation.... if they want an Oligarchy,
President Obama is CEO of USA, Inc and by MY crown, he's my proxy.
And I think We the People demanded PROTECTION for our CREW of the HMS USA.
I don't know the standard protocol for declaring myself a GLOBAL citizen on behalf of the captains and crew of my family, but when I figure out how to do this,
I'll be checking in for the forgotten legacies of the ships and mates who remained FAITHFUL to the creeds they swore allegiances to....BEFORE so many treaties were broken.
While we waited our turn to honor our Fathers and Mothers, faithful to GOD as our foundation, we KNEW our mileage was intended to vary in the pursuit of happiness.
"The French don't care too much, WHAT they do, as long as it's PRONOUNCED correctly"
We not only learned how to pronounce it, spell it and commit it to MEMORY!
I grew up knowing better than to write things down until I'd scouted out the situation at hand.
We were raised to be GREATLY OFFENDED by the perception of stupid put on us due to outward appearances. I was taught how NOT to talk about it....but understand how and when to state the obvious to the morally deficient, bloviating ignoramus
And yes, "bloviating" IS a word now, dammit!
(eyestrain is an issue, so deal with the typos until I get time to edit with the right glasses or that Dragon software I can't afford yet.)
/me points to paypal button
(Though I'm only ACTUALLY guilty of being a bit late with the rent at this point, I'm still getting evicted and need moving expenses while Craig's list stops listing so many lost leaders like this "would have been a nice place to recover from the past 30 years of NOT at all, newly- mowed BULLSHIT!)
So, we ran around the playground yelling and spelling,
"Super-cali-fragil-istic ..." and "Anti-disestablishment Anti-Arianism"
and other choice words and phrases that were NOT cuss words, but still kinda pissed of our educators.
We were allowed to debate things .....up to a point.
In turn, I permitted my own daughter to debate me......until my VETO powers kicked in as dictated by her MOTHER!
Yes, mother's get EXTREME veto powers over our progeny WHEN it comes to their building a respectful defense as Newtonian physics proved BY LAWs of GOD and MAN until further fucking notice..... by their CREATORS.
And if men at some point pull a goof against nature,
AND somehow end up actually bringing a life into the world artificially,
Good luck with that "GOD" factor that makes love,art and passion for GOOD,
the domain of WOMANHOOD. have more muscles.
and that's very nice....but
If they are used to oppress a woman, or mis-direct a woman.....
you've created an ENABLER!
And this is a very bad thing...
I rate my pain against hard labor induced by Pitocin.
Whatcha got, hotshot? got shot in the ass.....awww,
culito de rana
section had it's own elementary school. I attended Buckingham
Elementary School and to keep kids from getting lost, all of the street
names started with the letter "B". I didn't grow up on "Blackwell Lane"
because blacks couldn't buy homes there.
I'm sure Dad was a bit butthurt about that....since we were talking about his own freakin' street n all.
wanted to teach in the Levittown schools when she got her master's in
education. That was the minimum requirement for Prince George's County.
taught 3rd grade in DC and with the boomers in school themselves, she
was looking to go back to school but Dad refused the free vasectomy and
the rhythm method wasn't exactly reliable.
With the civil rights
movement making things in Anacostia unsafe for uppity black folks and
presumed "mixed" couples. (Mother was not Italian and neither is my big
The apartment now renting for $1300/mo on Shipley Terrace
was not big enough for a family of 5 and the boomers were getting too
old to share a room.
There was no time to build a house, and you
couldn't build one in a Levittown school since no one
would sell Dad a real house, he picked up a Levittown rancher from an
Army guy with orders. The homes were rated to fit an E-4 enlisted
income. The house was on the other side of Buckingham Elementary where
Blackwell Lane was. Dad worked at the base so his commute was a breeze
from the Rt 3 side.
Since the town was already known as "Bowie" (pronounced like a floater,not like the knife)
knew the street was named after somebody of import, but being bullied
by Mayflower brats, we were supposed to have dumped that
teenage-diplomat stuff.
We knew sailors spent a lot of time reading while out to sea, so naturally, I was reading Pooh by age 4
Thursday, August 7, 2014
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